View Full Version : Tony D's Project corner (Heat extraction vents)

Tony Davila
05-22-2013, 06:07 PM
Some of you guys were wondering about my heat extraction vents that I made and I would like to share my endeavors with whom ever is interested.

---------------Project: Heat extraction.
Step 1: Design any pattern you desire to be cut out on your upper inner fender. Make a template then use a Dremel cutter or anything else that will cut plastic.
Step 2: Cut down the screen mesh to size. I went to Lowes and bought some gutter screen and this is what I used.
Step3: I used epoxy to attached the mesh to the back side of the opening. I did this back in 2003, it still is in tack.

This works pretty good at allowing the heat to escape. You can actually feel the heat roll out of the fender. I have not had any issue with water being splashed up inside of my engine compartment because of the pressure created from the movement of air from the radiator. So it works very well.

05-22-2013, 06:26 PM

That's awesome!

This kind of stuff is great for the newsletter!!



05-24-2013, 12:28 AM

I did fans on mine a last year

05-24-2013, 01:41 AM
Paint the screens BLACK!!!

That would look nasty!!!!!!!!! (all except for the missing feathers on those chicken legs :p )
