Paul Workman
05-25-2018, 01:57 PM
Paul (aka wdo-mkr) Bolsendahl is going to be in town Saturday 5-26 and would like to meet some of the FBI gang if anyone can make it (on short notice).
I suggested our usual, "Shoeless Joe's" on Lake Street, Addison, say 'bout 6PM.
I sent an email to everyone, but in case you missed it, I'm posting it here too.
Anyway, post up here if you can make it and let me know. OR...maybe someone close can have him over to their house for brews and hot dogs or??
Let me know, and I'll pass it on to him soze you can hook up!
OR, his phone is (registered as) 248-521-4110
I suggested our usual, "Shoeless Joe's" on Lake Street, Addison, say 'bout 6PM.
I sent an email to everyone, but in case you missed it, I'm posting it here too.
Anyway, post up here if you can make it and let me know. OR...maybe someone close can have him over to their house for brews and hot dogs or??
Let me know, and I'll pass it on to him soze you can hook up!
OR, his phone is (registered as) 248-521-4110