Forum: C4 ZR-1 Technical Postings
Replies: 9
Views: 2,888
Re: LT5 on E85
Not going anywhere, just a friendly deposit of some ethanol related info that I found while perusing. Many people reading this are interested in ethanol fuels.
Forum: C4 ZR-1 Technical Postings
Replies: 9
Views: 2,888
Re: LT5 on E85
Just some info on ethanol.
The stoichiometric ratio that GM uses for earlier straight gasoline was 14.6:1. Then in the mid 90's, E10 gasohol was in full swing up here in Canada and the...
Forum: C4 ZR-1 Technical Postings
Replies: 9
Views: 2,888
Re: LT5 on E85
Why bother? Because unless its from a drum, E85 isnt always 85% "E".
Forum: C4 ZR-1 Technical Postings
Replies: 91
Views: 23,629
Re: Serious Concerns Over Parts Availability
From a performance perspective: The advantages of Coil Near Plug (CNP) over a single coil system as used on the GEN-II LT1/4 can be marked. The advantages over a multicoil system such as is used on...
Forum: C4 ZR-1 General Postings
Replies: 9
Views: 1,401
Re: 28 years ago today .....
Hey Bob, I'm not sure if this is the video you are referring to, but here is a video from the Vette Museum.
Forum: C4 ZR-1 Parts For Sale / Wanted
Replies: 18
Views: 4,225
Forum: C4 ZR-1 General Postings
Replies: 132
Views: 13,970
Forum: C4 ZR-1 General Postings
Replies: 12
Views: 2,831
Re: "How to drive your ZR-1"
The video I was looking for was the one by John Heinricy
The video has been removed.
Forum: C4 ZR-1 General Postings
Replies: 12
Views: 2,831
Re: "How to drive your ZR-1"
Just to be clear, that was a video from 5abiVT, a member here and a fellow Canuck about 1.5 hours North-East of me. I just didn't want appear to be stealing his thunder, but the video fit this...
Forum: C4 ZR-1 General Postings
Replies: 12
Views: 2,831
Re: "How to drive your ZR-1"
My drivers Ed teacher always said "when merging onto a freeway don't be afraid to hold the accelerator to he floor. It wont do anything its not deigned to."
Big difference between a 4 banger Mazda...
Replies: 8
Views: 1,820
Re: 101 miles and not a drop of gas
If I could go 7 hours 27 minutes without "gas" it'd be a miracle. I eat way(whey) too much protein. Like really, I need to be attached to a burn-off stack.
Seriously good for you, Ive recently...
Forum: C4 ZR-1 Technical Postings
Replies: 35
Views: 5,487
Re: 4:10 gears
Do any of you guys with 3.73 or lower(4.10's, 4.56's) with the stock tire heights ever do any 1-3-5 shifting when just driving her easy?
The last C5 I had some decent seat time is was a 1999 6...
Forum: C4 ZR-1 Technical Postings
Replies: 9
Views: 2,014
Re: need help please!
The correct spec for fuel pressure at WOT or Vacuum Referenced Fuel Pressure Regulator disconnected, is 50.8 psi(350kpa) for the LT5. At idle it should be a bit less.
Forum: C4 ZR-1 Technical Postings
Replies: 9
Views: 2,014
Re: need help please!
If the tank was empty and you added 2 gallons with Seafoam, you COULD have disturbed all sorts of rust/corrosion into the fuel system.
A quick fuel filter swap with an inspection of the old...
Forum: C4 ZR-1 General Postings
Replies: 15
Views: 2,089
Re: Oops! GM Vp crashes ZR1 pace car
Driver was a lil sore upon egress, but he hid it well. He was afterall in the middle of a huge unplanned Chevrolet safety demonstration.
Forum: C4 ZR-1 General Postings
Replies: 15
Views: 2,225
Re: Deal on Mobil 1 high milage oil
I know that in the UK that Castrol GTX Magnatec Full Synthetic is labeled with H/C for HydroCracked as the laws over there are different than the US. That's all I know about that oil.
Forum: Professional Motor Sports
Replies: 3
Views: 7,113
Re: Man vs Algorithm
This has the feel of the leadup to the Gary Kasparov vs. IBM's "Deep Blue" chess matchup.
"Deep Blue" was a chess playing computer and it's development began in 1985 under the name "Chip Test"...
Forum: C4 ZR-1 Member Rides
Replies: 18
Views: 2,690
Re: New owner of 91 ZR-1 #400
I agree with you there. White is not my favourite exterior colour, but a white Zed with red guts is an amazing combination.
Since it's a Haibeck car, that alleviates so many worries about buying a...
Forum: C4 ZR-1 Member Rides
Replies: 14
Views: 2,190
Re: New owner of 1990 #2511
Beautiful car the black waist stripe really sets the car off.
I remember car buyers/magazines complaining that the 1990 Zeds were too difficult to differentiate from the L98 powered cars. This...
Forum: C4 ZR-1 General Postings
Replies: 26
Views: 3,368
Forum: C4 ZR-1 Parts For Sale / Wanted
Replies: 1
Views: 1,100
Forum: C4 ZR-1 General Postings
Replies: 24
Views: 2,793
Re: Your first memories of a Vette.
One of my Dad friends had a brand new 1985 TPI Vette. He let my Mom take me for a ride to the small rural store. There were some of my friends from school on their bikes as Mom and I got back into...
Forum: C4 ZR-1 General Postings
Replies: 15
Views: 2,225
Re: Deal on Mobil 1 high milage oil
Is it 100% synthetic? or is it the ripoff version cracked from crude oil/natural gas and called Full synthetic? This is the big question about Mobil-1.
If it's too cheap it's not 100%...
Forum: C4 ZR-1 General Postings
Replies: 20
Views: 2,633
Re: 2019 ZR1 @ Drag Strip WTH!!!
Perhaps some day GM will use the dual clutch trans in the Corvette. Maybe the C8? Until then its the 8 speed 8L90 that the Vette uses, or the 10 speed 10L90 that Cadillac, GM fullsize SUVs and the...
Forum: C4 ZR-1 General Postings
Replies: 20
Views: 2,633
Re: 2019 ZR1 @ Drag Strip WTH!!!
There aren't many GM vehicles built since 1992-93 with the advent of the 4l60e transmission that don't have some sort or torque reduction or torque management. It was usually reserved for automatic...