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Old 02-10-2020   #121
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Default Re: 93 Starter Not Engaging

Ok will do!
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Old 02-11-2020   #122
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Default Re: 93 Starter Not Engaging

Dino's was my last chance when looking for an airbag derm module for a 90.
Something that when you buy a used one, you hope that it works for many reasons, other than just clearing the code!
They got it to me quickly and it worked perfectly!
Let us know how they do with your CCM.
Which one did you send, the generic Corvette one or that one and your original?
Best of luck!!
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Old 02-11-2020   #123
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Default Re: 93 Starter Not Engaging

No Marty, I still have my original that did not get repaired properly and the generic one I bought is currently in the car. Dino supplied the core and that is what will ultimately be installed. I will be out of town and traveling for a while so this be on hold for a while. I'll definitely let you know how it all works out.
Thanks for all your help!
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Old 02-11-2020   #124
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Default Re: 93 Starter Not Engaging

I look forward to hearing that the Ruby is all fine and has it's correct mileage and VIN restored in the replacement CCM.
Rest easy when done, it is a rare occurrence, and should not happen again.
I have never seen empirical proof of what goes wrong in the CCM or a definitive cause when it happens.
Most suspect a power surge or spike.
Using a jump box as opposed to another vehicle and making certain that the cables are hooked up correctly are the only items that you can control.
As another poster referenced with the fire at the phone company, some fuses and fusible links just do not react quickly or fully enough with DC current.
You get an A+ for your perseverance and efforts and will be recognized as the Subject Matter Expert for this type of failure and repair resolution as we move forward.
Please do remember to close the loop for future owners searching for answers.
Good Luck and enjoy your ZR-1!

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Old 02-12-2020   #125
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Default Re: 93 Starter Not Engaging

Yes, looking forward to hearing results.. I have a newish one I need reprogrammed to my miles on my car..
1990 Corvette ZR-1 #1051
Watson Headers (2" Primary) - Flowmaster Cats - Borla Catback
Late Model IH - Plenum
Coilovers - 4.10s
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Old 02-16-2020   #126
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Default Re: 93 Starter Not Engaging

Took my '90 ZR-1 out of storage. Battery was disconnected but has been two years so just bought a new battery and installed same. No starter engagement but lights dim when trying. OK so pulled the car a bit to see if I could get a start from the pulling. No luck and if my old brain has not stopped working it felt like the engine was jammed. Possible the starter is jammed and stopping the engine from turning over? Sure the starter gear is small and doesn't seem likely but most issues I have had with the Z have been unusual for my experiences. All comments, suggestions etc. gladly accepted. Thanks. By the bye we now have 3 ZR-1's (C4's) in UAE, one I know of in Saudi and two in Kuwait.
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Old 02-16-2020   #127
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Default Re: 93 Starter Not Engaging

The fact that the lights dim when key is turned to the start position suggests that current is getting to the starter.
That would eliminate most all but the starter as far as the starting protocol.
While it is possible that something is jammed, the most probable is the starter drive is engaging, but not spinning due to either insufficient voltage getting to it or a problem within the starter, such as the contacts.
You might try a battery jump box hooked to you battery. Occasionally, that extra has helped.
Can you hear the starter drive engaging? Someone standing and listening closely should hear the drive.
I would take a few minutes to clean all of the battery connection surfaces and the bolts, then make sure all are tight.
Check the battery as well to make sure it has the proper voltage. New ones have been known to be weak, which using the jump box might overcome.
You might want to rock the car a little, as well as trying to tap the starter.
Did it turn even slightly when you first hit the key to start?
Let us know how that goes and we can move on from there.

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Old 02-16-2020   #128
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Default Re: 93 Starter Not Engaging

Sounds as though the engine may have seized up. Stop everything and pull the spark plugs to see what they look like. Then try turning the engine over with the plugs out. Given your location at least freeze damage can be ruled out.

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Old 02-16-2020   #129
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Default Re: 93 Starter Not Engaging

Originally Posted by captcorvette View Post
Took my '90 ZR-1 out of storage. Battery was disconnected but has been two years so just bought a new battery and installed same. No starter engagement but lights dim when trying. OK so pulled the car a bit to see if I could get a start from the pulling. No luck and if my old brain has not stopped working it felt like the engine was jammed. Possible the starter is jammed and stopping the engine from turning over? Sure the starter gear is small and doesn't seem likely but most issues I have had with the Z have been unusual for my experiences. All comments, suggestions etc. gladly accepted. Thanks. By the bye we now have 3 ZR-1's (C4's) in UAE, one I know of in Saudi and two in Kuwait.
I would say Starter Solenoid.....

Post 52 - Starter, Starter Relay, Wiring Harness, Battery, and Plugs Tricks

The Starter Solenoid is shown in the left photo with slight burnt contacts in right photo.

This would require removal of plenum in either event (Starter jammed or Solenoid).

I find it hard to believe starter jammed espercially if you pushed the Z in gear.....
Likewise find it hard to believe engine is frozen....
But having run into two unbelievable situations with the LT5....
A. Water Pump Impeller spinning on shaft...
B. INJ1 Fuse kept blowing.....(still have not figured out why but using plastic Wire Looms solved the issue).
I find anything is possible

Last edited by Dynomite; 02-16-2020 at 09:40 PM.
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Old 07-20-2020   #130
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Default Re: 93 Starter Not Engaging

Well believe it or not, finally got the problem solved! It was the BCM OR CCM if you prefer. Had Dino's set my mileage and everything is working as it should. Would have been done with this months ago but this corona virus really slowed things down.
Thanks to everyone for all the help and advice!
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