09-08-2005 | #1 |
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: north of montreal
Posts: 510
dreaded relation between wontstart and suicide
i know this has been discussed to death,but im just about to set her on fire....she wont start ?*%$
i did everything the book and hib say :rebuilt starter,new starter relay, bypass the clutch switch,dance on my left foot with both eyes closed,charge the battery (its good)....now,i guess i have to attack the vats....any way to deactivate the system?somebody wants to buy a cheap z? somebody has the number for suicide-aid? any idea will help blackjack 91 (fire)red |
09-08-2005 | #2 |
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: NY
Posts: 142
Have you tried different keys? I had a key fail intermittently. Do you have an aftermarket alarm? Does the security light flash when the door is open and go off when closed? Did you check voltage at the starter purple wire? If so, what was the voltage. I am also currently having an intermittent problem with my starter system. I wired a temp starter switch to the purple wire a few months ago.
Call me before you do any thing crazy. I may be able to give better info by phone than the forum.
Mike 427 cu in LT5 [URL="http://zr1mk.weebly.com"]http://zr1mk.weebly.com[/URL] |
09-08-2005 | #3 |
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 21
I was having the same problem it was very intermittant my car would stall, miss & run horrible it would also flash (sys) on the dash while the security light flashed then it would not start for a few minutes I became affraid to drive this car because it may let me sit. It happened one day by luck while I was at the Cadillac dealer and all the mechanics were leaving for the day. The boys were very excited about seeing a ZR1 and they all wanted to work on it. One thing that they all agreed on was the VATS system was the issue they bypassed it with a resistor under the dash somehow the cost was $150.
92 ZR1 B&B Triflo DRC Prom K&N |
09-09-2005 | #4 |
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: S. Florida
Posts: 2,649
Chances are it's the "VATS". Try cleaning your key with contact cleaner or rubbing alcohol if you don't have any contact cleaner. Believe it or not a simple fix like that can work. Also check your clutch safety switch by jumping it.
What year is your ZR-1? Depending on the year you could have a PKE so there are three inputs to trigger the disable input - either door lock cylinder or the PKE. If you're passively disarming your alarm with the key fob it should be triggering this. Additionally, the secondary alarm was a fuel cut off, so it should start then stall, not refuse to start at all. There are many misconceptions concerning this system. The VATS is the special ignition key that contains the resistor pellet, this pellet connects to the VATS module which allows it to: 1) Signal the ECM. 2) Close the starter circuit. Without a signal response from the VATS module, the ECM will not allow fuel injection or starter operation. VATS is not connected to the alarm system, so it is active even if the alarm system is defeated, or if the car is left unlocked. The two main components of the system are the ignition key with resistor pellet and the VATS decoder module. The pellet in the key is just a resistor, it will be one of 15 specific values. The ignition cylinder has contacts that connect between the two sides of the ignition key pellet. Wiring carries this resistance value to the VATS decoder module, where it is compared to the value stored in the module. If they match, the car starts. If they do not match, the starter circuit and fuel injectors are disabled. A timer (approximately 4 minutes) is also activated if an improper resistance is read. Each time an attempt is made during this delay period, the timer will be reset. So it is important to wait at least 4 minutes before another attempt is made. The VATS Bypass Modules that you see in the Corvette catalogs cost anywhere from $30 - $50. Add to that shipping and sales tax where applicable and you’re looking at $35 for a resistor that you can pick up at Radio Shack for under $1! Another problem with the bypass modules is that you have to know what code value (1-15) to buy. That means you'll have to go to a dealer that can use their VATS Interrogator. If you take a multi-meter and measure the resistance between the metal contacts on either side of your key, you can buy a resistor of this value at any Radio Shack store. ¼ watt will do. Then remove the hush panel above the drivers foot well and find the two white wires from behind the steering column that go to a 2 pin connector and unplug the connector. With your key in the ignition, measure the resistance across the white wires. It should be the same as your pellet. If over 13k ohms, you need a new ignition tumbler which has better contacts that mate with the pellet. You can temporarily bypass VATS until you can get the new tumbler installed by connecting a 1/4 watt 5% resistor the same value as your pellet and from Radio Shack. Disconnect the two-cavity connector at base of steering column with two black wires in the female end and one yellow and one brown wire in the male end. Your newly purchased resistor goes into the male side of this connector, so you'll need to crimp a couple of female pins to the resistor legs. If you insist on purchasing the VATS bypass from one of the Corvette catalogs, again measure the resistance of your key pellet and compare it to the code chart to find your code. It is also possible to reprogram the PROM to ignore the VATS signal, however I do not recommend doing that. Most car thefts are done by bashing the column and jumping the ignition. If you bypass VATS you are circumventing one of the best ways to protect your car from amateur car thieves. There is a reason Corvette's are not stolen that often compared with other cars, and it's primary deterrent is the VATS. So if you are having trouble with VATS, it would pay to find out where the problem is instead of permanently bypassing VATS. BTW- I recommend against committing suicide, so incase you are thinking about it call 1.800.SUICIDE (784-2433). |
09-14-2005 | #5 |
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: S. Florida
Posts: 2,649
I see that you have not posted since this thread, so I hope that either you got the problem resolved, or that you called the suicide hotline.
09-15-2005 | #6 |
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: north of montreal
Posts: 510
still looking for a rope....
seriously,im a little mad at the car...it did ruin my summer...shoved it in the garage...i might look into it this week-end...i will probably try the resistor trick ill let you know...thanks for your advice,z blackjack 91 red/1735 |
09-15-2005 | #7 |
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: north of montreal
Posts: 510
forgot to mention....i had a new key made...didnt work
maudite cochonnerie !! b |
09-17-2005 | #8 |
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 54
hey black jack
have you got spark????might just be a bad ig module under the plenum or sounds electrical,have you checked a fuse????im sorry im not much help but sounds like to me that its an electrical problem wish you were closer to boston id help ya out.try getting in touch with allain rondeau i beliee hes in quebec maybe he can help.if not please tell me what symtoms the car is doing and ill check with my zr1 tech next week. peter |
09-17-2005 | #9 |
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: north of montreal
Posts: 510
i believe alain lives in alberta there is hope....i found out that my world famous mechanic did not cancel the clutch switch...he bypassed the cruise cut-off switch !! ill try bypassing the RIGHT switch,and ill get back to you...im a harley mechanic,and i hate working in my cars !!too many wires : im not the size that ll ...duh...fit under a dash...lol jacques |
09-22-2005 | #10 |
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: north of montreal
Posts: 510
its the starter ?%$/%"!_)(&?%
i ordered a new one-not rebuilt jacques |