View Full Version : Throttle Body Primary Blade Wear Issue

05-09-2017, 01:40 PM
In the process of rehabbing a high mileage (120K) TB I acquired a while back.
Found the primary throttle blade worn down significantly on one side due to side forces coming from worn actuator cam follower.






Before removing the throttle blade screws I used a Dermal with a small cut-off disk
to grind off the retainer welds on the back side so not to ruin the throttle shaft threads.

05-09-2017, 03:56 PM

Is all that really worn off? Is there no notch on other side of the disk?
Remarkable. Makes sense one would have idle issues if the primary looks like that.

05-09-2017, 09:12 PM
What mine looks like at almost 70,000 miles.....not sure what the substance is on the edge of the blade and around the screw. Need to do a closer inspection, but that is probably the last thing I will do, wait til after the plenum is reinstalled....
http://i127.photobucket.com/albums/p138/SSROADSTER/94%20ZR-1/20170509_200051.jpg (http://s127.photobucket.com/user/SSROADSTER/media/94%20ZR-1/20170509_200051.jpg.html)
http://i127.photobucket.com/albums/p138/SSROADSTER/94%20ZR-1/20170509_200119.jpg (http://s127.photobucket.com/user/SSROADSTER/media/94%20ZR-1/20170509_200119.jpg.html)
http://i127.photobucket.com/albums/p138/SSROADSTER/94%20ZR-1/20170509_200226.jpg (http://s127.photobucket.com/user/SSROADSTER/media/94%20ZR-1/20170509_200226.jpg.html)

05-09-2017, 11:18 PM


Don't remove it!

05-09-2017, 11:25 PM
When used, dag is applied only to the secondaries.

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05-10-2017, 03:26 AM
If you've still got the throttlebody in your hands, could you take a pic of it underside, where the makers logo is?

05-10-2017, 09:29 AM
Here you go


05-10-2017, 09:34 AM
Thanks! :cheers:

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05-10-2017, 01:08 PM
In the process of rehabbing a high mileage (120K) TB I acquired a while back.

Looks like you found it!
Are you planning on replacing the throttle plate? With new one cut to original size?

05-10-2017, 06:51 PM
Doubt if there are any OE spares around. Could fab up a 10 degree angle mandrel and turn out a few new ones on the lathe. A good project for next winter.

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05-11-2017, 08:06 AM
When used, dag is applied only to the secondaries.

Sent from my iPhone using ZR-1 Net Registry (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)
As in the 2 larger throttles in the t-body, or DAG is only used on the Port Throttles?

05-11-2017, 09:36 AM
Yes, the 2 larger throttle bores in the t-body

05-11-2017, 09:55 AM
Yes, the 2 larger throttle bores in the t-body
OK cool.

Just an illustration of the confusion which can occur when referencing LT5 parts as "secondary or secondaries is often used in reference to the Port Throttles.

I just saw a gentleman who is sell DAG-213 for $15.00. He said the quantity sold for $15.00 would be enough to do a few sets of throttleblades. He states that suppliers sell this product in large quantities, like over $500 per gallon and that it has a shelf-life of 24 months from time of manufacture. He suggest using the $15 tube amount that he sells within 30 days, and keep it in the refrigerator to help lengthen its useful life.

Here's his link, sounds like he's a carb rebuilder


Or 5 gallons for $1550 down to 30ml for $25.95

05-11-2017, 11:21 AM
Over the years I've looked over several TBs and only one had DAG applied to the secondary throttle blades. This leads me to speculate DAG was applied during the factory dyno test if acceptable idle behavior could not be achieved otherwise.

02-23-2018, 01:08 AM
Over the years I've looked over several TBs and only one had DAG applied to the secondary throttle blades. This leads me to speculate DAG was applied during the factory dyno test if acceptable idle behavior could not be achieved otherwise.


Well doubtful there’s any DAG on bored out 63mm TBs like mine. I don’t experience any idle issues.

02-23-2018, 08:04 AM
Same with my 63mm TB

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02-23-2018, 08:47 AM
Who does the 63mm job?

02-23-2018, 10:28 AM
Marc Haibeck..

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02-23-2018, 11:42 AM
I took my throttle body apart a while ago, including removal of the throttle blades. The blade alignment is NOT something u can take for granted when u tighten the bolts. There’s enough play that they move around and can easily be out of alignment with it not taking a mm or less to screw things up. I ended up w a sticking throttle.
I took it to Marc for realignment and he also provided a “helper” spring to make sure things close.

02-23-2018, 01:22 PM
Over the years I've looked over several TBs and only one had DAG applied to the secondary throttle blades. This leads me to speculate DAG was applied during the factory dyno test if acceptable idle behavior could not be achieved otherwise.

DAG Was applied at the Tbody production facility, it is used to control the "Shipping air rate" of the unit on the test fixture. AKA Leakage
