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Old 05-01-2012   #21
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Default Re: Engine won't turn over when warm

Originally Posted by Paul Workman View Post
Question: Do you know whether or not the previous owner turned the key and then pressed the clutch, or visa-versa (like should be done to avoid arching at the contact points)?

No idea Paul that was like 7 years ago. But he had to get the car towed three times back to GM. One can assume he was capabile of driving it and starting it. Each time they replaced the switch. He finally got tired of being stranded by it and bypassed it.
GOLDCYLON - 91 ZR-1 #2014
GOLDCYLON - 90 ZR-1 #2794, 4L60e (Formerly Schrade's)


Arizona State Director

91 WHITE/BLACK #2014. 380 P&P&PCed,Ported Heads, Jeal Long tubes, Corsa Exhaust/FIKSE FM-5s /LED TLs, LED Headlights, Front Wilwood 6 piston narrowlite calipers and rear Wilwood caliper street shop mod,CNCed Coolant Pipes,TPI Cvr,Filter cover,Stainless Bolts, DRM/DOM PROM /ZFDOC mod build #102,DRLs,BMAD with stainless Debris Screen,Coplan Air Blaster, Pioneer APP Radio 4,Brey-Krause HB,Sub Bar,Fire extinguisher seat mount,DRM Coilovers,LEDs everywhere,Compass mirror (orange),V1 DIC hidden display, Homelink sun visor, Carbon Fiber top x3 and APSIS Carbon Fiber interior, APSIS CF Steering Wheel/NAPA Leather, Banski trailing arms, Guldstrand front suspension,urethane bushings from Prothane (total suspension) ZFDoc drive shaft safety loop, raptor shift light (orange),AO engineering louver front plate, Console seat cushion, 96CE seats with black custom Sheepskins, ss billet catch can,Viper remote entry/alarm,Cragar Rear Louvers,LED side louver lights, Dewitts Radiator with SPAL fans and a Woods 160 T-Stat

90 RED/BLACK #2794. 4L60e Automatic Stage V by RPM Transmission, TCI Dedicated TCM, OBX Stainless Headers, Corsa Exhaust, SAN Secondaries and Haibeck PROM, Exotic Muscle Coil overs, LED Interior Lights, LED Tail Lights, LED Headlights, 94 Sport seats with black custom Sheepskins , Cragar rear louvers, GS Front calipers, Banski Trailing arms, APSIS Carbon Fiber steering wheel, Front and Rear Baer Eradispeeds, DRLs, Guldstrand front suspension,urethane bushings from Prothane (total suspension), Dewitt's Raditor with Dual SPAL fans and a Haibeck 170 T-Stat


Last edited by GOLDCYLON; 05-01-2012 at 07:22 PM.
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Old 05-01-2012   #22
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Default Re: Engine won't turn over when warm

Originally Posted by scottfab View Post
This car comes with a "start defeat" safety switch. There is no other purpose for it.
Other than to piss off the owner when its fails I disagree there is no there is no good reason for it.

Originally Posted by scottfab View Post
I'm not convinced a good lawyer could not make a good case for negligence in a wrongful death suite.
A hollow arugment... any good lawyer can argue anything. My case in point the woman who burned their laps when they dropped hot coffee on it served by McDonald. But Hell I degress

Originally Posted by scottfab View Post
And since we've discussed it on this forum there is a paper trail to at least those involved in the thread.
Beware Lawyer spybots ?

Originally Posted by scottfab View Post
Chances for someone getting hurt? Probably low.

Originally Posted by scottfab View Post
Chances for a suit happening in this economy if something does happen? I'd say fair.
See my McDonalds comment anything is possible

Originally Posted by scottfab View Post
I for one am leaving my clutch switch in place.
Well ok then

Originally Posted by scottfab View Post
I suggest anyone new to the car do the same.
Well Ok then again

Originally Posted by scottfab View Post
There is no way I want someone later saying I recommended removing it.
Go Boldly
GOLDCYLON - 91 ZR-1 #2014
GOLDCYLON - 90 ZR-1 #2794, 4L60e (Formerly Schrade's)


Arizona State Director

91 WHITE/BLACK #2014. 380 P&P&PCed,Ported Heads, Jeal Long tubes, Corsa Exhaust/FIKSE FM-5s /LED TLs, LED Headlights, Front Wilwood 6 piston narrowlite calipers and rear Wilwood caliper street shop mod,CNCed Coolant Pipes,TPI Cvr,Filter cover,Stainless Bolts, DRM/DOM PROM /ZFDOC mod build #102,DRLs,BMAD with stainless Debris Screen,Coplan Air Blaster, Pioneer APP Radio 4,Brey-Krause HB,Sub Bar,Fire extinguisher seat mount,DRM Coilovers,LEDs everywhere,Compass mirror (orange),V1 DIC hidden display, Homelink sun visor, Carbon Fiber top x3 and APSIS Carbon Fiber interior, APSIS CF Steering Wheel/NAPA Leather, Banski trailing arms, Guldstrand front suspension,urethane bushings from Prothane (total suspension) ZFDoc drive shaft safety loop, raptor shift light (orange),AO engineering louver front plate, Console seat cushion, 96CE seats with black custom Sheepskins, ss billet catch can,Viper remote entry/alarm,Cragar Rear Louvers,LED side louver lights, Dewitts Radiator with SPAL fans and a Woods 160 T-Stat

90 RED/BLACK #2794. 4L60e Automatic Stage V by RPM Transmission, TCI Dedicated TCM, OBX Stainless Headers, Corsa Exhaust, SAN Secondaries and Haibeck PROM, Exotic Muscle Coil overs, LED Interior Lights, LED Tail Lights, LED Headlights, 94 Sport seats with black custom Sheepskins , Cragar rear louvers, GS Front calipers, Banski Trailing arms, APSIS Carbon Fiber steering wheel, Front and Rear Baer Eradispeeds, DRLs, Guldstrand front suspension,urethane bushings from Prothane (total suspension), Dewitt's Raditor with Dual SPAL fans and a Haibeck 170 T-Stat


Last edited by GOLDCYLON; 05-01-2012 at 07:24 PM.
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Old 05-01-2012   #23
Brad Sewell
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Default Re: Engine won't turn over when warm

Back to the OP: this was the most useful information I found when I was chasing my no-start. Good luck.

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Old 05-01-2012   #24
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Default Re: Engine won't turn over when warm

Originally Posted by scottfab View Post
This car comes with a "start defeat" safety switch.
There is no other purpose for it.
I'm not convinced a good lawyer could not make a good case for
negligence in a wrongful death suite.
And since we've discussed it on this forum there is a paper trail to at least those involved in the thread.
Chances for someone getting hurt? Probably low.
Chances for a suit happening in this economy if something does happen?
I'd say fair.
I for one am leaving my clutch switch in place.
I suggest anyone new to the car do the same.
There is no way I want someone later saying I recommended removing it.
on the off chance that someone other them me gets into my car with my car in gear, hits the key, and the car jumps a few feet forward and kills someone, I'm fairly sure I can find a good lawyer to fight that case. I suggest anyone new to these cars disable the clutch switch. There I said it. It's not like the car will fire up and go roaring around town at twice the speed of light if someone happens to hit the key while the car is in gear with the clutch switch bypassed and the clutch out, it's going to lurch forward and die. With the car in neutral and you hit the key, the car is going to start and sit there.
It's not the car, it's the people - Doug Johnson
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Old 05-01-2012   #25
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Default Re: Engine won't turn over when warm

Originally Posted by GOLDCYLON View Post
Other than to piss off the owner when its fails I disagree there is no there is no good reason for it.

A hollow arugment... any good lawyer can argue anything. My case in point the woman who burned their laps when they dropped hot coffee on it served by McDonald. But Hell I degress

Beware Lawyer spybots ?


See my McDonalds comment anything is possible

Well ok then

Well Ok then again

Go Boldly
Im scared now. I'd better put mine back on immediately.
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Old 05-01-2012   #26
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Default Re: Engine won't turn over when warm

Originally Posted by Dynomite View Post
This is NOT a Clutch Switch Bypass but rather a method to reduce current in the purple wire that may pass through the Clutch Switch. You can also bypass the clutch switch with installation of the Relay if you want.

Starter Relay Modified

Note: I wired the relay a bit different as follows.....
Pin #30: Purple wire to starter (3/8 inch connector).
Pin #87: Red wire battery positive 12v 3/8 inch connector (connected to battery positive multiple connection post).

With this wiring method, Pin #87a is Not hot at any time and not used. (Look at the schematic printed on top of the Relay).
Thanks for clarifying the bypass Cliff
GOLDCYLON - 91 ZR-1 #2014
GOLDCYLON - 90 ZR-1 #2794, 4L60e (Formerly Schrade's)


