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-   -   93' and up weight difference, where does it come from? (http://zr1.net/forum/showthread.php?t=32501)

Karl 12-06-2020 11:27 AM

93' and up weight difference, where does it come from?
Where does the extra weight come from in the '93 and up cars?

I am removing unnecessary weight from the car and want to know why the later years weight more.

I have talked with Pete and reviewed Marc's website on the topic. I assume it is not the EGR and ASR system, but every pound counts.

Thank you,

Vette73 12-06-2020 02:58 PM

Re: 93' and up weight difference, where does it come from?
These were a little porky out of the factory....I know on my 91 I went to a 14 lb fidanza flywheel...Went w headers to remove the heavy cats...The OBX catback was lighter then the stock cat back as well....Removed rear spare tire with jack and lug wrench.
Removed vacuum accessories when I deleted secondaries ( maybe a couple of pounds

..Use the tinted top instead body colored one, maybe its 5 pounds lighter...Went with A molds and sold the factory sawblades....Sawblades are a little heavier...Went with slotted aluminum rotors,instead of the factory iron ones..

Yep every little bit helps....

Karl 12-06-2020 03:50 PM

Re: 93' and up weight difference, where does it come from?
I have all the above mentioned weight savings and then some, except I use a ~20lb flywheel and have the stock rotors.

I am more concerned about where the extra weight comes from the factory in the later model years.

Hib Halverson 12-08-2020 09:30 PM

Re: 93' and up weight difference, where does it come from?
I can remember back then some discussion at press previews between media, myself included, and Chevrolet PR folks about what drove the increase in curb weight but, at this point in time, damn if I can remember what it was.

EvanZR1 12-09-2020 08:46 AM

Re: 93' and up weight difference, where does it come from?
Redesigned seats, extra sound deadening material, passenger airbag, additional crash structure/bracing?

Karl 12-09-2020 10:12 AM

Re: 93' and up weight difference, where does it come from?
Hib, if you can think of anything please post.

Evan, the seats changed in 1994 -1995 and I am pretty sure there is no passenger side airbag in my '93.

I am thinking it is insulation, sound dampening, and antivibration materials used to improve the overall ride and build quality.

The door panels changed in 94 also. I believe they are a pound or two lighter each.

Only difference I can think of between the 93 vs 94 & 95 is the seats, door panels, and passenger side airbag.

I don't see 50 lbs there.

I feel like I have one of these stuck to my car....


Anyone have any additional information?

Erik 12-09-2020 07:20 PM

Re: 93' and up weight difference, where does it come from?
I was just reading about this! But where? Let me check my library and I'll get right back to you.

Vette73 12-09-2020 10:00 PM

Re: 93' and up weight difference, where does it come from?
Too lazy to Google ....What is the weight difference like 50 pounds ? Considering these cars were the most expensive GM produced in the 90's it would have been nice if they lightened certain body panels...

I'm sure many of you own C5 Z06's...You can raise the hood on that car with one finger as opposed to a shoulder press when it comes to the ZR-1....I realize it is a bigger hood but there are many spots where they could have shed the weight..

Of course a decade and a half later Chevy built the LS7 Z06 with lightweight panels and a car with 505 HP that weighed all of 3,100 pounds..

Rodder 12-10-2020 08:34 AM

Re: 93' and up weight difference, where does it come from?
A long time ago I read performance numbers through 90-95 and what struck me was the weights. You always read how heavy the later years are. Did a search and found it, was Jim Ingle?s text.


Even if fluids are not down to the ounce, calibration of the scale and what ever, engineers have an mind setting for keeping them "good enough " for what they presenting. Anybody else put different year cars on a scale?


spork2367 12-10-2020 11:32 AM

Re: 93' and up weight difference, where does it come from?
Impact absorbers on later years are lighter as they are foam compared to 1990-92 molded plastic.

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