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Old 01-18-2013   #11
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Default Re: When did YOU know someday you would own a CORVETTE ?

I’ve always been into cars, well at least as long as I can remember. Typical kid Lamborghini’s, Ferrari, etc. I guess it was 1988 or 1989 so I was in 1st or 2nd grade and I noticed a White car going by every day while we were at recess. That was the coolest looking car; it was a white C4 with white or chrome wheels. I waited to see that car almost every day there was another around that time or a little after it was a red I would guess 88 thru 90 vert with the hard top. I never dreamed I would actually own a Corvette but things fell into place and I picked up the first C4 a Black 1989 coupe with 19K miles on it when I was 16. I loved that car and had some really good times with it. Now it is almost 15 years later and I am on my 5th C4 and 1st ZR-1 we have been through 2 89’s, 2 96 GS’s, and now the Z (still have 1 89, 1 GS and the Z). I still can’t believe that I have been given the opportunity to take care of these cars and best of all we have made some great lasting friendships through this hobby.

And I guess I am stuck on the C4 I have looked and driven C5’s all types and power levels, C6’s of every type and I keep coming back to the C4 it's just something about this platform that I just really love.

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Old 01-18-2013   #12
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Default Re: When did YOU know someday you would own a CORVETTE ?

The day I wrote the Check!!!!!!!!!

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Old 01-18-2013   #13
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Default Re: When did YOU know someday you would own a CORVETTE ?

Like others, as a teenager, looking at things I could not afford. College, marriage, family, all that took up decades and when I became a widower and the kids were gone it was after four years of social life either slow women or fast cars and the cars come with instruction books and can be repaired when broken...and the cost is about the same.

i now have two, a bright red 76 and a bright red 1991 ZR-1. Youth is when I got hooked, much later is when the time came....yes, I've road raced on a track the 76. Am thinking about that maybe with the Zr-1

Lance P.
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Old 01-18-2013   #14
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Default Re: When did YOU know someday you would own a CORVETTE ?

I never thought to get one and was happy enough to have had a couple of F-Body cars back in the day. Then there was a 10 year foray into trucks and Jeeps.

I knew I had to have a C6 when the LS7 powered Z06 came out. The C5 actually made me not want to own a vette...I mean the base coupe was getting its *** handed to it by M5 BMW's etc. That LS7 was a different story.
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Old 01-18-2013   #15
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Default Re: When did YOU know someday you would own a CORVETTE ?

Similar experience here. I was into hotrods and drag racing when I was a kid growing up in the rurals of southwest Kansas.
Then I got into things nautical after a doing a hitch in Uncle Sam’s canoe club. The C6 ZO6 with the LT7 caught my attention when it first came out. 427cid and 505 hp was just to cool. After thinking about it for a while I figured why not do a Corvette project with my two teenage sons so they could enjoy the same experience I had at their age. We looked around awhile for a 62 Vette to do resto project but the $$, effort and facilities required turned out to be more than we wanted to get in to at the time.
Then we came across the C4 ZR-1s, which back in the day I remembered only rock stars and professional athletes could afford. To make a long story short a few weeks later we came across the red 94 now setting in the garage and it been a great experience ever since.
Phil Wasinger
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Last edited by Jagdpanzer; 01-18-2013 at 05:03 PM.
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Old 01-18-2013   #16
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Default Re: When did YOU know someday you would own a CORVETTE ?

My best friend in high school was service manager for the old Bud Gates Chevrolet in Indy. Bud Gates loved fast cars and similar women. I remember he had a Benz 300 SLR with a shattered windshield, and that thing (incredibly valuable today) sat next to the body shop, with no windshield, uncovered, for months until they finally found one...also sitting around were various road racing cars' I remember one with a birdcage style frame and a Chevy smallblock..we are talking '63-64-65 here...occasionally, my friends' dad would bring home a Vette for the weekend....and we got to play.....unbelieveable....

I used to see ZR-1's in the for sale section of Autoweek for $60K and more..they were always out of my league...up until a three years ago, when I looked again...the rest is history....

Last edited by RyanChappel; 03-08-2013 at 12:13 PM.
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Old 01-18-2013   #17
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Default Re: When did YOU know someday you would own a CORVETTE ?

I cant remember when I knew I wanted a Corvette. However my granddaughter is 4 years old. I was looking at a 65 Roadster "396". I told her, Mickey Mouse (I call her Mickey Mouse)come look at this car. She ran into the kitchen and said "Grandpa it is just a car it isnt a Corvette". So I can tell you my Granddaughter knew when she was three that she would own a Corvette. She even knew the color year and model.
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Old 01-18-2013   #18
jimmy b.
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In 1967 I was 11 yrs old, one day me and my best friend just "happen" to miss the bus. We decided to walk to school and were planing a side trip through the woods to get to school. Just then a beautiful 64 silver blue corvette convertible pulls up and stops. The guy says "get in" , turns out this guy was my best friends cousin. He didn't buy the miss the bus "story". He took us right to the schools front door. I'll never forget that 1st ride, we were so small back then that we could't see over the dash. I stared at the dash and the hurst shifter all the way to school. I knew right then this was the only car for me. My first vette was a 63 conv, I worked three jobs to get the money to buy it when I got my license. And the first day I drove it to high school I became Mr. popular go figure. I hope to always have a corvette...jimmy
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Old 01-18-2013   #19
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Well my father bought a brand new 1972 coupe and had to sell it 2 years later when I was born. He always loved vettes and always talked about his '72. He passed his passion along to me. I knew I would get one eventually, but when he bought a used 2006 coupe this past Feb., that really put the bug in me. Bought my first Corvette 4 months later.
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Old 01-18-2013   #20
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Talking Re: When did YOU know someday you would own a CORVETTE ?

I can't remember ever not wanting a Corvette.
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