View Full Version : need a part number for the power steering return line

02-26-2011, 09:32 PM
The one from the cooler to the steering rack.

Soft line going into a hard line clamped ends

02-27-2011, 11:33 AM
90 - 91 P/N 26016988

91 - 95 P/N 26033592

This is from the parts CD that Kurt burnt. The P/N's are old numbers that have proly been changed?

Also, according to the CD you can't get just the hose you reference. It has N/S where the P/N would be, I figure that means No Stock? The numbers I listed are a package with that hose & the clamps & a nut.

I just tried the P/N's @ GM direct and it seems that they are NLA.

02-27-2011, 11:44 AM
You might give O' Rielly's or NAPA a call with that part #. They both were able to cross reference it to after market parts stock for me when I was working on another problem.

02-27-2011, 10:41 PM

What about the demensions?

Length, outisde and inside diameters?

02-28-2011, 12:37 AM

I took mine to a hydraulic hose shop when I could not find the hose and they just cut off the connector and gave me a hose and clamps. They told me it would cost more than worth to make a hose and since low pressure no issue; it was worked fine since. Not the NCRS solution, but works great.