Forum: C4 ZR-1 Technical Postings
Replies: 1
Views: 5,383
Re: Another Engine Temp Question
Sounds normal to me. I do the same after driving in the insane Texas heat?raise the hood and keep the garage door open for a few hours when possible.
Forum: C4 ZR-1 Technical Postings
Replies: 17
Views: 15,426
Re: Question on Engine Temp
I don?t remember the exact numbers, but last year I was pegging the temp gauge during the Houston heat of June/July. I ended up pulling the radiator for a good cleaning, put in Marc?s thermostat &...
Forum: C4 ZR-1 Technical Postings
Replies: 2
Views: 1,908
Re: What else during headed install?
Good call Bob! I pulled the wheels a few weeks ago and cleaned up all the suspension & brake bits. Will definitely do a more thorough cleaning with the fender liners and manifolds out of the way.
Forum: C4 ZR-1 Technical Postings
Replies: 2
Views: 1,908
What else during header install?
My header install kit from Marc will be here in a few weeks. What else should I consider doing while I have things torn apart for the install? Fuel filter is on the list already.
Forum: C4 ZR-1 General Postings
Replies: 3
Views: 1,357
Forum: C4 ZR-1 Technical Postings
Replies: 10
Views: 13,116
Re: Coolant Bypass from Marc Haibeck
The less bent end is the drivers side. Once in place, and before you attach the hose, you use a #2 Philips screwdriver to bend that side down a bit to more resemble the passenger side. As for the...
Forum: C4 ZR-1 Technical Postings
Replies: 1
Views: 7,902
Need advice for 91 and LT4 Catback
Posted on the FB group also. Need some guidance. I picked up a clean LT4 exhaust with the intention of swapping out on my ?91. My plan was for stock manifolds to lt4 catback and add cutouts. Based...
Forum: C4 ZR-1 Technical Postings
Replies: 10
Views: 13,116
Forum: C4 ZR-1 Parts For Sale / Wanted
Replies: 2
Views: 755
Re: WTB: Exhaust - Aftermarket or 93-95 stock
Bob, your exhaust and the posts detailing it are one that I keep going back to month after month, and the main reason I?m entertaining a stock exhaust with cutouts. I reached out to Pete already and...
Forum: C4 ZR-1 Technical Postings
Replies: 15
Views: 3,580
Re: Overheating issues.
Ran around town for about 45 minutes. Outside temp about 102. Mostly driving through neighborhoods with a few ?spirited? runs. AC blowing full speed the entire time. Monitored the engine/coolant temp...
Forum: C4 ZR-1 Parts For Sale / Wanted
Replies: 2
Views: 755
WTB: Exhaust - Aftermarket or 93-95 stock
I've been hearing more and more clips of exhausts and want to open my '91 up more. Interested in what people may have laying around that they are looking to get rid of. As the title states, I'm...
Forum: C4 ZR-1 Technical Postings
Replies: 15
Views: 3,580
Re: Overheating issues.
I'm in Houston also and was experiencing some uncomfortably high temps while driving a couple weeks ago. I ended up removing and deep cleaning the radiator (30 years of dust/dirt/fur...etc),...
Forum: C4 ZR-1 Technical Postings
Replies: 30
Views: 13,100
Re: Headers
Appreciate the feedback! From my research, OBX and Maximizer are indeed the same. OBX headers are just more highly polished.
Forum: C4 ZR-1 Technical Postings
Replies: 30
Views: 13,100
Re: Headers
Anyone have pics of the dimpling you had to do? And I?m assuming it?s better to dimple it before having them coated, or does that not really matter?
Forum: C4 ZR-1 Parts For Sale / Wanted
Replies: 12
Views: 1,963
Forum: C4 ZR-1 Parts For Sale / Wanted
Replies: 12
Views: 1,963
Forum: C4 ZR-1 Parts For Sale / Wanted
Replies: 12
Views: 1,963
Re: FS: Full Factory exhaust from 1994 ZR1
Unfortunately shipping costs would probably make that go outside my goal of a ?budget? build to open up my 91. I may just end up jumping off the deep end in a few months and going full in with SW...
Forum: C4 ZR-1 Parts For Sale / Wanted
Replies: 12
Views: 1,963
Forum: C4 ZR-1 Member Rides
Replies: 8
Views: 1,762
Re: 1991 ZR-1 #1648!!!
Yeah, some of the comments on there were pretty ridiculous. I wanted Nitto 555 G2s, but the fronts were out of stock everywhere. Ended up with M/T Street Comps. Don't have much to compare them to,...
Forum: C4 ZR-1 Member Rides
Replies: 8
Views: 1,762
Re: 1991 ZR-1 #1648!!!
I was wondering how long it would take for someone to mention the wheels from the BaT auction 🤣 The tires that it had were 10+ years old and pretty cracked, so new tires and putting the wheels in the...
Forum: C4 ZR-1 Member Rides
Replies: 8
Views: 1,762
1991 ZR-1 #1648!!!
After MUCH too long of a break from Corvette ownership, I am happy to say that I?m a part of the family again! The important specs: 1991 ZR-1 in Bright Metallic Red with black interior & only 20,500...
Forum: C4 ZR-1 Technical Postings
Replies: 12
Views: 2,246
Re: Replacement Tires for 1993 ZR-1
Nitto 555 g2 fronts are out of stock everywhere and Nitto doesn?t know when production will start again. Instead, I just put M/T Street Comps on my new (to me) 91 last Friday and they?re excellent!