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Old 11-22-2020   #31
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Default Re: New ZR-1. New Issue. Stalling Once Warm.

It would seem that my ZR-1 is back up and running again. The biggest problem? An idiot mechanic. I'm more pissed off then I can say. Yes, a lot of stuff got done, most of which is really good maintenance work. However, It cost me the entire fall driving season. Which pisses me off the most.

Anyhow, I finally got fed up with this guys incompetence, and towed it 2 hours to someone I understand had experience with the LT5. Anyway, 4 hours of maintenance time, and they had the problem found.

I'm pretty much a forgive and forget kind of guy, but thoughts of suing the first mechanic keep popping up in my head.

I hope to have the car back in the next couple of days. Once I've driven it and found it to be sound, I'll post more!
1990 ZR-1 # 996

"All Corvettes are red. The rest are mistakes." - John Heinricy
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Old 11-24-2020   #32
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Default Re: New ZR-1. New Issue. Stalling Once Warm.

Originally Posted by Erik View Post
It would seem that my ZR-1 is back up and running again. The biggest problem? An idiot mechanic. I'm more pissed off then I can say. Yes, a lot of stuff got done, most of which is really good maintenance work. However, It cost me the entire fall driving season. Which pisses me off the most.

Anyhow, I finally got fed up with this guys incompetence, and towed it 2 hours to someone I understand had experience with the LT5. Anyway, 4 hours of maintenance time, and they had the problem found.

I'm pretty much a forgive and forget kind of guy, but thoughts of suing the first mechanic keep popping up in my head.

I hope to have the car back in the next couple of days. Once I've driven it and found it to be sound, I'll post more!
Best approach: Move forward; forgive and forget. You will feel much better for it. Most mechanics don't know much if anything about the LT5. Lesson learned. If you have now found a mechanic who does know a little about ZR-1s, put him in touch with the ZR1Net Registry forum or better, Marc Haibeck or some other specialists. Usually they are all glad to help. Take a deep breath and enjoy your great car. --Bob
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Old 11-24-2020   #33
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Default Re: New ZR-1. New Issue. Stalling Once Warm.

Originally Posted by WARP TEN View Post
Best approach: Move forward; forgive and forget. You will feel much better for it. Most mechanics don't know much if anything about the LT5. Lesson learned. If you have now found a mechanic who does know a little about ZR-1s, put him in touch with the ZR1Net Registry forum or better, Marc Haibeck or some other specialists. Usually they are all glad to help. Take a deep breath and enjoy your great car. --Bob
I did a lot of that over the past few months. But there?s also just a matter of old fashioned right and wrong. A man of integrity would have owned up to the fact that he didn?t know what he was doing, and not kept guessing and spending my money. I gave him many opportunities to bail out, but he wouldn?t.

Once it?s back in my hands, I?ll see how I feel and what I do.
1990 ZR-1 # 996

"All Corvettes are red. The rest are mistakes." - John Heinricy
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Old 11-25-2020   #34
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Default Re: New ZR-1. New Issue. Stalling Once Warm.

Please let us know what solved the problem.

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Phil Wasinger
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Old 11-25-2020   #35
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Default Re: New ZR-1. New Issue. Stalling Once Warm.

Originally Posted by Jagdpanzer View Post
Please let us know what solved the problem.

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I?ll start a new thread with the details.
1990 ZR-1 # 996

"All Corvettes are red. The rest are mistakes." - John Heinricy
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Old 07-28-2021   #36
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Default Re: New ZR-1. New Issue. Stalling Once Warm.

Hi All,

I was reading over the thread and it kinda seems like my issues might be similar. So, I thought I might steal/borrow/pigtail off the discussion and see if we can adapt some of the comments for my circumstance.

I just bought a 94' ZR-1. Very low miles - 12,500. And only 3,000 of those have been in the last 20 years. I mention this because I fully expected a few issues on bringing her home.

First issue occured on first drive. Previous owner had never used full power mode. Like an idiot, the first thing I did was put the car in full power mode and drove home. It was only a 20 mile drive. About 3 miles into the drive I am merging onto a freeway and with my foot in the floor the car won't accelerate, rpms aren't going up either. And I'm only able to achieve about 40 mph. I decide to take it out of full power mode and few moments later she starts to behave like a normal car. I make it the rest of the way home without issue.

Two days later, after letting her idle in the driveway a bit and checking this and that, I put a bottle of injector cleaner in her and decide to give driving another try. Only about a 20 minute drive and for the most part everything goes fine. I used full power mode as well. And she had some pretty hard pulls shifting through the gears. I did notice though at stop lights, as I would let out on the clutch she wanted to die. I would have to rev to get her going. Also (and maybe unrelated my ABS and ASR lights came on). With these factors I decided to head home. When pulling into the garage she kept dying every time I would let out on the clutch. I had to give her some high revs to get her to move forward without dying. The service engine light came on while trying to park the car as well, but only after dying about 8 times trying to park the car.

Also of note, both times there was a smell. Definitely not gasoline. Kind of bitter. Reminded me somewhat of a clutch smell or burning electrical wiring. Some have contemplated this is the smell of the car running lean. I'm not sure. Of note though, during my short drive, the car recorded that I was getting 4 mpg. The smell went away but I can still get a slight wiff near the back of the plenum.

On the CorvetteForum I have received many suggestions, including: injectors, vaccum lines, fuel filter, bad vaccum sensor, o2 sensors, and stuck parking brake.

Often it is suggested I hook up an OBD1 scanner and check the codes. Don't have one. Looked at buying one, but none I can find seem to be able to do the job due to the 94' being OBD1 but also 16 pin. The OTC 3211 scanner was recommended and it seems like it might work, but it looks like it is no longer made and the only remaining ones are for sale at a premium. I am considering going the TunerPro route, but would like to get more data to see if a) this will get me all the same info, and b) I can use my existing laptop and just install some software.

It has also been suggested that I check the fuel pressure. Same situation, don't have a guage and honestly am not sure where to hook it up if I did. I think the OBD1 scan should tell me the fuel pressure though if I understand correctly.

Lastly, they suggest I change the fuel filter. Seems easy enough, if you have jack stands. I try to avoid going under cars when I can. I think this a simple fix that I may farm out to Corvette Mike or someone similar. It needs a new serpentine belt as well, so with some luck those two things could fix my problems.

At the end of the day, injectors is the number one comment, but I would like to avoid going there until absolutely necessary.

Would love to meet a friend in Orange County, CA who might be able to coach me through some of these items in exchange for some bourbon and bbq?

Thoughts and advice are welcome and appreciated.

Thank you.

Last edited by Atari_Prime; 07-28-2021 at 03:34 PM.
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Old 07-28-2021   #37
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Default Re: New ZR-1. New Issue. Stalling Once Warm.

Originally Posted by Atari_Prime View Post
Hi All,

I was reading over the thread and it kinda seems like my issues might be similar. So, I thought I might steal/borrow/pigtail off the discussion and see if we can adapt some of the comments for my circumstance.

I just bought a 94' ZR-1. Very low miles - 12,500. And only 3,000 of those have been in the last 20 years. I mention this because I fully expected a few issues on bringing her home.

First issue occured on first drive. Previous owner had never used full power mode. Like an idiot, the first thing I did was put the car in full power mode and drove home. It was only a 20 mile drive. About 3 miles into the drive I am merging onto a freeway and with my foot in the floor the car won't accelerate, rpms aren't going up either. And I'm only able to achieve about 40 mph. I decide to take it out of full power mode and few moments later she starts to behave like a normal car. I make it the rest of the way home without issue.

Two days later, after letting her idle in the driveway a bit and checking this and that, I put a bottle of injector cleaner in her and decide to give driving another try. Only about a 20 minute drive and for the most part everything goes fine. I used full power mode as well. And she had some pretty hard pulls shifting through the gears. I did notice though at stop lights, as I would let out on the clutch she wanted to die. I would have to rev to get her going. Also (and maybe unrelated my ABS and ASR lights came on). With these factors I decided to head home. When pulling into the garage she kept dying every time I would let out on the clutch. I had to give her some high revs to get her to move forward without dying. The service engine light came on while trying to park the car as well, but only after dying about 8 times trying to park the car.

Also of note, both times there was a smell. Definitely not gasoline. Kind of bitter. Reminded me somewhat of a clutch smell or burning electrical wiring. Some have contemplated this is the smell of the car running lean. I'm not sure. Of note though, during my short drive, the car recorded that I was getting 4 mpg. The smell went away but I can still get a slight wiff near the back of the plenum.

On the CorvetteForum I have received many suggestions, including: injectors, vaccum lines, fuel filter, bad vaccum sensor, o2 sensors, and stuck parking brake.

Often it is suggested I hook up an OBD1 scanner and check the codes. Don't have one. Looked at buying one, but none I can find seem to be able to do the job due to the 94' being OBD1 but also 16 pin. The OTC 3211 scanner was recommended and it seems like it might work, but it looks like it is no longer made and the only remaining ones are for sale at a premium. I am considering going the TunerPro route, but would like to get more data to see if a) this will get me all the same info, and b) I can use my existing laptop and just install some software.

It has also been suggested that I check the fuel pressure. Same situation, don't have a guage and honestly am not sure where to hook it up if I did. I think the OBD1 scan should tell me the fuel pressure though if I understand correctly.

Lastly, they suggest I change the fuel filter. Seems easy enough, if you have jack stands. I try to avoid going under cars when I can. I think this a simple fix that I may farm out to Corvette Mike or someone similar. It needs a new serpentine belt as well, so with some luck those two things could fix my problems.

At the end of the day, injectors is the number one comment, but I would like to avoid going there until absolutely necessary.

Would love to meet a friend in Orange County, CA who might be able to coach me through some of these items in exchange for some bourbon and bbq?

Thoughts and advice are welcome and appreciated.

Thank you.

Jump the pins with a paper clip you can get the codes

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Old 07-28-2021   #38
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Default Re: New ZR-1. New Issue. Stalling Once Warm.

Originally Posted by G8nightman View Post
Jump the pins with a paper clip you can get the codes

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Already did. Below are the codes, but of note on a 94' the ECM codes are not visible without a reader.

Module 1 - Central Control Module
C12 (normal, startup code)

Module 4 - Engine Control Module

Module 9 - ABS/ASR Module
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Old 07-28-2021   #39
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Default Re: New ZR-1. New Issue. Stalling Once Warm.

Three times since you drove it home I have suggested you attempt to determine the source of the "Burning Smell" that you repeatedly stated on the other Forum.
You state the ABS /ASR light is on.
Kindly FIRST focus on finding out what is overheating to the point of creating a discernable odor.
If you burn the car up, it won't much matter why it also ran poorly before then.
You can lead a horse to water.........................

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Old 07-28-2021   #40
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Default Re: New ZR-1. New Issue. Stalling Once Warm.

Read article


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90 Chevy ZR1 LPE #2315 'SOLD'
90 Chevy ZR1 LPE #2774 'SOLD'
91 Chevy ZR1 Callaway aerobody
91 Chevy ZR1 #1512
91 Chevy ZR1 #951
95 Chevy ZR1 #338 'SOLD'
91 BMW 850i
94 BMW 850csi
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94 Lotus Esprit S4
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