View Full Version : MY Z would not start

05-18-2008, 08:01 PM
Hi all,

Today was a terrible day. I had family in town and I was bragging about my Z. So I took everyone to the garage to show my girl and she would not start.:mad: It seems like the battery was dead (all of the idiot lights barely came on), there were a ticking sound coming from the inside of the car and it would not start on a jump. Funny thing was I just had her out last week without a hint of a problem. Does this just sound like a battery issue or is it something more serious. By the way how in the world do you remove the battery. Thanks for the help in advance.

05-18-2008, 08:36 PM
Could be a bad battery that won't hold a charge. I would replace, unless its new, or at least have it load tested at autozone, etc. To remove the battery, you need to remove the torx head screws lining the front fenderwell, as well as a large black bolt on the right side(on top) of the small panel that shields the battery. Gently pull back on the panel, to see if it is loose. Then behind the battery, at the base, is a battery hold down. REmove that bolt, you should then be able to then gently pull the panel back, and remove the battery.

92 ZR1

05-20-2008, 03:41 AM
Sounds like it could be the battery.

Take a look at this thread for battery removal instructions:
