View Full Version : Good Weekend

flyin ryan
05-26-2009, 12:55 AM
I had a good weekend & didn't leave home. I had a bunch of my customers out racing at various track's this past weekend. One of the better performances, for me, was at the NHRA Division 6 point's race in Mision B.C. where one of my main Competition Eliminator customers Qualifier #1. Comp. is know as a H.P. class, need it to be successful, so for him to do well looks good on myself. It's nice when a customer can take your work & run with it. He runs a 2004 Cavalier in C/SMA. Minimum weight going down the track is 2865 LBS., he runs a 355 cube Small Block with only one (1) 850 carb (all your allowed) & no power adders (naturally asperated). Best run was 8.12 E.T. @ 164 MPH. Best part is there is a better bullet in the trailer i just finished a couple weeks ago, well over 900+ H.P., can't wait to see that :razz:. Next race for him is June 12-14 in Spokane.

05-26-2009, 07:51 PM
That sounds killer. What class will your ZR-1 run in? ;)

05-27-2009, 06:50 AM
:jawdrop: You should be proud!:thumbsup:


flyin ryan
05-27-2009, 11:33 AM
:jawdrop: You should be proud!:thumbsup:

TomI am, actually, Thanks Tom. Lot's of work though, they really eat the hours :redface:. The NHRA national record is 8.11 E.T. & they ran 8.12 E.T. first time out so it definatly turned some heads. I told them if they put the 'Good Bullet' in & catch some good air right now or in the Fall, they could be the first C/SMA car in the 7's! That would be wicked :razz:.

flyin ryan
05-27-2009, 11:35 AM
What class will your ZR-1 run in? ;)Won't be the fastest oil change class :mrgreen:. (Inside joke)

05-28-2009, 06:30 AM
Holy smokes Ryan! Those are some kind of nasty bullets you built for those guys! To run 0.01 off a class record the first time out is the nuts! Yea, I'll bet some heads got whiplash they swiveled 'round so fast!

Damn man, you should be proud! That is some kind of HP/cu.in.:thumbsup:

Okay I repeat myself, but I'm senile....I think? :mrgreen:

flyin ryan
05-28-2009, 01:51 PM
Damn man, you should be proud! That is some kind of HP/cu.in.:thumbsup:

Okay I repeat myself, but I'm senile....I think? :mrgreen:That's O.K., i never get tired of hearing it :). Obviously this isn't the best place place to be talking about this stuff, just thought i'd share it with you guys, but it made lots of noise in the NHRA Comp. Elim. world.

05-29-2009, 08:06 AM
Hey Ryan, thanks for sharing these tid bits with us!:handshak:

:) I thought that this section was Professional Motor Sports....I dare say that you qualify to be sharing the results of your creativity with us here. I would like to hear how your guys make out as the season unfolds.


flyin ryan
05-29-2009, 11:22 AM
Hey Ryan, thanks for sharing these tid bits with us!:handshak:

:) I thought that this section was Professional Motor Sports....I dare say that you qualify to be sharing the results of your creativity with us here. I would like to hear how your guys make out as the season unfolds.

:thumbsup:Well I wasn't really sure about putting it here but...even though they are classed as 'Sportsman', everybody in that world sort of considers themselves 'Pro' racers that don't get paid very good, :cool:, LOL.

05-30-2009, 06:35 AM
Okay, I see your point Ryan. But the small operation deserve the kudos when they earn them, as is the case here...I may have to start paying more attention to drag racing. I used to really like watching the old super stock class and the modified production class and the gas class and those crazy guys that drove the fuel altereds .......yea that's how long it's been since I've been to a drag race meet....:sign10:


flyin ryan
05-31-2009, 12:20 AM
I used to really like watching the old super stock class and the modified production class and the gas class and those crazy guys that drove the fuel altereds .......

:cheers:That's all wicked cool stuff :razz:. That said...you wouldn't catch me behind the wheel of one of those fuel altereds [-X.

05-31-2009, 06:20 AM
That's all wicked cool stuff :razz:. That said...you wouldn't catch me behind the wheel of one of those fuel altereds [-X.

:thumbsup: Yea, I thought so too.....I remember when Drag strips used to advertise on the local radio stations for what was coming up in national events and even just what is now called "test and tune nights".....I think we used to call those sessions "grudge match nights"????, on Thursdays?...it used to go along way to keeping it off of the street and it was waaay fun to watch!......or at least I thought so...

But you are right about those guys that drove the AA/altered cars were out there where the buses don't run.....jez, back in the late 60's what were the class rules?...98" wheel base chassis(?), 1800 lbs(?), and a blown & injected motors burning fuel.....Wild Willy something-or -other...I can't remember his name, but you had to be a bit touched to drive one of those things & keep your foot in those cars when they used to get outta shape doing the burn outs.

