View Full Version : Verification of this vacuum line (pic inside) (1990)

12-28-2020, 05:01 PM
Double checking, the top vacuum line mounted to the power steering pump went to the now deleted exhaust air pump..correct? I can cap this top line (it has vacuum line attached now in this photo - was going to remove and cap) also replacing the unneeded "T" on the drivers wheel well with a straight connector since the addition of the headers and removing the AIR valve.

12-30-2020, 07:19 PM
I went out to look ar my 91. It only has one vacuum line at that location. Someone with 90 needs to respond please. Hey Joel in Tampa that has an NCRS 90 help out a brother.

12-31-2020, 05:26 PM
Might be needed for cruise control.


01-03-2021, 11:58 AM
Humm, I need to break out the FSM, I thought this would be an easy question. I thought I unplugged it as part of the header install

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01-03-2021, 12:18 PM
My 94, this vacuum line continues to a ?T? fitting and I think one line goes to vacuum tank and the other to cruise control - I think.

01-03-2021, 12:26 PM
My 94, this vacuum line continues to a ?T? fitting and I think one line goes to vacuum tank and the other to cruise control - I think.

Thanks, still working on transmission and exhaust and haven?t really researched it much yet.I know there was a T on the a.I.r pump that I removed but that I just needed to install a straight vacuum adapter. I?m sure it will be evident when I investigate and look at FSM. Again, just thought it would be an easy answer. Thanks

01-03-2021, 06:13 PM
I will try to check my 1990, but as I recall, I think I am still using that line fto the front of the car. I think that is for the Purge solenoid for the Charcoal canister..

01-06-2021, 08:17 AM
Well, its parts of the cruise, I believe it ran from the A.I.R module to the power steering line clip as shown and then to another adapter that went to the A.I.R module. Thats how I have it hooked up now, probably needs a longer piece of hose.