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Old 02-03-2018   #1
TX '90 ZR1
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Question Lift Recommendations

Hey Guys,
I am thinking I need to get a lift to raise my '90. Getting to where jacking it up and working under it with a creeper is really a pain. (Getting older has it's drawbacks.)
Believe I want to go with a 4 post lift. Use it occasionally for maintenance and cleaning underneath. Maybe store the car on also if I will not be driving it for a bit.
I have 18' ceiling, so height is not an issue. Would like for it to be portable if I need to shuffle it around in the shop. Don't want to break the bank, but want it suitable to safely do the job.
What are your recommendations? Photos would be appreciated if you can.

z011418 ZR1&V-Rod (4).jpg

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Old 02-03-2018   #2
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Default Re: Lift Recommendations

The most simple lift is KwikLift.

See Item #2 ZR-1 Transmission Install and Lift Tricks
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Old 02-03-2018   #3
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Default Re: Lift Recommendations

I have a 4 post & used to have a KwikLift. KwikLift is a good piece of equipment but for us older guys the 4 post is better.

If I were buying today, it would be a Backyard Buddy lift. http://backyardbuddy.com/

For my purposes, I would choose the 7000lb Service lift version.
Jerry Downey
1994 ZR-1, Black/Black, Lingenfelter Aerobody, 416cu in, 3.91 gears, coil-over susp, Brembo brakes, etc.
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Last edited by A26B; 02-03-2018 at 11:28 AM.
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Old 02-03-2018   #4
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Default Re: Lift Recommendations

As Jerry notes, Backyard Buddy is a good one, as is a BendPak lift. There are many adequate ones out there. Greg Smith in Austin Texas sells Atlas lifts. When I decided to get a lift in 2012, I researched many lifts and ended up with a Direct Lift Pro Park 8S. I wanted one that was ALI/ETL certified, moderately priced, had maximum width between the posts with minimum overall width to help accommodate my wife's car next to it. I also was OK with mechanical safety catches and did not want to depend on an air compressor for them. In the end the Direct Lift fit the bill. Back then it cost $2,195 ($2,279 now) plus I paid a dealer in Milwaukee (about an hour away) $900 to deliver and install it. Also bought a 90 degree bracket for the motor, pump and tank so I would have more room between the lift and the wall of my 2 car garage (distance from post to wall about 22"). My garage is 21x21 with a 10' ceiling. What lift you get depends on what cars it will be used with; if you have a truck under it you will need a different model. I have one car that is 5' tall (BMW 5 series) and one that is 4' tall (ZR-1s then later the Z06). Raised the door tracks to near the ceiling and installed a jackshaft opener (Liftmaster 3800). Comes with casters so you can move it around and it does not have to be bolted to the floor. No problems after 5 years of regular use for storage and up and down swapping cars on sunny days. Only minor issue is the hydraulic cylinder has developed a tiny leak of a few drops a month which I do not worry about. Put a drip tray under it with a paper towel. Plenty of pictures in my albums--just click on my avatar. --Bob
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Last edited by WARP TEN; 02-03-2018 at 11:52 AM.
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Old 02-03-2018   #5
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Default Re: Lift Recommendations

You'll get a differing opinion from everybody on this question!! I have a backyard buddy, and was lucky enough to find it used to save a few bucks. Its a great lift. Note you can't do brake and suspension work using these lifts unless you shell out the big bucks for the traveling center jack underneath. It works great for cleaning, storing two vehicles stacked, changing oil, trans, and diff fluids and many other things.
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Old 02-03-2018   #6
TX '90 ZR1
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Default Re: Lift Recommendations

Everyone here is awesome!!
I've got plenty of height and room, so I won't be restricted by that.
Sure I want to get the car up high enough to walk around under it & I think the 4 post would be better as opposed to a 2 post if the car is going to be stored. Easy enough to get the tires off using a bottle jack while it is on the lift.. Really don't have them off that often. No longer than the tires are generally off, I can just use a floor jack & stands if I don't need it up higher.
Here are a couple of jacking accessories I built after getting ideas here.


