View Full Version : Road America; Corvette Tribute 8/21/11

04-30-2011, 09:13 AM
world tribute

Print your forms HERE (https://www.roadamerica.com/userfiles/file/events/CORVETTE%20WORLD%20TRIBUTE/CORVETT%20WORLD%20TRIBUTE%20Entry%20Form.pdf)

Sunday, August 21, 2011 https://www.roadamerica.com/userfiles/image/Buttons/btn_buyTickets.png (https://www.roadamerica.com/store/products.aspx?catid=10)

All racers, performance enthusiasts, collectors, hobbyists and fans
are invited to participate in this special gathering.
The Corvette-only day will include:

a racer?s reunion
races for club and pro series?vintage, historic and contemporary
a concours with expert and people?s choice awards
special guests and presentations
4-mile track touring
parade laps
vendor marketplace
Road America is working with the Registry of Corvette Race Cars (RCRC) to coordinate the Corvette World Tribute. The RCRC is the world?s largest online resource for information and photos of Corvette race cars of every generation (C1 through C6) that have raced under the sanction of a variety of series recognized by the FIA. RCRC?s website is www.registryofcorvetteracecars.com. Road America will manage car owner/driver event registration. For more information and to sign up for electronic event updates, email Jan Hyde: jhyde@nyc.rr.com (javascript:location.href='mailto:'+String.fromCha rCode(106,104,121,100,101,64,110,121,99,46,114,114 ,46,99,111,109)+'?subject=Road%20America%20-%20CWT') or visit the Corvette World Registry website (http://registryofcorvetteracecars.com/)

05-05-2011, 10:54 AM
I was supposed to head up with Don for both days....Don then remembered he is in Canada that week.....so if anyone is looking to attend both the ALMS race and Sunday event, let me know