View Full Version : No Secondry Power

07-23-2005, 02:06 PM
Hi All
I've fitted an LT5 to an Ultima GTR it uses a Porsche G50 gearbox. The cars running well but the second thottles are not coming in.
The engine is 1990 and uses a seperate ESC module for the Knock sensor.
The power key has been earthed out.
There is no speed sensor as I can not fit one to the Porsche box so I get the assosiated trouble code.
I sometimes get a cam sensor code.
I don't get any vacuum or second injector codes so I think everthing is OK.
The engine pulls smoothly with no hesitation.
There are no indications of lean mixture.
The engine revs up to 7000rpm ok.

Can you help?


07-26-2005, 11:08 PM
what a cool project. I would contact Marc Haibec. if the ECM has any fault codes, often the secondaries are disabled. on a car that light, you really don't need them. you can revise the programming in the memcal, and just eliiminate them altogether and not hassle with them. on a car that light the loss of low end torq might even help you hook a bit better with a nice pay back in more top end.

the car will drive nicely when calibrated to run without them. I'm considering ditching them myself as there is a fair gain without them in flow and parts left out don't weigh or break.

the factory manual should help you trouble shoot why they aren't working and know what is required.

07-30-2005, 04:20 AM
Thanks for that

Where would I get the Memcal re-programed

08-04-2005, 01:18 PM
The info dont seem correct. You will get code 61 if the secondary system has a problem and will limit rpm.
I agree with Ron regarding the elimination of the secodary system.
Mike Ebert (mrcrowley)
Marc Haibeck

08-04-2005, 06:46 PM
Need pics stat.

Tyler Townsley
08-05-2005, 10:16 PM
Thanks for that

Where would I get the Memcal re-programed

I would recommend Tod Pepmeier as he has the knowledge and skills to add/remove code needed by your setup. Not sure if he has the time as he has a real job too.

