View Full Version : Which 12V Battery Do You Have Installed?

Z Factor
01-17-2006, 07:55 PM
What battery do you have in your ZR-1, and are you satisfied with it? Why did you chose it, and if you will be switching to a different one when the time comes, why?

Is the one you have not listed in the poll? If so list it here and I will add it.


01-18-2006, 09:38 AM

Z Factor
01-18-2006, 10:49 AM

Thank you, it has been added.


01-18-2006, 11:21 AM
You left out a dead one. That is what I have 1 vote for me

01-18-2006, 08:05 PM
One car has A/C Delco
The other car has an Interstate

01-19-2006, 02:04 PM
Kirkland Signature by Costco. Why not have the best? :mrgreen:

Z Factor
01-19-2006, 03:42 PM
Kirkland Signature by Costco. Why not have the best? :mrgreen:

How I could have left it off of the poll is a mystery, but it is there now, so you can put your vote in.


01-19-2006, 07:16 PM
WallMart Everstart

01-19-2006, 07:24 PM
Interstate in my Z..............

01-20-2006, 09:56 AM
Are you only interested in the battery currently in the car for the poll. I have had my car long enough that it is on it's fourth battery. The origianl AC battery case split vertically along the centerline on the terminal side dumping acid which required disassembly of the battery box area, cleaning and repainting the frame, and cleaning the ground connections to the frame. I replace it with a Diehard, next came another AC, and currently the Exide standard battery. Exide also makes a spiral cell battery similar to an Optima at about the same price as an Optima.

Z Factor
01-20-2006, 10:05 AM
Are you only interested in the battery currently in the car for the poll.

Well since you can only vote once I would suggest either voting for the battery you currently have, or the one you preferred if the current one is not to your liking. Then you can elaborate in a post just as you did to fill in the gaps and give your recommendation as to which one you prefer.


01-21-2006, 08:09 PM
My Z has a die hard in it, but I prefer Interstate.:)

1992 ZR1 #330 White/White

01-24-2006, 10:01 PM
picked up a interstate to replace my dead no frills brand

02-25-2006, 11:25 PM
mine is ac delco.it was in the car when i bought it last april. i'll go back with the same when this one dies.

flyin ryan
10-06-2006, 11:02 AM
AC Delco, i put it in when i got my 90. i never considered any thing else. i'm keeping it as stock as possible so it was an easy decision. my 95 is going to be here tonight or maybe in the morning so i have no idea what i have in it yet.

Jason 91
10-06-2006, 05:04 PM
AC Delco. Is there an advantage to having a different battery or is it a matter of preference? I really didn't consider an alternative as I've kept my car mostly stock.

10-06-2006, 08:48 PM
i put another delco in mine this week. my old delco was getting a little tired. bought a 95 grand am for resale. the grand am had a brand new delco in it so i robbed it for the ZR1 and bought a cheap wal-mart for the sale car.

10-07-2006, 04:12 AM
AC/Delco is what I am running but next time I plan on going to the Autozone Duralast. They were they second best battery after AC/Delco and about 2/3's the cost as tested by Consumer Reports.

10-09-2006, 07:02 PM
Autolite (gulp)

10-09-2006, 07:23 PM
Interstate. It came with the car when I bought it 4 years ago. Probably get another one when this one goes.

10-10-2006, 11:07 AM
I went yellow top optima gel cell. Its got alittle more CA and CCA and it seams the z needs alittle more kick when i had an interstate battery so I went gel. Had it a week and love it. Now dont be fooled the yellow top does not fit 100% factory. You may need a shoe horn to get it in. :mrgreen:

flyin ryan
10-12-2006, 10:13 AM
AC Delco, i put it in when i got my 90. i never considered any thing else. i'm keeping it as stock as possible so it was an easy decision. my 95 is going to be here tonight or maybe in the morning so i have no idea what i have in it yet.i got my new 95 on the weekend & it has an AC-Delco in it so that's o.k., i'll take it.

10-21-2006, 12:09 AM
Bosch 720cca from Pepboys bought back in Jan.

03-27-2007, 03:37 PM
How about adding Autozone Duralast to the survey?

03-28-2007, 07:09 AM
My Z has a AC delco in it.

I do have a Yellow top Optima in my daily driver 84 Vette. On that car I had to trim the lip on the engine side to get it in there. It had go move more toward the side to fit.

I will prob get a AC Delco to replace the battery in the Z when it needs a new one.

Not having good luck with the Optimas, so not sure I will get another one.

Z Factor
03-28-2007, 06:40 PM
How about adding Autozone Duralast to the survey?

Will do.


03-30-2007, 02:34 PM
Bosch: never any problems, going on 3 years now. I do keep mine on a Battery Tender at all times.

07-12-2007, 05:43 PM
Sears DieHard.

07-13-2007, 05:44 AM
A/Z DuraLast yellow top here. I bought it about a yr ago to replace a no name that was in the car. No tender over the winter but both batts seem to have no trouble starting the car after a a month of sitting.

Only reservation I have about the A/Z batt is it doesn't quite fit. It hits the gill panel with the carry strap side bracket....I shaved the bracket a bit & it seems to be a bit better but not perfect.


