View Full Version : Dumb*** move of the day

09-28-2008, 04:11 PM
Have not had the Z out for 3 weeks. I was geared up this morning, going to run a few times at the track after putting the new injectors on.

-Helmet check
-torx head screw drivers-check
-pen-check (the guy at the tech inspection hates it when you don't have one)

I hit the road, well over 1/4 tank of gas, and meeting Dominic at a BP so I will just top off there. I get about 7 miles, car starts to chug, then dies. I get out, check things, everything is plugged in, etc. The car will start and idle but dies after a few minutes. It cannot drive and dies when under load. I get in the car and listern.....I can barely hear a fuel pump.
-No codes
Call the tow truck.....I let them know that they can find me on rte 47, right across from the Mobile Gas Station.

-$100 to tow it back

After a few calls, I decide it must be the primary fuel pump. I replace the pump and go to put the assembly back into the car.......uhhhh......the tank is empty. I pull the assemly out, the float seem to move without obstruction....I put it back in and go an turn on the car.....

Tank shows as empty!

Nuff said.......day ruined.

Lessons Learned:
1) Always start with the obvious even when it seems to not be possible.
2)There isn't a-"No Gas" code:D
3)If you drive your car more you'd probably notice that the gas guage was not right.

92 ZR1


09-28-2008, 04:13 PM


Although the Fuel pump would have cost less then a tank a gas


Paul Workman
09-28-2008, 06:17 PM
I've done similar, Lee. Now I don't feel so bad!

But, anyway, you get today's



09-28-2008, 07:22 PM
Which is why, 100% exactly the reason why I set the trip odometer at every fill up for that one phenomenal gas mileage week.

I would like to pass this $100 savings tip on you now!!!!!

09-28-2008, 07:43 PM
Towing car home after stalling across from a Mobil station= $100
New Auto Zone Primary fuel pump= $80
Finding out the whole reason was an empty tank of gas = PRICELESS

09-28-2008, 07:50 PM
Mine always show LOW FUEL even when i fill the tank , so i never had same as you did. :D
I ALWAYS Think i am out of fuel...so i fill it again.illusion??:dontknow:

09-28-2008, 08:30 PM
Autozone pump=free-warranty for dumb*** not looking in the tank first.

Technically, the fuel pump did not work........because there was no gas.

I did not have a low fuel light, tow truck driver even checked it before he hooked up the car....he said you never know...he see's it all the time.

92 ZR1

09-28-2008, 08:34 PM
Lee you are braver man than I am to admit it. I would insist that it was a pump. :mrgreen:

09-28-2008, 08:40 PM
i will have to blame the paint i have been huffing all weekend as I paint my garage, undoubtedly I have suffered irreversible damage.


92 ZR1

09-28-2008, 08:44 PM
You and the BRIT are in the same CLUB now!!!


While driving around Beverly Hills in her new Mercedes convertible yesterday, Britney Spears (and an unidentified driver) ran out of gas and had to be pushed to a gas station by a few police officers. At the station Britney could be overheard telling the officers she didn’t know about the whole “gas thingy” because her normal mode of transportation runs on feed.


Who runs out of gas with a car like that? If she doesn't know the difference between a shirt and a dress she can't possibly have enough brain to fill up.


09-28-2008, 09:00 PM

You called with a dead motor. Then my other friend Bob showed up with his 93. While gassing up at the BP, he noticed a screw in his rear driver's side drag radial. I should have figured the stars were misaligned. The track sucked. Huge crowd of fuelers, sport bikes, Super Comp etc. Little time for test and tune. On my second pass, I hit second gear and the car just sat there revving at 7k. Then it began to pivot towards the outside of the track. Let off and got it back going straight but damage was done. The guy in the LS-7 C5 Z had a problem at the same time. Turns out his clutch was goin. 2 bad passes and I got outta there. Sorry it cost you $100. Maybe US 41 will be a different story on the 11th. :hello:

09-29-2008, 10:16 AM
youd be surprised the number of women running out of gas on their motorcycle...i have a 2 gallon always ready at the shop

09-29-2008, 10:18 AM
....and guys too !!

09-29-2008, 10:48 AM
I agree, you are a brave and confident man to admit what happened.
We can all laugh together. Like the time I called Jeff Flint in a panic
when my newly assembled motor wouldn't start. Forgot to depress the

09-29-2008, 11:03 AM
It really just pi**** me off that had the guage been working I could have freakin walked across the road to get gas and then on to the track. Checking the tank never crossed my mind as the guage read over 1/4 tank, and I depressed the valve on the fuel rail and there was pressure and gas........which I know means there is pressure but does not define the quantity in the tank.

92 ZR1

09-29-2008, 09:26 PM
I agree, you are a brave and confident man to admit what happened.
We can all laugh together. Like the time I called Jeff Flint in a panic
when my newly assembled motor wouldn't start. Forgot to depress the


And it gave us all a chance to rub it in a little!!

Kudo's to you LG

09-29-2008, 09:27 PM
Lee - Inside every dark cloud is a silver linning - It could have been worse - You may have suffered some mis-fortune at the track - Like a clutch issue, Broken drive / axle shaft or wose yet a major engine issue. Maybe the ZR-1 God was looking out after you.. But you might want to go visit - "thepartsladi.com" and consider a new fuel pump / Level assy. - 275.00 while they last !!!

09-29-2008, 10:32 PM

no good now! Linky no worky

flyin ryan
09-30-2008, 01:38 PM
I agree, you are a brave and confident man to admit what happened.
We can all laugh together. Like the time I called Jeff Flint in a panic
when my newly assembled motor wouldn't start. Forgot to depress the
clutch.......:iamwithstouch...that smarts Ted.