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Old 02-10-2012   #88
HAWAIIZR-1's Avatar
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Default Re: Exhaust for max performance.

Great question and thanks for sharing that photo. I know I had a hard time finding someone to weld with stainless when I was in Hawaii, I don't think any problem here. I wondered how to get the bracket on Dynomax 17228 if that is what I decide but I guess the pros will have to fab up something on install.

About the Dynomax 17519 (polished Ultra-flo, stamped and not welded). Don't bother as SCFM flow is 736 compared to the 1900 on the 17228. Just got off the phone with Dynomax tech.

Another thing I want to consider is Dynomax 17220 that is 3" inlet, 3" outlet (single) and SCFM flow is 1800. The guy claims the sound is more agressive than 17228 because it does not split into two and just goes straight through. It make sense, but I also see that flow is 100 SCFM more that might not matter for a 350. According to Dynomax specs 17228 is rated to 864 HP in a single exhaust system and 17220 to 818 HP and the numbers double for a true dual exhaust system. Just curious and something I'm pondering since 3" single to dual offers some nice tips. Thoughts?
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