View Full Version : DERM

06-13-2017, 06:52 PM
Is there anyone rebuilding the 1990 DERMS, tried the gut in Texas and his phone is disconnected.

06-13-2017, 09:09 PM
Bummer.. I know my 1990 got swapped to the 1991 stuff some point before I bought it

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06-14-2017, 03:00 PM
Is there anyone rebuilding the 1990 DERMS, tried the gut in Texas and his phone is disconnected.

Not that I am aware of anymore. There was a vendor on Ebay for a while but I haven't seen them advertise for years.

Your 90 DERM is a one year only DERM. About the only good news is they are NOT ZR-1 specific. A few units on EBay are available in the HI $300 to $400 range. Good luck. GC

06-15-2017, 10:59 PM
Thanks for the info, is it very involved changing it to the 91 system?

06-16-2017, 12:16 AM
Yes I believe it is. I think all the sensors and harness need to be replaced along with the steering wheel and airbag. Like I said, my car was changed prior to me getting it

06-16-2017, 05:00 PM
I just used Airbag Systems Inc (2 weeks ago). I think his name is Chris and he's located in Allen, TX. He just helped me sort out my 1990 DERM and get my system back functional and INFL REST light off. He did a nice job and was very helpful but I think it turns out that my problem wasn't the DERM but that I had simply bent the grounding clip in the connector to the steering column so when I plugged the connector together it was still grounded thus causing the fault. Got it back together correctly, cleared the codes, and it's fine now.