Forum: C4 ZR-1 NCRS Topics
4 Days Ago
Replies: 6
Views: 159
Re: NCRS Flight Judging in TN
Outstanding ZR-1!!!
Your periodic tests exercise more things in a day than mine has had exercised in years, as I would expect from a life long pilot and enthusiast!
Enjoy your toys!!!...
Forum: C4 ZR-1 Technical Postings
4 Days Ago
Replies: 13
Views: 363
Forum: C4 ZR-1 General Postings
4 Days Ago
Replies: 17
Views: 600
Re: A New Guy Around Here
Russ' quote says it all!
Welcome to the group and enjoy that ZR-1!
Don't be shy if you have questions. You will find the group has faced nearly every imaginable, and some unimaginable concerns...
Forum: C4 ZR-1 Parts For Sale / Wanted
4 Days Ago
Replies: 3
Views: 246
Forum: C4 ZR-1 NCRS Topics
4 Days Ago
Replies: 4
Views: 2,558
Forum: C4 ZR-1 Parts For Sale / Wanted
1 Week Ago
Replies: 3
Views: 246
Forum: C4 ZR-1 Parts For Sale / Wanted
1 Week Ago
Replies: 3
Views: 246
Forum: C4 ZR-1 Technical Postings
1 Week Ago
Replies: 13
Views: 796
Re: 1990 no start issue
A better plan might be to:
1- remove the hush panel
2- build the wire per the instructions
3- grab your cell phone
4- go to the bank
5- get a crisp new $50.00 bill
6- take the bill phone and...
Forum: C4 ZR-1 Technical Postings
1 Week Ago
Replies: 5
Views: 311
Forum: C4 ZR-1 Parts For Sale / Wanted
1 Week Ago
Replies: 3
Views: 246
Forum: C4 ZR-1 Technical Postings
2 Weeks Ago
Replies: 13
Views: 796
Re: 1990 no start issue
Have you taken each of these steps as outlined last year?
12-04-2024 #4
DRM500RUBYZR-1's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Mullica Hill, NJ
Forum: C4 ZR-1s for Sale / Wanted
3 Weeks Ago
Replies: 10
Views: 657
Re: ZR-1 books, ect.
I remember same profile picture!
One proud Dad!!!
Great young man!
And NICE first set of wheels!!!! REAL Nice!
Best to all!
Forum: C4 ZR-1 General Postings
3 Weeks Ago
Replies: 56
Views: 7,499
Forum: C4 ZR-1 Member Rides
3 Weeks Ago
Replies: 13
Views: 1,268
Re: NEW OWNER - 1991 #0093
Congratulations and welcome to you and your Dad!
You both must have had fun on your "adventure"!
We are here, if you need us.
Glad to see young and old discovering the joy of a ZR-1!
Forum: C4 ZR-1 General Postings
3 Weeks Ago
Replies: 5
Views: 393
Forum: C4 ZR-1 General Postings
3 Weeks Ago
Replies: 4
Views: 322
Re: E A G L E S, Eagles!!!!
I had to wait until becoming a senior citizen to see the Eagles finally win a Super Bowl in February 2018 against the GOAT and Belicheck. ( Although I remember (now fondly) freezing at many a...
Forum: C4 ZR-1 General Postings
3 Weeks Ago
Replies: 16
Views: 1,379
Re: Thou shalt not edit!
I have no animus towards anyone on of this Forum, or anywhere else for that matter.
I am convinced the vast bulk of our frustrations were due to systems issues not any personal ones.
Forum: C4 ZR-1 General Postings
4 Weeks Ago
Replies: 16
Views: 1,379
Thou shalt not edit!
The response from a member should not have been deleted, nor the thread closed.
This has to stop.
His response, which I read before it was deleted, did not involve any system related problem,...
Forum: C4 ZR-1 General Postings
4 Weeks Ago
Replies: 4
Views: 322
Forum: C4 ZR-1 General Postings
4 Weeks Ago
Replies: 30
Views: 1,676
Forum: C4 ZR-1 General Postings
4 Weeks Ago
Replies: 30
Views: 1,676
OK, What's wrong Now?
The members area is not displaying.
MODERATOR EDIT: Everyone's account should be repaired. Please respond in this thread if your account is NOT back to normal.
Forum: C4 ZR-1 General Postings
4 Weeks Ago
Replies: 36
Views: 2,322
Re: ZR1 Registry Site
There appears to be NO POSTS for over two days, until just recently.
Very unlikely.
Something must have broken, or everyone got quiet.
Forum: C4 ZR-1 General Postings
4 Weeks Ago
Replies: 36
Views: 2,322
Re: ZR1 Registry Site
A number of posts failed to post last night.
All, except mine, made it to my email, but they failed to post on the forum.
My post disappeared entirely.
Must be a problem.
Forum: C4 ZR-1 General Postings
Replies: 36
Views: 2,322
Re: ZR1 registry
Sorry to hear that someone left. Who was it?
Hopefully it wasn't over the comments.
Forum: C4 ZR-1 General Postings
Replies: 3
Views: 462