View Full Version : Battery Tenders

raymond greene
01-20-2014, 03:03 PM
I was looking on Amazon for a Battery Tender and there are some very mixed reviews. Many not so flattering. Also one review noted that you should buy a Battery Tender to accommodate the type of battery you have, like a gel battery etc. I have used them in the past with good results. What's the story?:dancing

01-20-2014, 03:13 PM
I was looking on Amazon for a Battery Tender and there are some very mixed reviews. Many not so flattering. Also one review noted that you should buy a Battery Tender to accommodate the type of battery you have, like a gel battery etc. I have used them in the past with good results. What's the story?:dancing

Ray, here is a link to another post. I have three battery tenders. 2-four bank and 1 two bank.


01-20-2014, 04:26 PM

I bought a charger from CTEK, a MXS 5.0. It restored my flat battery and has kept it charged this winter.


01-20-2014, 04:33 PM
I was looking on Amazon for a Battery Tender and there are some very mixed reviews. Many not so flattering. Also one review noted that you should buy a Battery Tender to accommodate the type of battery you have, like a gel battery etc. I have used them in the past with good results. What's the story?:dancing

A float charge compensates for the loss caused by self-discharge.
Self-discharge is what all batteries do when just sitting and not connected to anything.

What a tender should do is provide a compensating current for self-discharge AND a slight amount to compensate for keeping the car electronics alive. If the tender provides 1 amp or so you run the risk of damage.
Some tenders monitor voltage and kick in and off depending on the reading.
My float charger provides a constant 200ma. That amount does a great job on preventing self-discharge and a bit more for the car.
A disconnected battery will still slowly discharge itself. This amount will be slowed if the temperature is cold. But a frozen battery is bad news all the way around.

Just in case someone does not get my point:
I would not pick a tender whose current is sustained above 1amp.
A disconnected battery will self-discharge over time.

Paul Workman
01-20-2014, 04:38 PM
I was looking on Amazon for a Battery Tender and there are some very mixed reviews. Many not so flattering. Also one review noted that you should buy a Battery Tender to accommodate the type of battery you have, like a gel battery etc. I have used them in the past with good results. What's the story?:dancing

I just went and looked at about 3 dozen reviews on Amazon. The overwhelming percentage of review gives the BT 5 stars. Also, there were a couple of recurring complaints:

Customer service issues. Apparently you have to pay shipping to/from Deltorn. And, if out of warranty, you have to pay for an analysis (troubleshooing) fee. (I didn't see where IF you decided to have them fix it Deltron would apply the analysis charge to the repair.)

Batteries other than lead acid (e.g., gel cells = several references) car batteries had issues as result of using the BTs.

Reliability statisticians refer to early failure of a small percentage of a certain device as "infant mortality". I suspect BTs are no less subject to the phenomenon. (A more common term is "sh*t happens....sometimes ya get a bad apple.)

I've used various versions of the BTs for 12 years w/o a single problem. My favorite is the little waterproof 800mA unit. Never had a problem with automotive lead-acid batteries; one battery on one of the 800mA tenders is in its 8 or 9th year and still cranks an 11:1 compression 350 cid SBC like it did when it was new.

I give the Battery Tender a THUMBS UP!

01-20-2014, 04:43 PM
I was looking on Amazon for a Battery Tender and there are some very mixed reviews. Many not so flattering. Also one review noted that you should buy a Battery Tender to accommodate the type of battery you have, like a gel battery etc. I have used them in the past with good results. What's the story?:dancing

Hi Raymond--I have used a battery tender for years. Got it from the National Corvette Museum to help me and support them at the same time. Here is an article on battery care by Marc Haibeck that you might find informative: http://www.zr1specialist.com/HAT%20Web/articles/Battery%20Care.pdf --Bob (http://www.zr1specialist.com/HAT%20Web/articles/Battery%20Care.pdf--Bob)

Paul Workman
01-20-2014, 04:46 PM
Just in case someone does not get my point:
I would not pick a tender whose current is sustained above 1amp.
A disconnected battery will self-discharge over time.

Scott, ya beat me toit. But, once again we're in agreement. (and don't think I'm not worried!!!:p)

01-20-2014, 04:53 PM
Been running a battery tender plus for 6 years, they work well

01-20-2014, 05:00 PM
Been running a battery tender plus for 6 years, they work well

I just have to be the contrarian here :D

I just have too many batteries.......so what I do is just disconnect the negative or positive terminals (negative on ZR1s). I usually let most of the equipments sit for 5 months and when I reconnect they ALL fire right up.

Just saying.......:handshak:

I have been doing this for .......oh...I should NOT say this.....OK......more than 6 years ;)

Not to worry Paul :sign10:

Paul Workman
01-20-2014, 05:28 PM
I just have to be the contrarian here :D

I just have too many batteries.......so what I do is just disconnect the negative or positive terminals (negative on ZR1s). I usually let most of the equipments sit for 5 months and when I reconnect they ALL fire right up.

