View Full Version : I can laugh about it now. Whaddya think JThomas?

09-07-2021, 09:55 AM
We?ve been having some decent weather here in the Midwest, so it was time for an FBI Pizza Night where we could dine outside. Paul Workman was coming up from Missouri so he organized this one. Had a good turnout. We all met at about 6-6:30 but by the time we wrapped up it was dark. A lovely balmy night, and I decided to take the long way home and let ROZA stretch its legs a bit on I90. The stretch from O?hare out towards Rockford had been recently widened to 4 lanes each side, so that stretch to Elgin has become a bit of a ?racetrack? with 75+mph being a minimum required speed. I was in the ?hammer? lane not exceeding by much the speed of everyone else around me when the red/white/blue lights of what seemed to be a GMC Tahoe came on behind me. CRAP!
I get the ZR pulled over 4 lanes of traffic and onto the shoulder. Window down w my DL ready to hand over. A younger looking trooper walks over. Of course I greet him politely. He immediately tells me that he?s stopped me but would just be issuing me a ?warning? because he has to have reason for stopping me. And the reason he stopped me was because I was changing lanes without using my turn signal. He said he had been following me for the last 3 miles.
Then he looks the ZR over and says, ?Are those 305s you have in the back??
I respond, ?No officer, those are 325s and I used to have 345s?. He smiled, took my license and then told me that he is just going to check things out. 5 minutes later, he comes back, gives me my license and tells me to drive safely.

My suspicion is that he may have possibly never seen a ZR-1 before. Some people refer to C4 ZR-1s as the Unicorn of Corvettes 😅😉

Maybe Joe Thomas may want to provide his take on this?

09-07-2021, 11:43 PM
Glad you made it out unscathed! State Troopers always have to ruin the fun. Luckily you were pulled over by a nice one.

I prefer the empty 2-lane roads in farmland west of the suburbs for short but spirited runs. Not many curves, but the long flat roads are good.

Sent from my iPhone using ZR-1 Net Registry (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)

09-08-2021, 09:15 AM
I do quite a bit of driving on backroads out towards Sycamore and Hampshire especially during my datalogging sessions. Not totally deserted but I also like to mix that up w Interstate speeds. And at night, its somewhat safer w/o meeting up w deer.
I recall another time in my 92 Aqua ZR, when an Indiana trooper on a motorcycle came up from behind, stayed there a bit and then pulled up next to me and gave me thumbs up w a big smile on his face.

09-12-2021, 05:53 PM
Naughty naughty Dom. This has never happened to anyone here before. Glad you came out unscathed :cheers:

12-01-2021, 10:31 AM

Sorry I'm three months late seeing this thread. Seems to me he either did not have a good "pace clock" or any other confirmed evidence of speed so he decided to simply check you out, and as long as everything was legit, meaning license, registration, and insurance, he would give you the warning and let you be on your way. As you know, a lot of officers are car enthusiasts, sports junkies, fathers, brothers, husbands, you know, "Regular Guys" that can appreciate cool cars. He may have just decided, "cool car, nice guy" I will let him off with a warning. Next time we're together, I will have to tell you my story about a ZR-1 owner and I-94, back in the day. :thumbsup:

12-01-2021, 07:50 PM

Look forward to hearing the story. He said he had been following me for 3miles. Also, I lowered my window and before I could say a word, he told me he was NOT giving me a ticket. And as I gave him my D/L, he explained he had to have a reason for stopping me which was not using my lane change signal. Then he turned and asked me if my rear tires were 305s, to which I responded that they were 325s. And that I had just replaced a set of 345s. He didn?t write up any ?warning?. :saluting::thumbsup:

12-01-2021, 09:54 PM
In Michigan, a warning was just verbal. Name and vehicle information documented on the daily form but no paper given to the motorist. Sounds like a car enthusiast looking for a reason to check out the car. :thumbsup:

12-02-2021, 09:46 AM
In Michigan, a warning was just verbal. Name and vehicle information documented on the daily form but no paper given to the motorist. Sounds like a car enthusiast looking for a reason to check out the car. :thumbsup:

He was a younger person, and that was my suspicion also. Some say that the
C4 ZR-1 is like a unicorn. Rarely if ever seen in its natural habitat. And given the lack of obvious distinctions, easily misjudged as a base C4. So given the officer?s age, mine may have been one of the few he?s ever seen running out there in the wild.

12-02-2021, 04:59 PM
I still love it when you open the hood and someone says, "Where'd you get that motor from, and why did you put it in there?" So begins the education of the ZR-1.

Then you have those that look in awe and say, "I've heard about that car or remember why i was a kid reading about, but I've never seen one in real life".

That's the fun part of the hobby for me. :thumbsup: