View Full Version : 92 Gauges intermittent display

06-24-2018, 10:44 PM
I have had battery disconnected while doing work on AC system. After finishing the work, I connected the (-) cable and started the motor. Usually, I will switch the gauges to Coolant Temps, however, what I got was only a switching back and forth to TRIP and ODO. Of course the Trip button is adjacent to gauges. I can play with the Gauges button and get gauge data. Sometimes it will stay, sometimes revert back to Trip/ODO data.
Anyone encounter a similar situation. Don't think its the cluster. Could be button cluster. If so, is it specific to ZR or generic C4?

06-25-2018, 11:16 AM
I had a bad DIC button cluster when I first got the car last year. Mostly the buttons did nothing. Occasionally they would work if you pressed and wiggled the button while doing so. Replaced the cluster and all is well. Hope that’s all it is for you.

06-25-2018, 12:50 PM
I had a bad DIC button cluster when I first got the car last year. Mostly the buttons did nothing. Occasionally they would work if you pressed and wiggled the button while doing so. Replaced the cluster and all is well. Hope that’s all it is for you.

I'll bet its a similar issue. Did u replace the DIC with a specific ZR-1 DIC or does any latter 90+ C4 DIC do the job?

06-25-2018, 01:36 PM
the DIC is not model specific.. Base or ZR-1 should be the same

06-25-2018, 01:56 PM

Any chance the buttons need a cleaning or something along those lines? Or is it a mayter of simply teplacing the DIC?

06-25-2018, 02:53 PM
maybe cleaning, I would need to look at the switch, if I recall it is enclosed and if it does not work, replace it.

is the display not showing or is does not cycle through the functions?

06-25-2018, 03:39 PM
maybe cleaning, I would need to look at the switch, if I recall it is enclosed and if it does not work, replace it.

is the display not showing or is does not cycle through the functions?


When I tap the Gauges button, it cycles thru the Trip and Odo displays not Oil/Coolant /Volts. If I press on it enough times and off center, it eventually will display the correct values. But a casual button touch brings up what is supposed to be shown using the adjacent Trip/Odo button.
IS the 90 DIC control any different?

06-25-2018, 03:44 PM

When I tap the Gauges button, it cycles thru the Trip and Odo displays not Oil/Coolant /Volts. If I press on it enough times and off center, it eventually will display the correct values. But a casual button touch brings up what is supposed to be shown using the adjacent Trip/Odo button.
IS the 90 DIC control any different?

As a whole, yes 90-91 DIC is different then 92-96.. 92-93 are the same color wise

I have taken one apart.. PCB with buttons might be the same across years

06-25-2018, 08:46 PM
My replacement was not ZR-1 specific. I replaced the entire DIC although the button board can be replaced separately.

06-26-2018, 09:26 AM
I had a bad DIC button cluster when I first got the car last year. Mostly the buttons did nothing. Occasionally they would work if you pressed and wiggled the button while doing so. Replaced the cluster and all is well. Hope that’s all it is for you.

Were you able to purchase the digital cluster only or the entire display w/gauges?

Mine does not work and is blurred across all readings.


06-26-2018, 09:55 AM
Were you able to purchase the digital cluster only or the entire display w/gauges?

Mine does not work and is blurred across all readings.


Picture? you might be able to repair it.. the Digital display can be had if you look long enough, but you might need to buy a complete cluster for the LCD.


I might have a DIC PCB, but I would want your old one for parts.. I need to look for it. I will get a chance later this week

06-30-2018, 04:35 PM
Today the guage is working.

https://s8.postimg.cc/84uxrmavl/IMG_20180630_123309.jpg (https://postimg.cc/image/84uxrmavl/)

I believe I have an intermittent problem.

06-30-2018, 04:49 PM
May pick up a DIC from V2V. Just finished installing C4 NO Flex.

06-30-2018, 05:00 PM
May pick up a DIC from V2V. Just finished installing C4 NO Flex.

How do you like the V2V no flex?

06-30-2018, 09:41 PM
No flex.. worth it