View Full Version : C6 Z06 brake kit

05-17-2006, 12:57 AM
Here it is







05-17-2006, 07:28 AM
Nice!=D> I'll bet that was not very easy nor inexpensive!:cool:

Okay now for the apprentice's dumb out of left field Q's:
That car has a coil over suspension conversion, right?
If you do that conversion you still get to keep the FX3 system?
If you convert to coil-over is the rear leaf spring also converted to a coil over system or is it just the front?

Sorry for the Q's from the peanut gallery:mrgreen:


05-17-2006, 01:50 PM
Nice!=D> I'll bet that was not very easy nor inexpensive!

Actually it wasn't to bad. The calipers, pads and rotors are around 950. The brakets bolts and lines will be reasonable.

Okay now for the apprentice's dumb out of left field Q's:
That car has a coil over suspension conversion, right?
If you do that conversion you still get to keep the FX3 system?
If you convert to coil-over is the rear leaf spring also converted to a coil over system or is it just the front?

Sorry for the Q's from the peanut gallery:mrgreen:


Yes it has the coilovers. Yes the FX3 is retained. And yes the rear is converted as well. No more leaf springs. But you can do the front coilover conversion and leave the rear or vice versa.

05-17-2006, 07:54 PM
Wow, those look awesome, Jeff!
Lots 'o questions:
Tell us about the conversion- does this use a caliper adaptor
plate or did you change everything over to C6?
Think there will be any wheel clearance issues?
How do you think they compare performance wise with the other
aftermarket systems?

05-17-2006, 08:12 PM
Wow, those look awesome, Jeff!

Thanks Ted

Tell us about the conversion- does this use a caliper adaptor
plate or did you change everything over to C6?
Think there will be any wheel clearance issues?
How do you think they compare performance wise with the other
aftermarket systems?

Uses a bracket, but it's different than what has been done with the C5 adapters. Uses stock C4 spindle and hub.

I'll be test fitting the setup against a Fikse FM5 hopefully this weekend as well as bolting them on for the test drives. Will be burn them in and do some G-tech stops.

Performance will be vastly superior to the J55, C5, and the lower end Baer claw systems. Will be on the level with Alcon/Brembo/Wilwood, at a very reduced price. Think around half of what those cost.

Z Factor
05-22-2006, 10:46 AM
Looking good Jeff, I had faith you would overcome your earlier issues and make this available.:thumbsup:


05-24-2006, 02:15 PM
This is a great offering; wish I had the 18 inch wheels to make it work! :-({|=

06-04-2006, 11:42 PM
How's the ZO6 brakes coming along? They looked killer with an upgrade in performance you can't go wrong. I'm in for a set if it all works out. I have 18" Kinesis wheels to go with them. Thanks for your time and effort.

06-05-2006, 04:25 PM
Ricky, The kit is going on a car this week for testing. After that I should have the fronts out the door for those who are interested in two weeks.

06-05-2006, 11:09 PM
WILL U BE ABLE TO GIVE US B4 AND AFTER PEFORM. #'S after your testing Jeff? they look sweet!