View Full Version : Morris, IL Cruise Night Aug 13, 2016

06-28-2016, 10:53 AM
The Morris, Illinois Lion's Club Sponsors a Cruise Night the second Saturday of the month from June through October.

Would any ZR1 owners or club members be interested in attending on August 13, 2016? If there are enough people interested in attending I could help coordinate a group parking area for the evening.

Morris is approximately 23 miles west of Joliet at the intersection of Interstate 80 and Illinois Route 47. Morris closes the downtown area for the Cruise Night and it is not unusual for 700+ cars to show up.

The Cruise Night has a $10 entry fee which goes to various Lion's Club charities depending on month. The entry fee includes three raffle tickets for the 50/50 Drawing which has exceeded $3000 the last few cruises.

If you are interested in attending, please send me an Email along with your contact information. We would likely meet in the Morris Walmart Parking Lot at 2:30 PM and enter the downtown area around 3:00 PM. The Cruise Night goes on to almost 9:00 PM.

Folks who need to arrive later can be directed to our parking area when they arrive. So let me know if you can meet in the Walmart Lot or if you need to come later.

There is no rain date and the Morris Cruise Night is held rain or shine. But if it rains I understand if folks don't want to take their cars out in inclement weather.

Please contact me at mcich7781@aol.com (mcich7781@aol.com) if you are interested in attending.

I would like to have a number by the end of July so I can contact the Lion’s Club and arrange a parking area.

Mike Cichon (815) 979 4803

Paul Workman
07-10-2016, 10:01 PM
Sign Ami and me up! Looking forward to it!

Should we also pick a restaurant for the group to grab a bite and BS?? There's a Mexican place (La Mex??) that has pretty good food and not expensive. Just a thought.

Paul Workman
07-30-2016, 08:03 PM
Two weeks away..!

Who's going to be joining the group? Post up/ email Mike soze Mike has an idea of how many to expect. mcich7781@aol.com

So far, it is

Paul 1990 ZR-1
Ami 1991 ZR-1 (aka, the Turq Monster!)

Paul Workman
08-12-2016, 10:44 AM
TOMORROW is the 13th! Post up!:cheers: