View Full Version : Benifit of tuning after headers are installed

12-04-2012, 04:19 PM
After months of waiting for some headers to be made I decided a different route and purchased some SW with high flow cats and thermal coating.

I plan on doing the install ( wish me luck or advice, I'll take both ) :-D

My question is: what is the value and typical gain from getting the car tuned after my headers are installed?


12-04-2012, 04:28 PM
After months of waiting for some headers to be made I decided a different route and purchased some SW with high flow cats and thermal coating.

I plan on doing the install ( wish me luck or advice, I'll take both ) :-D

My question is: what is the value and typical gain from getting the car tuned after my headers are installed?




Expect 20 to 25 rwhp with headers. (A little less with cats)



Paul Workman
12-04-2012, 06:37 PM
Not knowing your AFR ratio at WOT before installing headers is rolling the dice a bit. I experienced a suprise lean condition at WOT when I first bought the car. So, I'd at least have Marc or someone burn you a chip calibrated for an additional 25 hp - just to be on the safe side.

As for realizing max potential, a dyno session is probably the only way you'll know if you're getting the most out of the system. I'd make a point of getting it tuned soon as possible after you install the headers.


12-04-2012, 06:47 PM
Thanks for the replies.

Seems my question was a bit confusing.

I am Interested in understanding how critical it is to retune my car after the headers are installed. Most cars come from the factory on the rich side... I was curious if the headers leaned it out a bit and still be on the safe side or now it's too lean hence the need for a retune.

Is it possible to just send my chip off for a reburn to account for the headers or should I go thru another Dyno tune session?


12-04-2012, 06:52 PM
Not getting your tune right after a header install can invoke Knock Retard due to a lean condiiton depending on state of tune . So you won't see the full benefit of better exhaust since the ECM will be dialing back the timing a bit. Part throttle also needs tweaking to optimize for the change in backpressure.

12-04-2012, 07:15 PM
Marc can burn you a "generic" header chip with any other mods, but a dyno session will put you closer to max potential