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Old 05-09-2019   #41
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Default Re: Feel bad about prices of ZR-1s? I can make you feel worse...

My comments were directed at Grand Sports vs ZR-1’s in general. Not this specific car.

Ultimately, all decisions we make are subjective. They can be based on fact or perception, they can be rational or emotional and more likely a combination of all of these.

My point is again, with regard to Grand Sports vs ZR-1’s in general, if you factually list the attributes of the one vs the other the ZR-1 simply has more of what are generally considered desirable attributes.

In my opinion the fact that so many value a Grand Sport higher than a ZR-1 is a subjective decision based more on emotion and perception than on fact. Simply saying there were only 1000 GS’s made should not in and of itself make them more desirable. A GS is still only a paint job and a special serial number.

Nevertheless decisions we make regarding cars, the opposite sex and many other things are not rational and based purely on fact. By their very nature they are emotional.

What I find interesting is that the GS aficionado does not like to admit their largely emotional attachment to their choice and the ZR-1 aficionado is insulted that the long list of what should be desirable attributes is not more valued.

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Old 05-09-2019   #42
Mystic ZR-1
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Default Re: Feel bad about prices of ZR-1s? I can make you feel worse...

Originally Posted by G8nightman View Post
Supra has big following it can thank the fast and furious movies.

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According to “Automobile” magazine (June 2019 issue). The top auction price for a Supra is $199800. It was an ex-“Fast and Furious” movie car.
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Old 05-09-2019   #43
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Default Re: Feel bad about prices of ZR-1s? I can make you feel worse...

Originally Posted by mcich7781 View Post
I have had the good fortune to have owned an LT4 and an LT5 Corvette at the same time for a couple of years. My driving impression was that the LT4 wheezed when pushed to the limit, where the LT5 just keeps on pulling.

Numbers are numbers and the LT4 is no slouch, but the seat of the pants feel of both cars is significantly different. The ZR-1 was just more enjoyable to drive.
I agree with this assessment. Since 2009, I have had a 1996 Corvette Grand Sport (15,000 miles). It is 100% stock down to the front tires (the rears are NOS GSC's). I have a stock '94 ZR-1 with 13,000 miles; my dad's '95 ZR-1 with 3,000 miles (both still on GS-C's) and my modified ZR-1 with 55,000 miles.

Comparing the stock cars, the LT4 doesn't have the "kick" of the LT5. This isn't the right word, but the LT4 "flutters" above 3000 rpm, it "wheezes", as said above. Maybe this is a misconception and we are accelerating quite fast? Well, it certainly doesn't offer the "keep on keeping on" kick in the pants power delivery of the LT5. The ZR-1's, even in stock form are a blast to drive.

I have gone back and forth on this (because it won't be stock), but I think I am going to put a Corsa on the Grand Sport in the hopes of giving it more character. As it is with the stock exhaust, I can hardly hear the car (I have to listen closely so I can hear to rev match).

When I drive the Grand Sport, I have people pulling out their cell phones to take pictures. ...But from the driver's seat, I am not feeling the same emotion. Don't get me wrong, I like my Grand Sport.

From the driver's seat, the ZR-1 gives me "permagrin". I think that if more people knew about the driving experience in a ZR-1, that most of us wouldn't be able to afford a ZR-1.

At this point, maybe the problem is just that people just associate the ZR-1 as another C4, of which the only problem is that a lot of them were made and they are perceived as low horsepower. Most of the people with this perception have never driven a nice C4, in my opinion. Outside of the ZR-1 (on a higher keel), all C4's offer a neat driving experience.

Last edited by Meanmyz; 05-09-2019 at 05:18 PM.
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Old 05-09-2019   #44
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Default Re: Feel bad about prices of ZR-1s? I can make you feel worse...

Originally Posted by Ccmano View Post
My point is again, with regard to Grand Sports vs ZR-1’s in general, if you factually list the attributes of the one vs the other the ZR-1 simply has more of what are generally considered desirable attributes.

In my opinion the fact that so many value a Grand Sport higher than a ZR-1 is a subjective decision based more on emotion and perception than on fact. Simply saying there were only 1000 GS’s made should not in and of itself make them more desirable. A GS is still only a paint job and a special serial number.

What I find interesting is that the GS aficionado does not like to admit their largely emotional attachment to their choice and the ZR-1 aficionado is insulted that the long list of what should be desirable attributes is not more valued.
“Generally considered desirable attributes” by who? More people value appearance in a car than mechanical attributes (in auto industry as a whole). The next biggest factor is supply and demand. The demand for clean Grand Sports exceeds the supply. Visually, the paint and graphics set the Grand sport apart from all other C4s from even a distance. The ZR-1 looks like every other C4 from a distance. And the supply of low mileage ZR-1s far exceeds the demand. Would the ZR-1 be worth more or less if they made 20k of them?

The list of attributes that the ZR-1 has that set it apart from the Grand Sport numbers one...the engine. The attachment to the ZR-1 is largely emotional when for the same price or slightly less someone can buy a C5 that is 98% the car stock and 105% the car with a cam and exhaust (for a small fraction of the cost for cams and an exhaust for the ZR-1). Twice the comfort, and a fraction of the cost to maintain and repair. We’re all guilty of the emotional attachment.

I drive a 2004 C5 regularly, but I won’t deny my emotional attachment to the ZR-1.

For reference, here was another from BAT:

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Old 05-09-2019   #45
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Default Re: Feel bad about prices of ZR-1s? I can make you feel worse...

Y’all need to thin the Herd
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Old 05-09-2019   #46
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Default Re: Feel bad about prices of ZR-1s? I can make you feel worse...

I had no idea the c4 g.s. vs. the c4 zr1 was so heated.

I like the lt4. I love the lt5. I just don't think you can throw it aside and disregard it. I can see why people want the GS and why they Garner the cash. 1 year paint. 1 year motor. It's the classic recipe.
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Old 05-09-2019   #47
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I’ve said my piece, I’m done.
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Old 05-10-2019   #48
Livin' in the 80's
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Default Re: Feel bad about prices of ZR-1s? I can make you feel worse...

Maybe someone has already posted this. What a good deal this was.

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Old 05-10-2019   #49
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Default Re: Feel bad about prices of ZR-1s? I can make you feel worse...

Originally Posted by Ccmano View Post
My comments were directed at Grand Sports vs ZR-1’s in general. Not this specific car.

Ultimately, all decisions we make are subjective. They can be based on fact or perception, they can be rational or emotional and more likely a combination of all of these.

My point is again, with regard to Grand Sports vs ZR-1’s in general, if you factually list the attributes of the one vs the other the ZR-1 simply has more of what are generally considered desirable attributes.

In my opinion the fact that so many value a Grand Sport higher than a ZR-1 is a subjective decision based more on emotion and perception than on fact. Simply saying there were only 1000 GS’s made should not in and of itself make them more desirable. A GS is still only a paint job and a special serial number.

Nevertheless decisions we make regarding cars, the opposite sex and many other things are not rational and based purely on fact. By their very nature they are emotional.

What I find interesting is that the GS aficionado does not like to admit their largely emotional attachment to their choice and the ZR-1 aficionado is insulted that the long list of what should be desirable attributes is not more valued.

It's easy. Shoot to own both a GS and ZR1.
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Old 05-10-2019   #50
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Default Re: Feel bad about prices of ZR-1s? I can make you feel worse...

Well I think those GS wheels would look great on my black Z I am surprised that is not done more often.
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