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View Full Version : Oil Leak

Rex Ruby
03-04-2013, 09:56 PM
Have a leak where the oil lines connect in front of the radiator.
Bad hoses or could it just require some tightening?

z proud
03-06-2013, 11:38 PM
John, the oil lines are a know problem for leaking on the earlier cars, 90 to 91' I would remove the center bolt an replace the O rings to see if that does not fix yours.
Good luck

Rex Ruby
03-08-2013, 11:27 AM
Will do, thanks Bill!

03-10-2013, 11:09 PM
John, the oil lines are a know problem for leaking on the earlier cars, 90 to 91' I would remove the center bolt an replace the O rings to see if that does not fix yours.
Good luck

It appears you are talking the ZR-1 Oil Cooler Lines (SS shown). That be ZR-1 Technical Postings ;)

Make sure the fittings are tight as z proud suggests :thumbsup:


What I do on oil pan gasket, water pump gasket or any gasket in contact with oil or water (including "O" ring mating surfaces) is use a light coat of Permatex.....NO LEAKS after that ;)

I coat each side of gaskets very lightly with Permatex and let it get tacky....then just place the gasket on any surface and it sits there without holding or moving as I insert bolts into the components.

Now when you go to remove those "Permatexed Gaskets", it is no fun but then I rarely have to remove those gaskets.

NO...do NOT use Permatex on Head Gaskets


Rex Ruby
06-16-2013, 11:42 PM
Finally got around to installing O rings and it worked great!
Thanks all.