The one on the left I use to lift the rear, the other under jacking points.
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Old 02-03-2018   #7
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Default Re: Lift Recommendations

I have a Back Yard Buddy, Superior, and Atlas. I like them in that order and their pricing is that way as well. They all have 2 jack bridges, and the Atlas has a sliding pump jack. The BYB bridge slides on wheels and is flush with the deck. The others slide on the deck with Teflon pads and they are lower than the deck. I've pulled engines, transmissions, entire drivelines out of C4/5/6 with no issues. The BYB is a extended height lift and my Lightning fits under it, but not the others. I've had the BYB for over 16 years now. I had to replace one of the pulleys that wore out last year.

At Mecum in Harrisburg there was a lift there that looked like a copy of the BYB. It was priced a little less. They also had a double wide 4 post that you could put 2 cars on. It was pretty cool! Forget the name though, maybe American or something?
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Old 02-03-2018   #8
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Default Re: Lift Recommendations

Kwik Lift is better than nothing, but you are still rolling around on your back.

2 Post is best for many heavy duty jobs due to it's expanded access beneath the vehicle, but is not practical for a storage lift if you want to maximize utility of your space.

Backyard Buddy is a copy of an out of business Kansas company's lifts, Auto Lifters, and both of them are the best that I have seen or used as far as 4 post lifts for home or light commercial use.

Go with the bigger one! Those huge tires are easier to center on the wider ramps, and the extra length and capacity is also worth the small premium as it also gives you added lift height.


The short ones are a PITA with our cars, and if you go to a newer generation Vette, especially with a splitter up front, you will be glad you have the more gradual rise.

Only mistake I made was putting the controls close to the wall. My son was 5 when I bought the first lift, and I did not want him to have easy access to them.
However, I have always hated standing there with my back almost to the wall and the ramp a foot or less from my chest. While nothing has ever gone wrong, I do feel trapped, but that is exacerbated by my steps being directly in front of the one ramp. Avoid that if you can.

Never had an issue, but when you leave it up for months at a time on the safety latches, you will get some slack in the cables. Both of my lifts have provisions to keep the cable on the pulley in these situations, but ALWAYS do a visual before operating.

I love my lifts, and would feel lost without them!

So long, high, heavy duty, 4 post with locking into the thick steel of the post, and extended approach ramps.

Do that and have (safe) FUN!

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Old 02-04-2018   #9
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Default Re: Lift Recommendations

Originally Posted by DRM500RUBYZR-1 View Post
Kwik Lift is better than nothing, but you are still rolling around on your back.

But it is soooooo comfortable on the Kwik Lift Creeper. And plenty of Elbow room and plenty room to remove a Transmission. And I leave Kwik Lift on a slope (front raised) to park the Current ZR-1.

Just insert a key, Turn Battery ON with Disconnect Switch, and without starting LT5 just let the ZR-1 back it self out of garage. Need key on to unlock steering just in case

But.......I am just cheap......a four post lift would be very nice if I had the overhead room. But dropping a Transmission from 6 ft I am not sure of

Last edited by Dynomite; 02-04-2018 at 10:47 AM.
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Old 02-11-2018   #10
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Default Re: Lift Recommendations

I've been on the fence for a few years on buying a lift and you guys pushed me over the edge.
Backyard Buddy now offers delivery and installation so I am comparing that lift to a local lift distributor that carries Forward brand lifts. Forward is part of the VSG group who also comprise Rotary, Direct Lift and others.
Now my dilemma is $5k for the Forward including 2 rolling jacks turnkey or over $8k for the BYB with a single rolling jack turnkey.
I'm leaning towards the BYB based on all the rave reviews unless someone here has something good to say about Forward.

Thanks for any and all comments!
1990 ZR-1 #2699
Black on Black
15,000 miles
Full-time secondaries, 4.10 gears, C-beam plates, ported top end
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