View Full Version : DTC 32 EGR

Rex Ruby
03-31-2013, 06:16 PM
I keep getting the service engine light.
Pulled DTC 32.
FSM says I need a Tech1 to diagnose.
Anyway to diagnose w/o a Tech1?
How do you get at it w/o pulling the engine?

03-31-2013, 09:08 PM
In the 1990 FSM, 32- EGR system error is for the L-98. There is a CCM error 32, not sure if it's the same for a '94.:cheers:

Rex Ruby
04-01-2013, 11:56 AM
I think it's different for '94.
I verified with the FSM bu that doesn't mean the FSM is always correct.
Thanks Joe.

Anyone ever pull the EGR???

04-01-2013, 04:23 PM
EGR valve pintle may be stuck causing the ECM to throw a code 32.
FSM test procedure using a Tech1 can confirm proper EGR function before you start taking things apart. The EGR valve is a bear to get at. Have to unbolt and jack up the right side of the engine.

Hib Halverson
04-05-2013, 12:39 AM
The 93-95 EGR valve is difficult to remove but you don't have to pull the engine. As Phill suggests, you need to disconnect the engine mounts and jack up the right side of the engine.

You cannot diagnose DTC32 w/o a TECH1, Mastertech or TECH2. .

But, before you do all that work, if you don't own a T1, Mastertech or a T2, I'd take the car to a shop that does and have them troubleshoot the EGR with a tester. That way you'll know for sure if you need to replace the valve before you go to the trouble to lift up the engine.

Rex Ruby
04-05-2013, 10:27 AM
Thanks for the replies.
Going to put a Tech 1 on it tomorrow at Carlisle.