View Full Version : Haibeck BBQ Sunday April 27

03-26-2014, 11:04 AM
As posted in the general section, Marc says his BBQ is planned for Sunday April 27. I assume about 1 PM unless I hear a more correct time as we get closer. --Bob

Paul Workman
04-26-2014, 01:07 PM
Me too, Bob! Ami is bringing her chocolate Lasagna again, and I snagged a beef tenderloin to grill too. Should be a great time!


04-26-2014, 02:31 PM
Me too, Bob! Ami is bringing her chocolate Lasagna again, and I snagged a beef tenderloin to grill too. Should be a great time! P.

See you there, rain or shine. BTW rain is supposed to be tonight then quit in the late AM then pick up again in the evening so hopefully it won't be too damp!--Bob