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Old 04-07-2016   #1
Fully Vetted
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Default Can't believe this happened...

So, what's the #1 rule that everyone knows (or should know) about detailing the piece of art that is the LT5 of a C4 ZR-1?

Yep...do not under any circumstances spray down the engine with water. The water will pool in the valley and roast your starter.

So, I decided to have my car professionally detailed. This guy is a paint correction specialist was highly recommended and has a long list of very wealthy clients. And, to be honest, he did an unbelievable job on the car. When we discussed the engine he said he would just wipe it down since it was spotless already and he would detail the hood and fender wells, yada, yada. Perfect. Then I left.

When I returned it was too late. He had hosed it down and there was standing water in the valley. Not his fault. I didn't tell him not to and this being his first C4Z he just didn't know any better. Not mad at him. Mad at myself.

Anyway, as luck would have it, David Johnson brought me my windshield and weatherstrip and for reasons we still can't figure out he just so happened to throw a spare starter in the car before he left. It's used (off a 20k mile car) but he offered to give it to me so we traded a nights stay at the Fully Vetted Bed and Breakfast. (He was going to get that anyway so it was a real class move to give me the starter.)

So, now I have to figure out if I want to do it myself or have it hauled down to Cory which I really don't want to do. I did the rear wheel hubs so I'm not a complete buffoon when it comes to working on cars. But, I've only had the plenum off once (hotel parking lot at BG) and that was more or less just loose so we could replace the alternator. What's involved here? Is there anything else that could be damaged? Coils? injectors? I'll do the typical search for starter replacement threads but I'm looking for a short cut. How big a job is this?

1994 AB/Grey #141

430 RWHP/392 RWTQ

FBI Lyposuction / Secondaries relieved of duty / SW Long Tube Headers / Corsa Exhaust / FIC SS Injectors / MSD Coils / Lightweight Pulleys / Corey tuned
B & M Shifter / Aluminum Flywheel / Samco Hoses / Shelby Series One's / C4 No Flex Frame Stiffener

BBC - Bling By Carter:
Custom ZR-1 Center Caps / Custom Plenum Plate / Air Box Knobs / TB Cover / Oil Filter Cover

Last edited by Fully Vetted; 04-07-2016 at 10:46 PM.
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Old 04-07-2016   #2
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Default Re: Can't believe this happened...

Originally Posted by Fully Vetted View Post

So, now I have to figure out if I want to do it myself or have it hauled down to Cory which I really don't want to do. I did the rear wheel hubs so I'm not a complete buffoon when it comes to working on cars. But, I've only had the plenum off once (hotel parking lot at BG) and that was more or less just loose so we could replace the alternator. What's involved here? Is there anything else that could be damaged? Coils? injectors? I'll do the typical search for starter replacement threads but I'm looking for a short cut. How big a job is this?
I will take a guess here that there is nothing else that would be open to water damage that would not dry out in a few hours. Even the Starter may dry out if you leave it set. Apparently your valley Drain was clogged and if you take an Air Hose under the rear of the Bell Housing and pressurize the Valley Drain Tube you will be able to drain out ALL water (you may have to pressurize that tube several times). Then let the LT5 sit for a day or so and then see if the starter will turn over. Just a thought

Removing the Plenum is NOT really a BIG job especially if you have TB Coolant Blocked at the Injector Housings. And......And....if you know the steps and what to watch for. That being said.....It is probably best to have someone who has done it several times help you hold the tools

Removing Plenum (including the 10 minute Plenum Removal)

I have removed/installed Plenums for several guys with their help (they hand me the tools) including Blocking TB Coolant for them all in about 2-3 hours. That included also the cleaning out of Valley Drain and maybe a Pressure wash and Starter Solenoid reconditioning. Oh.....and checking Injector Resistances when I am under there.

A complete Top End Restoration I usually allow the first day for removal of parts and restoration of each part adding new parts where required. The second day for thinking, and the third day to put it all back together but really I have done the whole thing in an hour after TB Coolant was blocked retrieving a screw I dropped under the starter

Plenum Removal and Top End Restoration

TB Coolant is Blocked albeit it does not appear so except there are NO Hose Clamps on TB Coolant

Originally Posted by Fully Vetted View Post

Anyway, as luck would have it, David Johnson brought me my windshield and weatherstrip and for reasons we still can't figure out he just so happened to throw a spare starter in the car before he left.
That is David for you for sure and yes...Safelite installed my Windshield with the Weatherstrip yesterday that David sent me. The New Windshield and Weatherstrip is perfect and the Safelite install was very professional. They had not seen such a perfect installation themselves on a Corvette.

New Windshield/Weatherstrip by Dave installed by Safelite
Replacing the Windshield and Wiper Motor

Last edited by Dynomite; 12-18-2016 at 10:57 AM.
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Old 04-08-2016   #3
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Default Re: Can't believe this happened...

I did the starter thing 2 weeks ago on my 95 ...sticky starter selennoid n was not engaging starter gear
Sorry to tell you the bad news but manifold n coil packs have to come off to get to starter
Follow the tech on how to take manifold off n rest it on L/F tire
You have to remove the square vacuum manifold in the center of the plenum to get to the aluminum coil pack tray off
Once coil pack tray is off you can get to starter n power wires
Clean n wire brush all with WD-40 or Liquid Wrench to prevent water damage n corrosion ...blow off all humidity from coil packs n electrical connections n reassemble with dielectric grease....n make sure drain hole is unclogged under starter for future mishaps ....take photos n mark vacuums n wires
Please: BENCH TEST STARTER ....hate to do it 2X
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Old 04-08-2016   #4
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Default Re: Can't believe this happened...

Originally Posted by Dynomite View Post
I will take a guess here that there is nothing else that would be open to water damage that would not dry out in a few hours. Even the Starter may dry out if you leave it set. Apparently your valley Drain was clogged and if you take an Air Hose under the rear of the Bell Housing and pressurize the Valley Drain Tube you will be able to drain out ALL water (you may have to pressurize that tube several times). Then let the LT5 sit for a day or so and then see if the starter will turn over. Just a thought
That's a great idea. I'm going to try that tomorrow. Can't hurt nothing. That'll give me time to wrap my head around the plenum removal. My TB coolant is in fact blocked. My only fear is if I can't get it done in a day or two will I remember everything in reverse order? If I can't and forget something I'm pretty much F'd. Why do these things always happen right before a planned road trip?

Originally Posted by BYEBYE2U View Post
Please: BENCH TEST STARTER ....hate to do it 2X
Thanks for the reminder.

1994 AB/Grey #141

430 RWHP/392 RWTQ

FBI Lyposuction / Secondaries relieved of duty / SW Long Tube Headers / Corsa Exhaust / FIC SS Injectors / MSD Coils / Lightweight Pulleys / Corey tuned
B & M Shifter / Aluminum Flywheel / Samco Hoses / Shelby Series One's / C4 No Flex Frame Stiffener

BBC - Bling By Carter:
Custom ZR-1 Center Caps / Custom Plenum Plate / Air Box Knobs / TB Cover / Oil Filter Cover
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