View Full Version : East Central Region

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  1. For the "INDY" area guys...
  2. Morris, IL Cruise Night Aug 13, 2016
  3. CPCC Corvette Shootout Sept 25th!
  4. NHRA Mellow Yellow dragracing at Rt 66
  5. Indiana WANNAGOFAST event
  6. Fall Corvette Adventures - Wisconsin
  7. For you Z brothers down near Davenport IA...
  8. Carlisle to Chicago
  9. Calling all the BIG GUNS of the ZR-1 gang!
  10. Car in Madison , Wisconsin
  12. FBI & friends PIZZA NITE 10/28
  13. Cajun Connection
  14. Cajun Connection run Saturday 10/15!
  15. All CORVETTE indoor show 4-30-17 at HAWK CHEVROLET
  16. FBI Pizza celibration night this FRIDAY 3-24
  17. Any Michigan ZR-1 people?
  18. Iowa Speedway May 27-29
  19. Morris, IL Cruise Night July 8, 2017
  20. Zoom Get together
  21. Crown Point Corvette Club Corvette Shootout
  22. Let's do some PIZZA n brews! Aug 18th
  23. MN Cars and Coffee 9/2/17
  24. Mid America's Corvette FUN FEST!
  25. New member / ZR-1 Owner -Detroit
  26. FBI Pizza night this FRIDAY 11-3
  27. Time to welcome the new (driving) season!
  28. An FBI meet and greet invite from Fast Glass
  29. Welcome new FBI member!
  30. Marc Haibeck's BBQ this SUNDAY 5-27
  31. Pizza on Saturday nite??
  32. Anyone near Peoria IL to look at a non corvette
  33. Advantage Chevy Corvette and Camaro Show Today 6/3, Hodgkins Illinois
  34. Father's Day Corvette and Chevy Show Libertyville IL
  35. 1991 white/red zr-1 #1127
  36. Morris IL car show!
  37. Anybody near Milan, Indiana?
  38. Anyone in Cedar Rapids IA?
  39. Dinner sept 3rd - chi town - calling fbi!
  40. FBI PIZZA night this FRIDAY 9-14
  41. Last MORRIS CRUISE NITE of 2018
  42. Edgewater black '90Z
  43. Watch "2018 Muscle Car And Corvette Nationals Preview : Muscle Car Of The Week Episod
  44. Pizzahhhh!!
  45. April 28, 2019 Hawk Chevrolet Joliet, IL Indoor Corvette Show
  46. It's finally car time in MN. Anybody planning on hitting the shows?
  47. August 10 Morris, IL Cruise Night
  48. Another Chicago area show--Tony Gaples' Black Dog Speed Shop Sat. Aug. 24
  49. Vettes on the River, LeClaire, Iowa August 24, 2019
  50. Pizza nite Friday Nov 22
  51. ZOOM Diner Night??
  52. FBI PIZZA nite MARCH 6th
  53. Hot Rod Power Tour, Vettes on the River
  54. Last Plainfield IL Cruise Night Tusday 8/25
  55. Michigan Caravan to Marc's Barbaque
  56. Vettes on the River, August 28th
  57. I can laugh about it now. Whaddya think JThomas?
  58. mcich7781 - your car in an ad on Facebook
  59. Road America 2022
  60. 2022 Vettes on the River August 27th
  61. Fairfax Labor Day Car Show
  62. Pizza Night Dec 9th Addison IL
  63. 2023 Vettes on the River LeClaire, Iowa August 26th
  64. Corvette Cruise Nights
  65. Northern Virginia Vettes for Vets Car show
  66. Grand Rapids Metro Cruise
  67. Corvette classic services, ohio
  68. Vettes on the River 2025 LeClaire, Iowa