Just saying.......:handshak:

I have been doing this for .......oh...I should NOT say this.....OK......more than 6 years ;)

Not to worry Paul :sign10:

Yeah, but in South Dakota, even eggs will last till spring!:p

01-20-2014, 05:41 PM
Yeah, but in South Dakota, even eggs will last till spring!:p


01-20-2014, 06:47 PM
Warning: THREAD HIJACK! http://www.smileyvault.com/albums/forum/smileyvault-hijacked.gif

Yeah, but in South Dakota, even eggs will last till spring!:p

With Global Warming, such as it, approaching absolute ZERO on the Kelvin scale (on MY planet anyway), eggs will last 'till you need a sweater in Hades!!!


01-20-2014, 09:25 PM
I am using this model I purchased from O'Riley auto parts:


So far so good. I started the zr-1 this past weekend for the first time in about a month. Fired right up and volts looked good.

01-20-2014, 10:30 PM
I have been using a Battery Tender Jr. for almost 10 years and it still works and great at that. I have used it on a variety of standard lead/acid batteries as well as my current Odessey and love it.

01-21-2014, 12:39 AM
so what I do is just disconnect the negative or positive terminals (negative on ZR1s).

I used to do exactly this. Problems were:
1) I had to reset the radio settings and the ECM had to reprogram after
power cycling.
2) My terminals started to wear down after tightening & loosening them
so many times. This was my main issue.
3) Blood loss from my busted knuckles started to add up.

I decided (for me) it was ALOT better to hook up a BT. I've used one for
about 3 years with no issues- car starts right up. And to be honest, its a cheapy from Harbor Freight. Your results may vary.

01-21-2014, 04:12 AM
I used to do exactly this. Problems were:
1) I had to reset the radio settings and the ECM had to reprogram after
power cycling.
2) My terminals started to wear down after tightening & loosening them
so many times. This was my main issue.
3) Blood loss from my busted knuckles started to add up.

I decided (for me) it was ALOT better to hook up a BT. I've used one for
about 3 years with no issues- car starts right up. And to be honest, its a cheapy from Harbor Freight. Your results may vary.

Yep....correct on radio settings and ECM but I do not use radio much....I use CD :p

No wear for me on terminals especially the screw on like ZR-1....I just snug up the 5/16 head bolt using a 8 mm flex head ratched wrench and call it a day.

I do not twist the standard terminals.....just loosen and lift off....terminals are clean.

And absolutely no busted knuckles ;)

Do not have to leave electricity on.
No conglomerate of wires and extension cords.
No wrapping/unwrapping of extension cords every time I want to fire the vehicles/machines up. :cheers:
No chance of fire with hot electricity attached to all vehicles/machines :thumbsup:
Minimal battery terminal corrosion.
If vehicles/machines are to be shut down for 2-3 or more weeks I disconnect the batteries otherwise leave batteries connected.

Includes, cars, trucks, tractors, ATVs......and I can shut down AC in shed with no need of any electricity.

But the bottom line for me is simply too many machines/vehicles in sheds with batteries and batteries seem to keep good charge disconnected (only one post disconnected).

Too Many Corvettes :D

http://i287.photobucket.com/albums/ll142/dynomite007/A%20Corvette%20LT5%2090/FarmCarm1s.jpg (http://s287.photobucket.com/user/dynomite007/media/A%20Corvette%20LT5%2090/FarmCarm1s.jpg.html)

01-21-2014, 06:36 AM
There's a CD???

01-21-2014, 07:58 AM
Just adding my positive review for Battery Tender. I've been using them for 8-10 years with great results. As noted, the National Corvette Museum has them at a very competitive price (they were on sale for $49 last month). Something to consider as we look for more ways to support NCM.

01-21-2014, 08:13 AM
There's a CD???

How else would Cliff get to listen to his favorite CD?


:p :cheers:

01-21-2014, 08:30 AM
I don't know, I never turn on the radio!!!!

01-21-2014, 09:02 AM
Warning: THREAD HIJACK! http://www.smileyvault.com/albums/forum/smileyvault-hijacked.gif

With Global Warming, such as it, approaching absolute ZERO on the Kelvin scale (on MY planet anyway), eggs will last 'till you need a sweater in Hades!!!


did you see that map! I live in the (69) degree area. It's balmy all year around and eggs hatch all year and battery tenders work all year long too. Love those things. I have a cigarette lighter adapter... so easy to install and works like a charm. They will go bad over time since I recently replaced a tender that had been working solid for 3 years. I bought two more.. they are inexpensive at 34.00 each. Highly recommend.:icon_thum

ed ramos #3028

01-21-2014, 10:35 AM
How else would Cliff get to listen to his favorite CD?


