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View Full Version : "Our" club Trophy is ON THE LINE AGAIN!

Paul Workman
09-20-2014, 06:53 PM
Just a week from tomorrow, and the TEAM TROPHY is up for grabs again!

The Crown Point Corvette Club's 7th annual Corvette Challenge is SUNDAY, SEPT 28TH! For those that have not been, or would like to be, this event has become a friendly grudge match between the ZR-1s/FBI gang and the rest of the Chicagoland area Corvette clubs.

It started some 6 years ago with Pete and Dominic and myself attended the first shootout. And, being noobies, AND almost the only C4s among dozens of C5s, there were some very vocal "C4 poo-pooing" going on from the rest of the Chicagoland Corvette clubs when Pete lined up his mean green machine against one of their own. Well, Pete shot an 11.4x - blowing the C5 out of the water! And, to prove it wasn't a fluke, he did it again. Dominic then lined up and once again the other club was left behind.

A murmur swept over the "peanut gallery" as Pete came to the line the third time - but NO boasting by now. Again, one of theirs was blown away, and Dominic too passed another challenger to the finish line.

I couldn't stand it being just a spectator anymore, so I lined up my then stock Z for my first official run, along side a C5. He jumped me at the light by a car and a half, but as these Zs so often do, I was able to reel him in at the "big end". Oh, if we had only entered the competition officially, we'd have taken the team trophy that day too.

In the years that followed, weather and mechanical issues and a rule change* kept us out of the winner's circle. But in 2011 and 2013 the FBI gang was able to best all comers and take home the big prize!

Oh, you can bet those other clubs are out to get the FBI/ZR-1s now!! So, whether you can race or bet there for support, we hope you can make it to the track on Sunday, Sept 28th!

So! I propose a PIZZA NIGHT this FRIDAY 9/26th AT HOME RUN PIZZA where we can gird our loins for the battle, and raise a glass to the trophy well have as a CENTERPIECE! LONG LIVE THE ZR-1!!!!

http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x220/6PPC_bucket/Vettes/MarcBBQ2012002.jpg (http://s185.photobucket.com/user/6PPC_bucket/media/Vettes/MarcBBQ2012002.jpg.html)
http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x220/6PPC_bucket/Vettes/FBIteamchamps.jpg (http://s185.photobucket.com/user/6PPC_bucket/media/Vettes/FBIteamchamps.jpg.html)

Link to CPCC info (http://crownpointvettes.org/2014dragdayflyer.pdf)


No Limit Raceway
2695 West 50 South
Morocco, IN 47963

09-21-2014, 03:43 PM
What track?

09-21-2014, 04:48 PM
US41 or whatever it is called now.

I will be at pizza Friday

09-22-2014, 11:51 AM
email I sent out:

Paul had mentioned on one of his posts ont he ZR-1 Registry forum about a Pizza Night this Friday.. So here is the 'official' email

Friday Sept 26th

6pm until ?
Home Run Inn
1480 West Lake St
Addison Il

I know there are a couple people I talked to at Marc's BBQ in the spring and I cannot remember their names or find the email address for them. Anyway forward this on to anyone I missed..

Hope to see you there

Paul Workman
09-22-2014, 04:42 PM
What track?

Here's the link to the track, which is on US-41, south of US 30 and north of Morocco, IN.

Also, there is a pizza night scheduled for Friday after work - sort of a kick-off rally for Sunday's race! Y'all come!

Home Run Pizza in Addison ( on Lake Street, half mile EAST of I-355)

1480 W. Lake St. Addison, IL 60101

Paul Workman
09-29-2014, 03:35 PM
Well, it came home, once again!!

This was in spite of some excellent times turned in by some other of the drivers, and Pete's Mean Green Machine suffered a mechanical problem while doing a burnout. Dominic and Kevin didn't show due to other commitments, but the rest of the usual crew showed up to take the trophy again.

Competition is getting tougher every year. There was a time when my stock LT5 would have been in the running. Not this time. The weather was warm and the times were not the best, but the big guns were there in force! And, there were a half dozen C7s in the mix; one of them was tricked out and turned in a 140 mph speed! Yowzah!