08-04-2007, 09:44 AM
I had an Optima red top that didnt quite fit right, never tried the yellow top.

Had one "Energizer" from Kragen, absolute junk.

On my 2nd Autolite....Little better but not much. Let the car sit/run the batt down a bit they never take a full charge again.

I will say the autolite is the best fit, with room to spare. Has a carry strap that doesnt get inthe way rather than a plstic handle that does.

10-15-2007, 02:27 PM
My Z has a Diehard I believe. If/when it is due for replacement I will install an Odyssey. I run one in another vehicle and it has been flawless for over three years.

Paul Workman
02-19-2008, 02:47 PM
...there aren't many secrets anymore; they're all pretty much alike, relatively speaking. The BIG difference is the warranties that vary considerably. And, when I consider a new lead/acid battery and a tank of gas are about the same, i.e., a battery is no longer a "major purchase", as they once were (competition is such a good thing). So, I find the highest output battery that will fit in the tray, keep it charged, and dang if they don't last about 5 years, if it is never abused.

However, leave the lights on and have it run flat, I have found after ample "experimentation":redface: it takes about a minimum of a year off of it's life expectancy each time it happens...IF it finally does take a full charge again.

Currently I have a Wallyworld Everstart - their higher grade "72" series that is listed for the ZR-1. If I recall it has 800+ CCA. Believe me, even when the temp is around zeroº, it really whips it over nicely!

I also have had good results with the Interstate line, but I don't know who makes either the Everstart or the Interstate.


Bell Curve
02-21-2008, 10:07 AM
Duralast Gold

02-27-2008, 10:52 PM
For all of those that have had battery issues - leading to acid damage to everything around it and to the wiring behind the battery - I definetly suggest an Optima. You do not have to worry about any acid wash off from the top of the battery and all of the other worrysome problems that go along with it.

05-24-2008, 09:40 AM
ive had nothing but problems in the past with odyssey batteries in motorcycles...i hope their car line is of higher quality...interstate in my z

05-24-2008, 10:15 AM
I have an optima red top in my Z..

Jason 91
10-05-2008, 11:14 AM
I just put a Duralast Gold in my 1991. I've only used AC Delco up until this one. I went with it after seeing Consumer Reports rate it the highest in the issue I received this week. Granted, they didn't test the AC Delco this go round, but I thought it was a safe bet.



02-28-2009, 01:07 PM
AC Delco I have had one in all six of my vettes, from Tar Tops to current replacements. The one I just took out of my Z was dated 2000, when I turned it in for my core the guys at the Delco warehouse said you realy got your money out of this one or you have a real good charging system. I think I will stay with what goes in the car.

04-06-2009, 06:32 PM
I put in a Parts Master battery. It has a 72 month warranty and 720 CCA. Only issue I had with it was the fit. I needed to remove the plastic handle with dremel tool to get it to fit. Other then that a battery is a battery IMO.

04-06-2009, 07:01 PM
Not to bust the chops of any brand of battery, but here is my recent experience with them. When I bought my Zr-1 2 years ago, I was having a few problems with no-starts,as we all seem to experience. One thought was to replace the existing Interstate battery. It was replaced with an Autozone, Duralast battery. I then put the Interstate on the shelf in my garage where it has resided ever since.

Well some good folks here got me straightened out with the no-starts, which had nothing to do with the battery. About 3 weeks ago, I was finding I had to jump start my vette anytime I wanted to drive him. I keep it on a tender, so the battery being dead never occured to me.

This past Sunday some friends and I were attending a car show and leaving early. With no time to wait and no auto stores open I decided to swap out the Duralast with the now 2 years on the shelf Interstate. Damn if it didn't start up with one crank!! No Jump, No tender, Just fired right up!! I had no problems all day, Despite several stops along the way. I even got home from work today and he fired right up. I took the Duralast back to Autozone. They tested it and sure enough, Dead as a doornail!!

I will never put anything but an Interstate in LORDVDR again!!


05-15-2009, 07:46 AM
Had an interstate and swapped it for a Duralast Gold this time around. In another 5-6 yrs I may try something else.

04-30-2010, 08:20 PM
AC Delco battery going on four years.

02-18-2011, 06:55 PM
I've had horrible luck with batteries. My Z doesn't get driven much so the "sitting in the garage" does a number on batteries. It's common knowledge among anyone and everyone who has worked within a GM dealership that A/C Delco batteries are crap for a car that sits. If you drive your car every day, an A/C Delco battery will last a long time....... or at least until it starts leaking acid. A/C Delco batteries are the absolute worst about going bad if allowed to sit and lose a charge. 3 times and they are pretty much gone. My last replacement was just a few months ago with the top of the line Wally World "Maxx" battery. 3 months later, dead as can be, won't take a charge.

Has anyone thought about using a Marine battery ? Aren't marine batteries designed to stay charged longer on something that sits and doesn't get used ? I'm not sure what to buy now, have changed the damn battery too many times on the 'ol Z.

02-18-2011, 08:25 PM
I suggest Auto Zone Duralast battery.

It's made by Johnson Controls. One of the big players in the battery world.
3 year replacement. The rest is pro-rated fairly.