Arizona State Director

91 WHITE/BLACK #2014. 380 P&P&PCed,Ported Heads, Jeal Long tubes, Corsa Exhaust/FIKSE FM-5s /LED TLs, LED Headlights, Front Wilwood 6 piston narrowlite calipers and rear Wilwood caliper street shop mod,CNCed Coolant Pipes,TPI Cvr,Filter cover,Stainless Bolts, DRM/DOM PROM /ZFDOC mod build #102,DRLs,BMAD with stainless Debris Screen,Coplan Air Blaster, Pioneer APP Radio 4,Brey-Krause HB,Sub Bar,Fire extinguisher seat mount,DRM Coilovers,LEDs everywhere,Compass mirror (orange),V1 DIC hidden display, Homelink sun visor, Carbon Fiber top x3 and APSIS Carbon Fiber interior, APSIS CF Steering Wheel/NAPA Leather, Banski trailing arms, Guldstrand front suspension,urethane bushings from Prothane (total suspension) ZFDoc drive shaft safety loop, raptor shift light (orange),AO engineering louver front plate, Console seat cushion, 96CE seats with black custom Sheepskins, ss billet catch can,Viper remote entry/alarm,Cragar Rear Louvers,LED side louver lights, Dewitts Radiator with SPAL fans and a Woods 160 T-Stat

90 RED/BLACK #2794. 4L60e Automatic Stage V by RPM Transmission, TCI Dedicated TCM, OBX Stainless Headers, Corsa Exhaust, SAN Secondaries and Haibeck PROM, Exotic Muscle Coil overs, LED Interior Lights, LED Tail Lights, LED Headlights, 94 Sport seats with black custom Sheepskins , Cragar rear louvers, GS Front calipers, Banski Trailing arms, APSIS Carbon Fiber steering wheel, Front and Rear Baer Eradispeeds, DRLs, Guldstrand front suspension,urethane bushings from Prothane (total suspension), Dewitt's Raditor with Dual SPAL fans and a Haibeck 170 T-Stat

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Old 05-01-2012   #27
John Boothby
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Default Re: Engine won't turn over when warm

Originally Posted by GOLDCYLON View Post
99% of all the manual cars Ive driven if you try to start the car in gear the car will lurch forward. There is no liability issue... Just a mechanic who has no business working on your car. If you start any manual car it could be in netual with your foot on the brake for safety. You can have the clutch enganged or not its a matter of choice. I perfer to have my clutch depressed with the car in netural because thats how I learn to drive a standard. The clutch is always depressed unless you are planning on moving or remaining in neutral

Equating an Airbag to a clutch switch when one of the pair strands your car is simply not worth the debate. Your mileage may vary
The mechanic will not touch the car again. He was recommended by another (non ZR-1) corvette owner.
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Old 05-01-2012   #28
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Default Re: Engine won't turn over when warm

I'm proud to say my clutch switch is bypassed. TO hell with the lawyers, and those who fear them.
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Old 05-01-2012   #29
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Default Re: Engine won't turn over when warm

Originally Posted by VetteMed View Post
I'm proud to say my clutch switch is bypassed. TO hell with the lawyers, and those who fear them.
hey, I can be happy or right...

(i'm married to a lawyer)
It's not the car, it's the people - Doug Johnson
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Old 05-02-2012   #30
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Default Re: Engine won't turn over when warm

Originally Posted by GOLDCYLON View Post
Other than to piss off the owner when its fails I disagree there is no there is no good reason for it.
Don't know that it was put there to piss us off. I personally have never had a problem with the switch but then early on in 97 I understood the problem and began to fully depress and engage the clutch switch before starting the engine to avoid damaging the switch.

Originally Posted by GOLDCYLON View Post
A hollow arugment... any good lawyer can argue anything. My case in point the woman who burned their laps when they dropped hot coffee on it served by McDonald. But Hell I degress
Agreed. Someone actually sued the large company I worked for about a decade ago for not explicitly saying in the manual that you could not dry your cat in their microwave. True story. And yet a "good lawyer" would get a large settlement if negligence can be proven to a jury. In this case they lost.

Originally Posted by GOLDCYLON View Post
Beware Lawyer spybots ?
????? They do find stuff on discovery. Depending on which side of a suit you're on this can be a good thing or bad. They just love it when a trail of behavior can be found. It can prove forethought and intentional indifference which cranks up the punitive damage $.
I don't fear lawyers. I fear being stupid. As defined "ignorance" is not knowing something. Stupidity is knowing and still doing the wrong thing.
WITNESS: your honor I resent this line of questioning. The attorney is trying to make me say that I saw the defendant rob the store. He couldn't have robbed the store. I did. ooops
(edited later - I am referring to no one but myself. I did a similar thing to the above once)

I am not a lawyer or married to one but I do keep my mind open when my lawyer friends have spoken. At least enough to know what to do should I hit a pedestrian or how to leave a plausible deniability statement in my prose. (I do this thing XYZ but I do not advocate it for anyone).

It would be interesting to post a "poll" on this as to how many member have bypassed the switch. Maybe there are a "lot" of them. Maybe not.

Vett owner since 1979._It's about the car and the people

Last edited by scottfab; 05-02-2012 at 12:22 PM. Reason: miss interpret
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