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12-27-2010, 12:50 PM
I have a oil leak on the passengers side of my 91 ZR1, when I start my car there is a oil burning smell. The car sat for 6 mo & there is a fair puddle under the car. I don't know if the cam covers have a gasket in them or not, if so is it a big job to replace .TIA.
lorne #1748

12-27-2010, 01:39 PM
other things it could be is the oil pressure switch,either the top one or the one thats a pia to get to on the bottem side of the oil filter housing or the oil filter housing gasket itself as well as the lines to the oil cooler . you need to take your time with a good light and you should find it .oh one other common area is the oil pan bolts have a tendancy to be loose .hope this helps

12-27-2010, 01:40 PM
I'd suggest starting with a check of your exhaust manifold studs Lorne.
A common issue with a simple fix - check item #20 here: http://www.zr1netregistry.com/ZR1_issues.htm#20

12-27-2010, 03:55 PM
My bet is on the Oil Cooler Hoses.
Check where the metal portion is crimped to the rubber part of the hoses.
If your finger comes away wet, there's your smoking gun.


12-27-2010, 11:16 PM
My bet is on the Oil Cooler Hoses.
Check where the metal portion is crimped to the rubber part of the hoses.
If your finger comes away wet, there's your smoking gun.



Jim Nolan
12-28-2010, 08:27 AM
Sounds like oil cooler hoses to me. I had the exact problem. Good luck changing them. I don't there is any way you can change those without making a mess, no matter how many rags you use.:(

flyin ryan
12-28-2010, 10:56 AM
I don't there is any way you can change those without making a mess, no matter how many rags you use.:(True story...:neutral:

12-28-2010, 12:23 PM
Thanks everybody I'll check the oil cooler lines first. Are the lines available from GM or does someone sell hem on the forum. lorne #1748

12-28-2010, 12:49 PM
NLA at GM but Jerry has them: http://jerrysgaskets.com/store2/root/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=2_6&products_id=548&zenid=5ce94cf1f3d0c17b46b684ee0e812e25

12-28-2010, 01:10 PM
Checked cooler lines & filter neither show any sign of oil leaking. Will check oil pressure senders as I have noticed my oil pressure bouncing around. lorne

12-28-2010, 01:41 PM
Checked cooler lines & filter neither show any sign of oil leaking. Will check oil pressure senders as I have noticed my oil pressure bouncing around. lorne

Probably the best thing to do is to get the car up off of the ground and carefully inspect the underside of the motor.
It can help to clean the underside thoroughly first, run the motor till warm, then inspect the underside for the leak.
A big mess from past leakage can sometimes obscure the actual leak and make it difficult to pin point.

This will help to narrow down the list of usual suspects.
Common causes (as mentioned in previous replies)
- oil cooler lines
- oil temp and pressure sensors
- oil filter not seated correctly
- oil pan drain plug stripped or worn
- loose oil pan bolts
- exhaust manifold bolts and studs
- drainage from under plenum via weep hole and vent in back of block (which would indicate much bigger problems, i.e., failed PCV valves etc.)

The cam covers are sealed with a Locktite sealing compound, oil leakage from this area is not a typical problem.

Good luck.