You should buy a float charger - Ctek 3300 on ebay. You can find them for $50.00 and they are excellent.

02-18-2011, 09:59 PM
I suggest Auto Zone Duralast battery.

It's made by Johnson Controls. One of the big players in the battery world.
3 year replacement. The rest is pro-rated fairly.

You should buy a float charger - Ctek 3300 on ebay. You can find them for $50.00 and they are excellent.

I'll give that one a try. I've never had a battery last 3 years on any Corvette I own(lack of use). I'll pick one up tomorrow and swap 'em out for free every couple years.

02-18-2011, 10:02 PM
I'll give that one a try. I've never had a battery last 3 years on any Corvette I own(lack of use). I'll pick one up tomorrow and swap 'em out for free every couple years.

I had one die on me after about 4 years. They gave me a new one for $20. Hard to beat that. They also keep it on record on the computer so you can go to any store and they will honor it.

Makes you wonder if you should float charge them LOL.

Just hope it dies before 3 years and keep getting a new one :o

02-19-2011, 02:34 AM
What battery do you have in your ZR-1, and are you satisfied with it? Why did you chose it, and if you will be switching to a different one when the time comes, why?

Is the one you have not listed in the poll? If so list it here and I will add it.


The battery I have is not listed: Braille B3121

I am really satisfied with it and it has no problem cranking up the Z. I chose it for its small size and lightweight, yet packing a big punch for starting. It fits nicely behind the passenger compartment for my relocation and all the benefits that comes with it.

From Summit Racing:

BrandBraille Battery (http://www.summitracing.com/search/Brand/Braille-Battery/)Manufacturer's Part NumberB3121Part TypeBatteries (http://www.summitracing.com/search/Part-Type/Batteries/)Product LineBraille Battery No-Weight Standard Batteries (http://www.summitracing.com/search/Brand/Braille-Battery/Product-Line/Braille-Battery-No-Weight-Standard-Batteries/?autoview=SKU)Summit Racing Part NumberBRL-B3121 Battery UsageStartingVolts12 VBattery TerminalsTop and sideBattery TypeAGMCranking Amps at 0 Degrees F550 ampsCranking Amps at 32 Degrees F742 ampsReserve Capacity75 minutesLength (in)6.600 in.Width (in)5.200 in.Height (in)6.800 in.Weight21.000 lbs.QuantitySold individually.NotesThis is case height without the posts. Right side positive.

When weight is a factor, Braille Battery offers these no-weight batteries to save you some poundage.

Features include:

* Lightweight, dual terminal design
* Brass auto terminals
* Solid top lead connections
* No spill, no corrosion, no maintenance
* Certified and fully charged

02-20-2011, 03:36 AM
I suggest Auto Zone Duralast battery.

It's made by Johnson Controls. One of the big players in the battery world.
3 year replacement. The rest is pro-rated fairly.

Here's some interesting information. I couldn't find my receipt for the WalMart "Maxx" battery I bought 6 months ago that died but I called up and asked if I could bring it back since it had a 03/10 manufacture date on the side of it and a 3 year free replacement warranty. They said no problem, bring it back.

That battery had printed on the label "Made by Exide for WalMart". When I picked up the new 75N "Maxx" labeled battery with the same yellow "Maxx" label, I noticed that it looked different, had 700 CCA instead of 690. Further examination of the new battery showed that it was made in 02/11 and on the top label was printed "Made by Johnson Controls for WalMart".

Therefore, a new WalMart 75N "Maxx" battery is most likely the exact same battery as the AutoZone Duralast, still with a 3 year free replacement warranty.

03-07-2011, 06:35 PM
In the Las Vegas Heat, the life expectancy of a NEW battery is a little over 2 years!

I have lived here long enough to base a battery purchase on the warranty because I have found this to be true and without any warning or prior slow cranking issues.

The last few I bought at SAM'S had a 3 year FREE Replacement, I've never seen any Brand last 3 years in this heat. So I jumped on it, they say they are redesigned for Desert Heat, we'll seeeee! the last one's did tooooo......

So essentially you pay for 2 up front in this area. With a fleet of 3 cars it adds up.:cheers:

03-07-2011, 07:14 PM
When I bought my last battery at SAM'S they sold Energizer Batteries, 3 year free replacement. I'll half to look and see if they sell NASCAR Batteries now. Looks like they all are distributed by Johnson Controls,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin if you look at the label closely.

Got back from SAM'S tonight, they still sell the Energizer and Optima Batteries.

I remember them from a few years ago, maybe they still sell them in certain area's under that name.

07-15-2011, 10:18 PM
Went out this morning and my Duralst Gold was dead after sitting for only a month since driven last. It registered 2.8 volts, should be about 12.8 or so charged. Pulled it and took it to Autozone. Verified no good. No hassle replacement, no charge.

I bought this battery on 8/17/08 so it didn't even last 3 years. I always have a battery Tender Plus on it when not driving and over the winter too.

Just letting everyone know first hand what you may expect.

07-16-2011, 12:08 AM
Currently have a Diehard,no more AC Delco batteries for me.Ive seen two instances where one of the lugs ripped completely out of the battery,one in my then new truck making one nasty mess with the acid.

01-12-2012, 07:28 AM
AC Delco. Third Delco in the car's 21-year old history with no issues, so pretty good track record. I and the previous owner used the Battery Tender which likely helps.

01-12-2012, 07:39 AM
I love my Braille 21 lb battery and I don't even need to keep it on a battery tender. It fires up when I start it once a month or so and sometimes longer in between storage. :cheers:

01-12-2012, 02:45 PM
AC Delco but over here they are made in Saudi and the quality is not as good as I would have expected. In the summer months here if the car becomes heat soaked then the batteries can easily reach 50C plus temps so we don't usually get much more than a year out of a battery but there is always the exception. Some of the other folks who have air conditioned garage or storage get normal battery times of two plus years.

01-12-2012, 03:38 PM
ACDelco is also manufacturing batteries in China now, just so everyone is aware...

or, perhaps, ACDelco is purchasing batteries from a Chinese manufacturer now. I'm not sure which is more accurate, or if it even matters.

01-12-2012, 03:58 PM
Does anyone know the weight of the big AC Delco 75-7 year maint free batteries?


01-12-2012, 05:31 PM
Diehard, in the car when I bought it this summer. Seems ok so far, I'll keep a tender on it this winter.

Hib Halverson
01-13-2012, 12:10 PM
Not only do I have an Odyssey in my ZR-1 but I've converted everything else except my C5 Z06 to Odysseys and when the OE battery in the C5 goes, I'll put an Odyssey in that, too.

I've been testing the Odyssey battery since the mid-'00s. I find the last longer than Optimas and Delcos. They certainly are more tolerant of deep cycles.

Not well-known secret...the top of the line Die Hard is an Odyssey with a grey case.

01-23-2012, 07:02 PM
Went out this morning and my Duralst Gold was dead after sitting for only a month since driven last. It registered 2.8 volts, should be about 12.8 or so charged. Pulled it and took it to Autozone. Verified no good. No hassle replacement, no charge.

I bought this battery on 8/17/08 so it didn't even last 3 years. I always have a battery Tender Plus on it when not driving and over the winter too.

Just letting everyone know first hand what you may expect.

I disconnect the negative terminal when I store the car for long periods and during the winter. I also have a hypothesis that by disconnecting the battery, it minimizes oxidation due to electrolysis.

01-24-2012, 03:56 AM
Not only do I have an Odyssey in my ZR-1 but I've converted everything else except my C5 Z06 to Odysseys and when the OE battery in the C5 goes, I'll put an Odyssey in that, too.

I've been testing the Odyssey battery since the mid-'00s. I find the last longer than Optimas and Delcos. They certainly are more tolerant of deep cycles.

Not well-known secret...the top of the line Die Hard is an Odyssey with a grey case.

Thanks for sharing about the Odyssey batteries; very good to know. Which model do you recommend for the ZR-1s?



Brad Sewell
03-25-2012, 11:18 PM
Odyssey recommends the 75-PC1320 for th ZR-1.

03-25-2012, 11:26 PM
Not only do I have an Odyssey in my ZR-1 but I've converted everything else except my C5 Z06 to Odysseys and when the OE battery in the C5 goes, I'll put an Odyssey in that, too.

I've been testing the Odyssey battery since the mid-'00s. I find the last longer than Optimas and Delcos. They certainly are more tolerant of deep cycles.

Not well-known secret...the top of the line Die Hard is an Odyssey with a grey case.

The Original Delco is still in the Pace Car so that Battery is just about 14 years old, I do however keep all of my vehicles on a tender.

Blue Flame Restorations
03-26-2012, 09:20 AM

03-26-2012, 02:11 PM
You can get an Optima to fit????

01-08-2014, 04:17 PM
The Original Delco is still in the Pace Car so that Battery is just about 14 years old, I do however keep all of my vehicles on a tender.

Those tenders sure work great. At last count I have 5 of them on various batteries including the lawn mower.

01-08-2014, 04:25 PM
Those tenders sure work great. At last count I have 5 of them on various batteries including the lawn mower.

I have two Deltran 4 banks and one two bank. They have paid for themselves over the years. All of my cars stay on a tender always unless the vehicle is away from home or the storage facility. Best investment I have ever made.

Paul Workman
01-10-2014, 08:45 AM
Those tenders sure work great. At last count I have 5 of them on various batteries including the lawn mower.

Yeah, buddy!

I've had 'em for 13 years on various vehicles. Ami's battery is a plain ol' Walmart issue that has been in her C3 for 9 years now. Went out in the middle of this -16º degree cold snap and that battery cranked that 11:1 compression L46 SBC like new.

When the BTs came out they sported much the same so-called "smart charger" technology that was reminiscent from my days of maintaining unmanned radio relay stations in So Cal. Those sites would have banks of lead-acid batteries and some sophisticated battery switching/redundancy circuits, and they were charged and pulsed (de-sulfated) by these big LaMarche tenders. I have NO idea how old some of those batteries were, but 10 years + at least.

Yep. Whenever the Z and the "3" are parked, they go on the BT. (I can't speak for Ctech chargers, but I understand they've similar technology and work well too).

I never have to give winter storage a second thought, far as batteries go. Never!

