View Full Version : 15 year old tire sensors are the Achilles Heal of the Beast

09-23-2006, 09:50 PM
I am a new member and own a 1991 ZR1. I just want to convey to you folks a "safety" concern. I was travelling close to where life begins and suddenly the car vibrated to either side of the road. It shook sideways violently. I thought I blew a tire. I managed to coast down and pull to the side of the road. No flat tires but I could not even proceed home at speeds greater than 55 without the car vibrating. At very low speeds I heard a clanking sound and thought it was the brake calipers.I wondered if I lost a wheel weight and was out of balance. My mechanic pulled the tires and the left front sensor and right rear sensor had cracked apart from the metal banding which held the sensors in place. The plastic housing were apart and the electronic circuit boards were freely floating in the tire. It seems that the 15 year old plastic sensor could not take the high angular velocity. I pulled out all the sensors. A lesson learned.

09-24-2006, 12:18 AM
Yep, they are garbage. I've known a few people that have lost them on the dyno, and it is violent.

09-24-2006, 09:56 AM
Yup...pulled mine because of the same concern. Light doesn't even come on now:thumbsup:


09-24-2006, 01:14 PM
Boy, oh Boy. Must have been quite a pucker moment.
Glad to hear that you *and* your ZR1 survived the incident.
How are your nerves, still shaking?

'90ZR1 #792

09-24-2006, 02:33 PM
Well yes. It is a classic story. My wife and I were driving to a local restaurant and she said " the road is straight for several miles and I do not see any cars ahead". So I did what any male would do when presented the situation. However she was very frightened and I am sure that will be the last time she makes suggestions like that.

09-25-2006, 07:12 AM
Glad nothing bad happened to the both of you! That must have been an eye opener.

Does anyone know for sure on the early cars, I have a 90, what to do with the dash lights for the system? Do we pull the sensors and pull the two bulbs from the DIC? Is the "software" to run the system in the PROM? Can that be re-flashed to eliminate it?


09-25-2006, 10:50 AM
Glad to hear that you're safe....and thanks for giving the final nudge I needed to yank mine off soon, probably next week.

Z Factor
09-25-2006, 03:06 PM
I am a new member and own a 1991 ZR1.

Hello and welcome to the forum.:handshak:

If you take them off, but hold onto them incase you sell some day and the new owner wants them.


09-25-2006, 10:25 PM
I have a 90, what to do with the dash lights for the system? Do we pull the sensors and pull the two bulbs from the DIC?
No need to pull the bulbs on a '90. We are lucky. I've no sensors (well they are in my basement) and no light. I'm fairly certain the light comes on during the ignition-on check.

Jim Jones
10-04-2006, 11:50 PM
I have had my light come on a couple of times, both times it was when I had low tire pressure. If the sensors aren't on the wheel, won't the light stay on?

Mine is a 1990 as well.


10-05-2006, 05:26 AM
Thank's for the warning!!! :cheers:

So - what's the final story on these sensors? Mine is a '92 Z and I have the "service LTPWS" light coming on from time to time. Tire pressure is fine. I'm just about to change to new wheels and had planned on not transferring the sensors to the new ones. Will my system go nuts if I don't or will everything be cool? :confused:

BTW - if I need to take away the bulbs, how do I best get behind the Info Center monitor?

Thank's for your advice.


flyin ryan
10-05-2006, 12:10 PM
welcome to the board. i wish it was under better circumstances. glad you two are o.k., could have been worse.

10-07-2006, 11:53 AM
Just had new Sumitomos put on and had a 4 wheel alignment, drives like a different car.
Back to the tire sensors. I was getting the LPTWS light coming on every time I drove. I told them to remove the sensors when they changed the tires.
Heres what they found:
Only 3 sensors??
2 were broke
1 was in good condition
No LPTWS light coming on now and she drives like new :dancing