02-20-2012, 10:37 AM
Well after having some health problems I had not been able to do much with my 91 Z for the last three years. I had started it from time to time but that is about the extent of it. I now have renewed interest so yesterday I started the car to get it out of the corner to get it ready for some spring/summer drives and I here a rather loud ticking on the upper right side of the engine. Almost sounds like a lifter tick. When I last drove the car it did have a miss only when the secondary's where turned on. The injectors are original and I had planned to install new Accels while getting it ready to go. Could it be that the tick I am hearing is an injector, or must I be looking for something else.
Thanks! to any who may have a thought on this.
P.S Where is the best place to buy Accel injectors. Thanks!
Thanks! to any who may have a thought on this.
P.S Where is the best place to buy Accel injectors. Thanks!