Paul Workman
01-10-2014, 10:01 AM
Some may NOT know that name brand batteries are often made by more than one manufacture, depending on where the regional warehouse locations are vs. the battery manufacturing facility. And, truth be known, many competing brands are often built by the same manufacture!

Delphi Automotive & Johnson Controls are two of the bigger automotive manufactures that make batteries for a variety of labels - sometimes under the same label. And, there are other manufactures as well.

My point is, don't be fooled by all the marketing hype! Regardless of the label on the battery, it may have come from one of may different manufactures. For example, a well marketed battery like the Die Hard has other lesser known and less expensive (in many cases) competing labels...made to the same specs by the same manufacture! Armed with this knowledge...it pays to shop around!

For example, here is a partial list of manufactures and the labels they supply product for. Kinda eye-opening!

Johnson Controls Inc. [JCI], (US) +1-414-524-2434, 1-888-867-8462 or http://www.jci.com/ or http://www.autobatteries.com/

Acura, (US) contact local Acura dealer; 1-800-383-7323; or http://www.autobatteries.com/

Advance Auto Parts, (US) please see Advance Auto Parts

AutoCraft [Starting]

Western Auto [Starting] please see Advance Auto Parts or Sears

Tough One [Starting]

Alliance, (US) please see Battery Alliance or http://www.autobatteries.com/

Amara Raja Batteries Ltd. (Joint Venture with Johnson Controls), (India) +91-44-821-3270

American Hardware


Autocraft, (US) please see Advance Auto Parts or http://www.autobatteries.com/

Gold [Starting]

Titanium [Starting]

Auto-Tiele-Unger [A.T.U], (Europe) contact local A.T.U store http://www.atu.de/

Varta [Starting]

AutoZone [Duralast], please see AutoZone or http://www.autobatteries.com/

Battery Alliance, please see Battery Alliance

Blain's Farm & Fleet, (US) contact local Blain's Farm & Fleet store; 1-608-754-2821; http://www.farmandfleet.com/; 1-800-383-7323; or http://www.autobatteries.com/

Bosch, (US & Europe) 1-888-715-3616 or http://www.boschautoparts.com/

Car and Driver, (US) contact local Target store

Carrefour, (Europe) contact local Carrefour store http://www.carrefour.com/

Costco [Kirkland Signature], (US) please see Costco or http://www.autobatteries.com/

Champion [beginning April, 2007], (US)

Enertec Mexico (formally Joint Venture with Grupo IMSA), (Mexico) +8-329-9500, 1-800-835-4800 or http://www.enertec.com.mx/


América [Starting]

America 500 [Starting]

Celtik Y Nationwide

Cronos [Starting]

Diener [Starting]

Duralast [Starting]

Durex [Starting]


EverStart [Starting]


Fulgor [Starting]

Full Power

Full Tech

GES [Enertec], (US) +1-817-589-1225

V Series [Starting] for Interstate


Bateria Marina [Marine]

Hi-Tec [Starting]

Moto-Bateria [Powersports Starting]



Prestolite [Starting] for Exide

Varta [Starting]

Enertec South America (formally Joint Venture with Grupo IMSA)

Bestia Negra [Starting]

Durex [Starting]

Fulgor [Starting]

Heliar [Starting]

Taxi [Starting]

Power [Starting]

Prestolite [Starting]

Equalizer, (US) contact local O'Reilly, Pep Boys, VIP Discount Auto Center, Weatbelt members, PX/BX or http://www.autobatteries.com/


Eveready, (US) contact local O'Reilly, Pep Boys, Weatbelt members, Walmart Canada, or militay locations

EverStart, (US) please see Walmart store or http://www.autobatteries.com/

High Power [Starting]

Extreme [Starting]

MAXX [Starting]

Delphi Automotive, (US) +1-248-813-2000

ACDelco, (US) please see General Motors



BlueStar, (Canada) +1-604-543-4350



BJ's Wholesale Club

Pep Boys, contact local Pep Boys Auto Parts store or http://www.pepboys.com

Maintenance Free DieHard Starting, (US) 1-800-383-4273 or http://www.diehard.com/

Gold [Maintenance Free Starting]

Dynavolts, (Truck)

Delco Freedom [Maintenance Free Starting]

Deltek, (South Africa)

Double Eagle, (US) contact local Goodyear Auto Service store or http://www.goodyeardealers.com/


EverStart, (US) please see Walmart



Ford, contact local Ford dealer

Freedom [Maintenance Free Starting]

Extra [AGM]

Plus, (Europe)

DieHard, (US) 1-800-383-4273 or http://www.diehard.com/

Freedom Intelli-Guard

International, (Truck)

Freedom LiPo Tek

Goodyear, (US) contact local Goodyear Auto Service store or http://www.goodyeardealers.com/

Kmart, contact local Kmart store or http://www.kmart.com/

Middle East Battery Company (Joint Venture with Delphi), (India)

Opel Freedom (Europe)[Starting]

O'Reilly Auto Parts

Super Start [Starting]


Platinum [AGM]

Marine Freedom

Tough One, please see Advance Auto Parts

Sam's Club, (US) please see Sam's Club

Shell, contact local Shell service stations

Standard, (Europe)

Trak-Auto, please see Advance Auto Parts

Lastcell [Starting]