:p :cheers:

How did you KNOW DAT :D

I have to admit.....Several times I left the ignition switch on (counterclockwise) for the radio just to listen to the CD while working on the LT5 ;)
And a couple times had to put a charger back on to start it :sign10:

There's a CD???

Doc Dons will fix your right up (http://www.doctordons.com/) :thumbsup:

01-21-2014, 10:38 AM
How did you KNOW DAT :D

:sign10: Cliff where are you now sunny CA or ????

01-21-2014, 10:47 AM
:sign10: Cliff where are you now sunny CA or ????

Ca and it is close to 70 deg here all this week :thumbsup:

And to keep on topic....I do NOT use Battery Tenders here in CA either :D

Paul Workman
01-21-2014, 12:45 PM
How else would Cliff get to listen to his favorite CD?


:p :cheers:

Oh, hell, Daryll... I'd pay a quarter to see Cliff try that! (He'd prolly be wishing he had a BT to hooked to his heart, after that!:sign10:)

01-21-2014, 01:03 PM
Just my two cents, I saw this thread and like to add that my experience with the "battery tender " has been excellent. I used them on my race car when not in use, my 05 CTS-V which is not driven much at all, My ZR-1 that gets about 1000 miles per year , even my zero turn mower. I absolutely love the product and the quality is first rate. Pryor to purchasing these battery tender jr.'s I was experiencing battery issues on every vehicle mentioned as well as my mower. I love them and have had absolutely no issues. I have been using them now for about three years.

01-21-2014, 01:12 PM
Hey Dyno, where are you in CA?
If close, maybe we can GTG

01-21-2014, 01:20 PM
I am up in Central Valley ......sometimes ;)
We do have several ZR-1 Owners in CA but trouble with CA is driving distances North to South is 800 miles :p

Just so I do not sound too negative.....I DO LIKE CHICKEN TENDERS at Applebees :D

Now for you Battery Tender guys like Daryll and Paul (we know what kind of music they listen too) and everyone else in this thread :sign10:

You DO NEED a Battery Tender if you do NOT Disconnect your batteries..........DO EXPECT hard or NO STARTS if left sitting for several weeks or more than a month. And if you leave your Dimmer switch all the way CLOCKWISE (I have done it all) ;) Do expect a NO START over night :p

01-21-2014, 06:07 PM
I got a DieHard one at Sears a couple months ago for like $25. It is a combo charger/tender and so far it seems to work well. Hooks to the battery terminals. Car sat for a couple months in my cold garage without running - jumped in it the other day to move it so I could put crack sealer in the cracks in my garage floor, and it started right up like always. Don't know anything about the amps or any of that stuff - but it charges the batt til it's full and then goes into maintain mode. Works for me....

01-21-2014, 07:28 PM
I got a DieHard one at Sears a couple months ago for like $25. It is a combo charger/tender and so far it seems to work well. Hooks to the battery terminals. Car sat for a couple months in my cold garage without running - jumped in it the other day to move it so I could put crack sealer in the cracks in my garage floor, and it started right up like always. Don't know anything about the amps or any of that stuff - but it charges the batt til it's full and then goes into maintain mode. Works for me....

On the center console there is a lid that hides the drink holder. Forward of that there is this round hole with a metal piece at the bottom :p
It is some sort of antique device that used to be used for something or other. :icon_scra
I cut off the alligator clips on the tender and put on a male plug end.
I hook my battery tender through there. No messing with attaching to the battery or alligator clips or corrosive battery acid. When I plug it in, I wrap the cord around the shift knob so there's no way I can forget to unplug it when I leave. Then I just toss it out the passenger window onto a semi soft landing area. Quick and easy.

01-22-2014, 07:01 AM
On the center console there is a lid that hides the drink holder. Forward of that there is this round hole with a metal piece at the bottom :p
It is some sort of antique device that used to be used for something or other. :icon_scra
I cut off the alligator clips on the tender and put on a male plug end.
I hook my battery tender through there. No messing with attaching to the battery or alligator clips or corrosive battery acid. When I plug it in, I wrap the cord around the shift knob so there's no way I can forget to unplug it when I leave. Then I just toss it out the passenger window onto a semi soft landing area. Quick and easy.

This charger/tender I got has the thingy to plug into that antique device with it. Plug and play if you wish to do that.. http://www.sears.com/diehard-battery-charger-maintainer/p-02871219000P
I hooked it to the battery and have it on a block in front of the front tire. There is a light on it that tells you what it's doing (charge, maintain, fail, etc.) Like it this way as I can see it every time I go out in garage...
And that "antique device" is custom designed for my radar detector and phone charging system....=D>:p