:redface: ah shoot, I think I'm guilty of "waxing nostalgic" sorry Ryan!:o....but it was great fun back then!....:mrgreen:

05-31-2009, 11:45 PM
i remember those fuel altereds. those guys had some steel balls to drive those things . we used to sit at the lights, man that was fun back then .ryan nice job on the motor, bet you could be getting some new business soon.:thumbsup:

flyin ryan
06-01-2009, 12:01 AM
i remember those fuel altereds. those guys had some steel balls to drive those things . we used to sit at the lights, man that was fun back then .ryan nice job on the motor, bet you could be getting some new business soon.:thumbsup:I'm not sure if those guys had 'Steel' nuts or just didn't know any better at the time :dontknow:. The 'New' buisiness has already started...dosen't take long in this world for word to spread. Guys always chasing the all-mighty HP. As of right now I'm commited to my customer, though. If someone wanted something that runs in a different class than him, well, I'd listen. Not fair of me to sell out his combination that we developed together, IMO. I'm going to post up a pic or two you guys will like ;).

flyin ryan
06-01-2009, 12:28 AM
Old school 'INDOOR' Drags. It's the old Amphitheater in Chicago on Halsted by the stockyards, circa 1964. Just plain wicked!!


flyin ryan
06-01-2009, 12:29 AM



flyin ryan
06-01-2009, 12:30 AM


06-01-2009, 03:53 AM
I'm not sure if those guys had 'Steel' nuts or just didn't know any better at the time :dontknow:. The 'New' buisiness has already started...dosen't take long in this world for word to spread. Guys always chasing the all-mighty HP. As of right now I'm commited to my customer, though. If someone wanted something that runs in a different class than him, well, I'd listen. Not fair of me to sell out his combination that we developed together, IMO. I'm going to post up a pic or two you guys will like ;). yeah dont know if they had steeles, but it was a pet saying of chets, who ran the starting line at freemont raceway in the 70s. sure was a good time back then you could go dragracing 4days aweek. now there is a test and tune twice a month, and thats 200 miles one way to maybe get 3 runs. ah i wish for the good old days:mrgreen:

06-01-2009, 06:40 AM
Those pictures are great! Thanks for sharing them with us Ryan!:thumbsup:

Now that's "old school". That building must have been enormous to have indoor drag racing, what a sight that had to be! Jez, and the noise!!

I figured "word" would have not taken long to make the grape vine rounds. ;)

flyin ryan
06-07-2009, 10:16 PM
Here's a pic from the race i was talking about originally


Zr1 Destroyer
06-08-2009, 10:29 PM
Nice....we just ran this weekend in nitrousjunkies latest sled. He ran a 8.80@158 right of the trailer in his 2700 pound Nova at over a mile high in altitude here at Bandimere.

Maybe rolling out to Vegas on the 20th for the PSCA event........the bump last year was 8.40's so hopefully the little single carb all motor Sb2 can hang at lower altitudes.


Some vid...

A few other pics...

flyin ryan
06-09-2009, 01:14 PM
Good stuff. I was wondering about that deal...haven't heard much about it (not that this forum is place for it,you know what i mean). I'm thinking, thinking... about going to Vegas for the last PSCA event of the year in November with my pump gas Little Chief Stingray. Just need customers to leave me alone for a while :rolleyes:.

Zr1 Destroyer
06-10-2009, 08:05 PM
Good stuff. I was wondering about that deal...haven't heard much about it (not that this forum is place for it,you know what i mean). I'm thinking, thinking... about going to Vegas for the last PSCA event of the year in November with my pump gas Little Chief Stingray. Just need customers to leave me alone for a while :rolleyes:.Little Chief heads.........I bet that thing hauls the mail!!! If we end up going to this or any other psca race I'll let you know......always nice to meet another zr1 guy!

flyin ryan
06-13-2009, 01:30 AM
If we end up going to this or any other psca race I'll let you know......always nice to meet another zr1 guy!Sounds good :hello:

06-14-2009, 11:39 PM
I just saw/found this thread.
Congrats, RYAN!
You sure do know your stuff!:worship:

flyin ryan
06-15-2009, 12:45 AM
Thanks Ted. Thought I was B.S.ing you on our way to P.I.R. huh, everybody has to be good at something...wouldn't catch me sticking my fingers into somebodies open mouth like you do daily :redface:. My guys raced today in Spokane & qualified 2nd, Density Altitude wasn't very good so for a naturally aspirated car they did pretty good. Next weekend in Seattle, back to sea level :razz:.