View Full Version : Crown Point Shootout: Post Script-

Paul Workman
09-12-2012, 10:51 AM
For your reading pleasure, I thought I'd share an email I sent to Bill Gnerlich (CPCC President), thanking him for another excellent opportunity to get together for some racing and mingling with other Corvette Clubs. And, his response and thoughts about future expansion? Have a look.

Hi Paul, thanks for the kind words. I hope you and your club enjoyed themselves. I'm sorry for all the delays with the track. I wish it would have gone a little smoother and we could have got done sooner. I am going to look into renting the track just for our shootout and see what the cost would be. I'm going to be sending out a proposal to all the clubs to see if they would want to share the cost of the track just for us and we would not have to worry about any other cars being there. Again, I am not sure what the cost would be but I want to give you a heads up. We would also have to see if any other clubs would want to help share the cost. Otherwise, we will just keep it the same as always. I just wish the track would use some of the money they make out there on some little improvements. Sorry for your clubs loss but like they say, there's always next year !! Thanks again for your nice comments and I shared them with our club members. Have a great Holiday and see you next year!!


--- On Mon, 9/10/12, Paul Workman <paul.workman@pirtano.com> wrote:

From: Paul Workman <paul.workman@pirtano.com>
Subject: Corvette Shootout!
To: "'BILL GNERLICH'" <bgfirefighter@yahoo.com>
Date: Monday, September 10, 2012, 5:29 PM

On behalf of the ZR-1 Registry gang, I just wanted to extend our heartfelt thanks to you and CPCC for hosting another terrific get together! Wow! Did we all have fun, and got to meet and talk with you and some of the other club’s members too. The first Shootout, some several years ago there were 3 of the ZR-1 gang there. Yesterday there were 14, from as far as Cincinnati, OH, MI, WI. Having hosted score events with several classes, I can appreciate how organized your team was, and how smoothly y’all were able to tally the final results so quickly. You and they are to be congratulated!

Well, with regrets we had to relinquish the team trophy. Stuff broke, but that’s racing, I recon. But, hopefully you’ll be doing this again, and if I may paraphrase AHrnald…”We’ll be BACK”!

Paul Workman
East Central Regional Director
Brothers of the BEAST; ZR-1 Registry

Paul Workman
09-13-2012, 06:18 PM
More details...

A little hard getting a nose count when people are in the que or otherwise in and out, but the unofficial total was 14 cars!


Attending were:

FBI Kevin (441)
FBI Al Dashto (FBI 441)
FBI Bob G (FBI 427)
FBI Pete (fully ported/cammed 350)
FBI Marc Haibeck (fully ported 350)
FBI Dominic Sorresso (fully ported/cammed 350)
FBI Brett (fully ported/cammed 350)
FBI Lee (one of 2 modded Zs)
FBI Paul (fully ported 350)
Joe Thomas (stock 95) Honorary FBI gang :-)
FBI Mat (turbo 350)
FBI Broady
FBI Kevin ___ from down state

AND, I know of at least one more (Indiana Z member - who's name I did not capture (please forgive me!), IF NOT two (things got a bit bizzy between driving and recording and rooting the guys on!). So, if you see this post, and not your name, help me out! Oh, and a thumbnail of your car would be nice.

The new BANNER arrived just in time, and pictured are most of the same criminals pictured last year


Congratz to Marc for top honors in the bracket racing!


And, congratz to Al for lowest ET


Gotta get that tire pressure right!


Brody was having too much fun. I lost count of the number of passes he made. Definately got his $35 worth!


I have a few videos too, but it is a new (Cannon) digital, and when I tried to download the codex, my chitty old computer liked to have had a heart attack! New 'pooter is in the wings, but in the mean time maybe I can do a "work around" - just copy them to Photobucket directly maybe??

Too much fun (if that is ever possible!)! Really looking forward to next year. Hoping for even MORE participation. So, pass the word!


09-13-2012, 07:49 PM
More details...

A little hard getting a nose count when people are in the que or otherwise in and out, but the unofficial total was 14 cars!


Attending were:

FBI Kevin (441)
FBI Al Dashto (FBI 441)
FBI Bob G (FBI 427)
FBI Pete (fully ported/cammed 350)
FBI Marc Haibeck (fully ported 350)
FBI Dominic Sorresso (fully ported/cammed 350)
FBI Brett (fully ported/cammed 350)
FBI Lee (one of 2 modded Zs)
FBI Paul (fully ported 350)
Joe Thomas (stock 95) Honorary FBI gang :-)
FBI Mat (turbo 350)
FBI Broady
FBI Kevin ___ from down state

AND, I know of at least one more (Indiana Z member - who's name I did not capture (please forgive me!), IF NOT two (things got a bit bizzy between driving and recording and rooting the guys on!). So, if you see this post, and not your name, help me out! Oh, and a thumbnail of your car would be nice.

The new BANNER arrived just in time, and pictured are most of the same criminals pictured last year


Congratz to Marc for top honors in the bracket racing!


And, congratz to Al for lowest ET


Gotta get that tire pressure right!


Brody was having too much fun. I lost count of the number of passes he made. Definately got his $35 worth!


I have a few videos too, but it is a new (Cannon) digital, and when I tried to download the codex, my chitty old computer liked to have had a heart attack! New 'pooter is in the wings, but in the mean time maybe I can do a "work around" - just copy them to Photobucket directly maybe??

Too much fun (if that is ever possible!)! Really looking forward to next year. Hoping for even MORE participation. So, pass the word!


That is Dennis from Ohio standing next to Al and Tracey next to Dennis?

Paul Workman
09-13-2012, 08:32 PM
That is Dennis from Ohio standing next to Al and Tracey next to Dennis?

Thanks Joe. (Bad as I am with names, I should never do lists!)


Top Toy
09-13-2012, 09:36 PM
Yes, that's me (Dennis Derr) and Tracy Maher, the Cincinnati contingent! Was worth every mile! Set a new PR for trap speed -- 119.99 (is it okay to call it 120?). Times were pitiful, though, with a 2.1 60' and 12.5 1/4 on my street tires. Too chicken to strap on slicks -- don't want to join the broken spindle club. :)

Paul Workman
09-14-2012, 05:37 AM
Yes, that's me (Dennis Derr) and Tracy Maher, the Cincinnati contingent! Was worth every mile! Set a new PR for trap speed -- 119.99 (is it okay to call it 120?). Times were pitiful, though, with a 2.1 60' and 12.5 1/4 on my street tires. Too chicken to strap on slicks -- don't want to join the broken spindle club. :)

Are you sure you didn't have my time slips Dennis? Mine are almost identical!


09-14-2012, 08:46 AM
Yes, that's me (Dennis Derr) and Tracy Maher, the Cincinnati contingent! Was worth every mile! Set a new PR for trap speed -- 119.99 (is it okay to call it 120?). Times were pitiful, though, with a 2.1 60' and 12.5 1/4 on my street tires. Too chicken to strap on slicks -- don't want to join the broken spindle club. :)


Al has a cure for your spindlephobia!

09-14-2012, 08:16 PM
Dennis,did Tracey happen to video my first run?

If so post up or email it to me.


09-15-2012, 12:44 PM
Anybody get any vids they're going to post?

Top Toy
09-16-2012, 09:24 PM
Tracy took quite a few videos with his iphone. He's checking to see if he has Pete's run. I've got one of my runs. Unfortunately, very poor resolution. But the sound is great! :) I'll post whatever I get.

09-16-2012, 09:45 PM

Check out this website page

Some familiar names there.

Pics from a more triumphant day!