Permacell [Starting]

Ultracell [Starting]

TSC patrouille [Starting] (Europe)

Voyager Marine

Western Auto, (US) please see Advance Auto Parts or Sears

DieHard, (US) 1-800-383-4273 or http://www.diehard.com/ or http://www.autobatteries.com/

Gold, [Starting]

DuraLast, (US) please see AutoZone

Energizer, (US) please see Sam's Club, contact local Walmart Canada store or http://www.autobatteries.com/

For sources (herein) and links to many other specific manufactures see

THIS LINK (http://jgdarden.com/batteryfaq/batbrand.htm#O)

Paul Workman
01-10-2014, 11:28 AM
I disconnect the negative terminal when I store the car for long periods and during the winter. I also have a hypothesis that by disconnecting the battery, it minimizes oxidation due to electrolysis.

Oxidation? No. But you're correct insofar a lead acid battery capacity will diminish over time by chemical reaction, and is of course hastened by any current drain too.

The chemical part occurs with or without the battery connected. This is due to "sulfation"; a slow chemical reaction where the sulfur (in the sulfuric acid (H2SO4) combines with Lead (Pb) to form Lead Sulfate (PBSO4.)

The lead-sulfate crystals (sulfation) will remain in solution for a time, but eventually the molecules attache themselves to the lead plates and arrange themselves into a non-conductive crystalline bond structure that spreads over the lead plates. As the non-conductive crystalline coating spreads, the effective area of the plates is gradually reduced, and thus the area of the plate available to the electrolyte to produce current is reduced.

The crystalline formation is disrupted when the battery is charged. A car that is regularly driven charges the battery often enough that the sulfation is not a problem. However, for occasional use vehicles (toys), sulfation will occur (which, by the way, results in the battery self-discharging; the rate of which depends on temperature and the state of the battery condition, but typically around 4% per month).

To maintain the battery during extended periods of non-use, a trickle charge will help. However, trickle chargers can over-charge a battery and eventually "boil" it dry and hasten the formation of lead precipitation that settles in the bottom of the case (eventually shorting out the lead plates resulting in a dead cell). However, a special battery conditioning charger (e.g., the fore mentioned BTs or Cteks to name a couple) will monitor the battery charge level and pulse the battery to break up the sulfation without overcharging or boiling the battery, AND be able to carry the normal electric load imposed by the ECM, etc, as well. So! If you use one of the conditioning chargers, you have the best of both: peak performance and longivity and you can leave the battery connected which preserves all your radio pre-sets, and BLM memory, etc.

Sorry. I sometimes revert to my electronics teaching days and get carried away.:o

01-11-2014, 09:57 AM
.....Sorry. I sometimes revert to my electronics teaching days and get carried away.:o

Your lectures are always informative Paul!!!!--Bob

04-16-2014, 10:12 PM
I have always had good luck with AC Delco and to me there is somthing about my GM vehicles and AC Delco Batteries. Here are some actual experiences,

My 1996 Camaro SS- AC Delco Battery 2002-2009 2009- still strong
My 1998 Olds Aurora Original Battery Changed 2009
My Fathers 2002 STS Cadillac Original Battery Changed 2011
My 2002 Chevy 2500 HD Original Battery Changed 2007

I have had a great expereince wiht AC Delco. Granted the sealed battery in the Aroura and STS are a cut above the rest. I have also have had great luck with Interstate batteries in my farm equipment as well.

04-16-2014, 10:48 PM
I have always had good luck with AC Delco and to me there is somthing about my GM vehicles and AC Delco Batteries. Here are some actual experiences,

My 1996 Camaro SS- AC Delco Battery 2002-2009 2009- still strong
My 1998 Olds Aurora Original Battery Changed 2009
My Fathers 2002 STS Cadillac Original Battery Changed 2011
My 2002 Chevy 2500 HD Original Battery Changed 2007

I have had a great expereince wiht AC Delco. Granted the sealed battery in the Aroura and STS are a cut above the rest. I have also have had great luck with Interstate batteries in my farm equipment as well.

Just to add to msorenso's good luck with AC Delco batteries, I just changed the original battery in my 2004 Monte Carlo in September 2013. Of course it was two weeks before trading it off. :o

Jim Nolan
04-22-2014, 11:48 AM
The first 6 years I went through 3 AC Delco batteries. The last time was on a Sunday. I was going to an event and the only place open to get a battery was Wal-Mart. That was 9 years ago and it is still going strong. Yes my AC's were correct and new for the car. In my opinion AC Delco is crap!

04-22-2014, 02:05 PM
Just to add to msorenso's good luck with AC Delco batteries, I just changed the original battery in my 2004 Monte Carlo in September 2013. Of course it was two weeks before trading it off. :o

That is great to hear it lasted that long! I have had really good luck!

04-22-2014, 08:55 PM
I am on my 2nd Optima... the 1st one lasted 8 years.

02-15-2016, 04:37 PM
Fyi, this is the best price I can find on a new Odyssey battery.


02-25-2016, 01:10 PM
Fyi, this is the best price I can find on a new Odyssey battery.


$350 for a battery? That's crazy. Tartop batteries can be had for less.

02-27-2016, 07:56 PM
$350 for a battery? That's crazy. Tartop batteries can be had for less.

I have no idea what you looked at but the Odyssey batter is $233.99 with free shipping.

Maybe that is Canadian dollars you are seeing.


11-26-2016, 08:08 PM
interstate in my 1955 chevrolet for 13 years. Car driven once per month. Never on charger or tender. Is just always up. Previous ten year on interstate too for same car and seldom driven. Interstate going into my Z when the current delco goes. And no I don't work for Interstate. But I have often wondered why they seem to be so good.

12-02-2016, 03:27 PM
I have no idea what you looked at but the Odyssey batter is $233.99 with free shipping.

Maybe that is Canadian dollars you are seeing.

Yes it was, but now its down to $314.00

If you guys are looking at Delco batteries, be sure to get the proper quality series.

12-12-2018, 04:24 PM
Yes it was, but now its down to $314.00

If you guys are looking at Delco batteries, be sure to get the proper quality series.

I saw the price go up. Just another reason I should have kept my black '92 Z!

I planned on getting one for the '93 but with shipping and handling it's pushing over $350 and that's out of my range for a battery.

Paul Workman
12-12-2018, 05:37 PM
Forgive me, Karl. But, this is such an old thread, and why is it you want to pay $350 for an AC Delco battery??? (NCRS points or the like is the ONLY jsutification (?) for one of them. Good ol' Wally World (Gold series) battery - WORK GOOD LAST A LOOOOOONG TIME! (Did I mention inexpensive???)

Both of mine are on tenders. Some prefer battery switches - but I doan wanna go down that rabbit hole again (right now!). But, in any case I'm :icon_scra as to why you're aching to spend $350 for a danged ol' lead-acid battery, prolly made by the same company (Johnson Controls) that makes most of the domestic batteries.

12-12-2018, 05:50 PM
Paul it is for the Odyssee battery. I am using my cell phone and meant to say I'm not paying that much for a battery.

12-12-2018, 05:52 PM
The battery in the '93 is on a battery tender also. So far so good but I have no idea how old the battery is.

George Maz
12-12-2018, 06:48 PM
(L) denotes left side terminal.

Find a coupon code, great battery, all three of my C4's have this battery. One is relocated to rear compartment and fits neatly. Better performance & and less weight.
GM terminal adapters are from Stinger, order two.8722

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12-12-2018, 07:00 PM
Is that a 330cca battery in your car?

I have a battery relocation kit (not installed yet) and really do not need the side mount battery which seems to cost more.

George Maz
12-13-2018, 12:47 AM
Cold Cranking 330
Pulse Hot Cranking 900 (5 seconds)

The AGM is low internal resistance by design, so it will deliver whatever demand (starter) at a higher amperage, than even a larger battery of flooded cell type.

I happen to have an Odyssey battery in everything I own (11 batteries currently), startups are much quicker. Battery longevity of 8-10 years, with more reliable performance throughout.

George Maz
12-13-2018, 01:06 AM
ODYSSEY batteries are made by Enersys...not Johnson Controls. The Odyssey brand was formerly HAWKER a military spec.

12-14-2018, 06:26 AM
I have been running the Odyssey 75-PC1230 exact fit for a few years now and very pleased.

760 CCA, 815 MCA, 1050 HCA
1230 Cranking Amps for 5 Seconds
110 Minute Reserve Capacity
Cycle life @ 77° F 400 at 100% DOD
-40° F to 140° F Temperature Range

I also put Odyssey batteries in the Mercedes and Audi daily drivers, and will change out the Harley original battery with an Odyssey next year. I’m sold on Odyssey!!


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09-22-2019, 08:25 PM
Cold Cranking 330
Pulse Hot Cranking 900 (5 seconds)

The AGM is low internal resistance by design, so it will deliver whatever demand (starter) at a higher amperage, than even a larger battery of flooded cell type.

I happen to have an Odyssey battery in everything I own (11 batteries currently), startups are much quicker. Battery longevity of 8-10 years, with more reliable performance throughout.

Since I do not know how old the battery is in my Z and the prior owners did not maintain the car to my standards I went ahead and purchased the PC 925L Odyssey battery.

It is smaller, weighted about 6 lbs less than the ac Delco 75A 630CCA battery, and easily outperforms it.

I got the stinger battery post adapters from eBay.

Installation was a little tricky with the positive terminal on the left but I got it in with no problems.

I used the factory battery bolt and rubber mount to help secure the battery along with drilling a couple of small holes in the battery tray and some tie downs to secure the battery down.

So far so good! The car started quicker than normal and runs with no issues. Maybe the old battery was dying, who knows.

09-23-2019, 08:02 AM
Next time get a Delco. It looks like it came with the car.

AC Delco 75VPG Battery
Warranty: 42 Mo.
BCI Group Size: 75
Volts: 12
Reserve Capacity: 95
AH@20: 52
Cold Cranking Amps: 700
Cranking Amps: 875
UPC:* # 808709348627
Terminal Type:* Side Post
Length (in):* 8-11/16 Inch
Width (in):* 6-13/16 Inch
Height (in):* 7-3/16 Inch

Sent from my iPhone using ZR-1 Net Registry (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)

09-23-2019, 08:30 AM
Unless that Delco is an AGM battery it is inferior in many ways.

I just took an ac Delco unit out.

09-24-2019, 02:23 PM
i use Delco Battery
they look right

09-24-2019, 04:15 PM
The ZR-1 battery tray
Dimensions are 9.00 × 8.80 × 7.30

Amp Hour:60.0 AH
BCI Group Size:78
Cold Cranking Amperage:740 A
Cranking Amperage:925 A
Height:7.25 in
Length:10.937 in
Negative Terminal Location:Side Right
Positive Terminal Location:Side Left
Reserve Capacity:115 min
Terminal Type:Side Mount
Voltage:12.0 VDC
Weight:38.7 lb
Width:7.312 in

The tray may need to be modified to accommodate the larger Group 78 AGM battery.

It is a great battery if you are not keeping your ZR-1 stock.

Sent from my iPhone using ZR-1 Net Registry (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)

09-24-2019, 04:51 PM
The one I use is the PC925L and it is smaller and weights 26lbs. Car fires right up!

05-25-2020, 10:39 PM

05-27-2020, 09:35 AM
I added to the poll Duralast from Autozone. Comes with a 3 or 4 year warranty and fits in perfectly. I had a dead battery a few years back after a long winter, and they just replaced it with a new battery. It was only a 2 years old at the time and instead of throwing it on a charger, it was replaced.

Paul Workman
05-31-2020, 08:10 AM
We replaced the battery in my wife's '69 C3 shortly (w/ in a a year or so) of when she bought it in '06. It was an AutoZone 75 series (same size as or Zs batteries) and it has been maintained with a BATTERY TENDER whenever it was parked in the garage. It still cranks her 11:1 compression SBC over "like new".

(Flooded) Lead-acid battery technology for cars use has been pretty stable for 100+ years. So, for a given series size battery, they generally perform comparatively the same, more or less. But, the KEY to long life is how they're maintained!

Long story short, a chemical reaction between the sulfuric acid and the lead plates will occur to form an insulating barrier coating the lead plates - effectively reducing the area of the plates to the electrolyte which has the effect of reducing the battery's capacity (thnk: size) That's the bad news.

The good news is a charging voltage applied reversing the internal discharge current flow direction has the added effect of arresting the formation of lead sulfide crystals and removing the crystals from the plates which falls to the bottom of the battery (along with a slight but important amount of free lead material).

So, putting a "trickle" charger on the battery when not in use keeps the formation of lead sulfide at bay, but once the battery is fully charged (especially), then hydrogen molecules are stripped from the electrolyte (H2SO4) and water molecules (H2O) commonly referred to as "gassing". That's not so good for several reasons.

But, technology to the rescue! IIRC from research (decades ago), it was Texas Instrument that developed a chip that would monitor and trickle charge a (car) battery until it reached full charge, and then switch automatically to a "pulse" mode which would stave off the formation of sulfide w/o causing the "gassing" which was the issue with previous (aka "dumb") charger/charging technique.

Nowa dayz, practically all the better chargers have "TI's" technology on board, including "TI's" Battery Tender which is what maintains Ami's AutoZone battery for around 12(?) years now.

Worth mentioning... Our cars draw a tiny amount of current necessary to support the radio pre-sets and the stored history and learned performance data in the ECM. So, disconnecting either one of the battery cables or employing a manual battery disconnect switch, will prevent the current from trickling away while the battery is not being charged. Coupled with cold (or especially freezing cold) temps, the chemical reaction resulting in the sulfide formation is significantly slowed as well.

So, coupled with ample reserve capacity of a relatively fresh series 75 battery, some prefer to installing a battery switch to using one of the battery maintaining (pulse type) chargers - especially in unattended locations or locations w/o a power source.

Which method is "best"? Well, technically, the modern "pulse" type maintainer provides the standard by which the battery cutoff switch technique is judged. However, practically speaking, there may not be any significant difference, depending on the conditions under which the battery is stored.

So, for the cost of a fill-up or two, you can buy a (pulse) type charger. Is a few more years of good service worth the hassle compared to a cutoff switch? You'll have to make the call*.

*Note: My (decade+ old) data stems entirely from that of standard flooded, lead-acid tech, and may or may not directly apply to other lead/sulfuric acid configurations, e.g., AGM. So, YMMV, as they say!

Flyman 27
08-18-2020, 07:21 AM
DuraCell from Sams Club

08-21-2020, 08:33 AM
Auto Zone dry cell.

09-01-2021, 07:54 AM
AC Delco 75VPG Battery
Warranty: 42 Mo.
BCI Group Size: 75
Volts: 12
Reserve Capacity: 95
AH@20: 52
Cold Cranking Amps: 700
Cranking Amps: 875
P/N 88861746
UPC: # 808709348627
Weight: 33.7 lbs.
Terminal Type: Side Post
Length (in): 8-11/16 Inch
Width (in): 6-13/16 Inch
Height (in): 7-3/16 Inch

Sent from my iPhone using ZR-1 Net Registry (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)

Flyman 27
09-01-2021, 10:06 AM
Duracell from Sams Club.
Size 75
850 CA
Cost $90