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View Full Version : Who's running a single mass in the North East?

01-07-2011, 11:51 PM
Hey guys,
So 1991 #384 is going to be getting a new clutch and flywheel this summer....hopefully! (94,xxx) its about time.....
I've been reading everything I can get my hands on regarding the single mass/dual mass flywheel topic. I'd really like to to stay with the original dual mass setup, but I have to admit, the price difference of the SM is at least getting my attention.
So, I was wondering.....is there anyone in the PA, NJ, DE, MD area that's running a SM setup that would be willing to let me see, hear, and maybe drive before I make up my mind? My car will never be on the track, its just a really nice sunday cruiser, but I've read alot about the additional gear noise at idle and other associated sounds. I can live with some, but I don't want to negatively affect the driving characteristics. I just want to keep her soundly on the road for another 100,000 miles of driving fun!
If anyone is willing to talk shoot me an email.....I'm still new to the zr1 community, so meeting anybody here in PA would also be an added benefit!
And if anybody from the zr1 crowd ever makes their way up here to Blue Mountain Ski they better give me a yell! We are three miles away!


01-08-2011, 01:18 AM
i dont live around you but i will tell you that you will just love the lighter setup car revs so much better , you just when taking off add just a little more ga padel ,but it isnt a bother , and the gear moise isnt bad at all . especially if you have corey or mark do a prom for you . they just increase the idle rpms to 800 and you really have to work to hear the gears .jmho

Paul Workman
01-08-2011, 06:52 AM
I agree w/ Sammy. I like my Fidanza very much. Marc Haibeck put my idle at 750, but as it happened, I later learned I had a couple injectors starting to go bad (OEM injectors vs. alcohol in the fuel issue). I installed new Accel injectors (part number 150821 from Summit Racing) and ALL of the rattle is gone! You be the judge (pardon the occasional wind noise).


You may need some special bolts, depending on the pressure plate you end up with: the stock ZR-1 thickness or the slightly thinner LTx pressure plate - require different length bolts. Either way, that can be addressed - come on back here!


PS; You should also get the 1-1/8" 7/16"x20 grade 8 bolts for the FW, AND put some SBC hardened (and slightly thicker) head bolt washers under the FW bolts. Use the RED LockTite.


ZR-1nce removed
01-08-2011, 07:24 AM
Keep an eye on the southeast regional section for the next WAZOO maintenance day, there will more than likely be a ZR-1 there with the SMFW. We have installed several over the last year, some are quieter than others. The last one we did was in Dave's 94 but we also installed a balanced trans from Bill B and the noise was almost non existant. Make the trip to MD the next time we get together it will be worth your time.

01-08-2011, 10:15 PM
Love mine, very little noise and saved a lot of weight. She spins up nice & fast

01-09-2011, 09:25 PM
Excellent boys!
Thanks for the help.....
Now, next question......Fidanza or the billet steel set-up from carolina clutch? I'm not going to be rebuilding the trans at this point (if I can help it!), but with what I'm saving from the DM flywheel I think I am going to plan on new injectors and a prom chip.

01-10-2011, 09:51 PM
Every Car will react differently with the single mass aluminum flywheel. I have heard cars that are silent and cars that are ridiculously loud.
Mine was pretty quiet. If your trans is worn or engine isnt 100% it will let you know right away:-({|=.
The car will rev up a hell of a lot quicker in first and second then theres not much change. Enjoy. Well worth the 300$.

01-11-2011, 04:13 PM
Excellent boys!
Thanks for the help.....
Now, next question......Fidanza or the billet steel set-up from carolina clutch? I'm not going to be rebuilding the trans at this point (if I can help it!), but with what I'm saving from the DM flywheel I think I am going to plan on new injectors and a prom chip.


If you can meet up with us sometime, your welcome to drive my Z....

I have a new stock clutch, fidanza and new balanced / blueprinted transmission. Unbelievable!

How far are you from Baltimore MD?

Tyler Townsley
01-11-2011, 04:42 PM
Anyone have the light fw with a dual clutch setup?


01-11-2011, 11:24 PM
i will in about 3 weeks soon as i get back from business. bil b will be putting it in for me on my 90 .

01-12-2011, 11:08 PM
Thanks for all the ideas guys. To David in Baltimore...I'm only about 3-4 hours away. Lets let the snow melt a little, then I'm gonna have to make a trip down to see you!

01-14-2011, 06:37 PM
Thanks for all the ideas guys. To David in Baltimore...I'm only about 3-4 hours away. Lets let the snow melt a little, then I'm gonna have to make a trip down to see you!

WAZOO boys - Looks like we are gonna have a visitor soon.:cheers: