View Full Version : Replacing tie rods.

06-16-2010, 08:11 PM
I just got done replacing the inner and outer tie rod ends hoping that would have an impact on my front end vibration coming through the steering wheel thats been slowly getting worse over the years. Replacing both inner and outer tie rod ends instantly cut down on the vibration by at least 60%. I also have the whole poly bushing kit on the way.
The outter ones are easy but when I got ready to unscrew the inners from the steering rack I thought now how in the f@$k am I going to get a wrench in there to unscrew them? Even took the sway bar off for more access. So I go to Oreillys to buy a small pipe wrench. I figure since the wrench flats are not facing the only spot a wrench might fit that with a pipe wrench it won't matter. When I walk up to the counter to pay for it I lay the inner tie rod on the table next to it. And the guy says "You know we have a tool for that right?" I said dude! Hook me up. That inner tie rod end wrench worked like a charm. Moral of the story. If it looks impossible to get off! They probably make a special tool for it.:mrgreen:

06-17-2010, 12:05 AM
Hey photos of the tool and even a mock up of the actual repair would be nice for Dynomite who is documenting things just like this with links to the forum posts on just such topics.

See here >>> http://www.zr1.net/forum/showthread.php?t=11619

06-17-2010, 12:08 PM
This is what it looks like. http://www.nextag.com/norob/PtitleSeller.jsp?chnl=main&tag=752925254&ctx=AZ9VLuvPjTeoHwPXCqr24NagEr5ZjjgVmN7pZhIJuhR%2F pD7dTowWycVhKDxvRBfO%2F4JR6Go0NDHL4xJw%2FcOfMOozDk 5vTQ8U6Yd6kovguxcl9BhjV4swlsu%2FqrvE7lFfui3x%2BNQS 9W5qclbgJLBWBj8qYE32JMf6C%2BU%2FsF8XtdrK1FEqqFK%2F dQTp%2BxKq4naZ34mZvQk%2BJ8x2%2Fch7RQRxboTvFA37VOqK BMbIONeTj5tfOELyfGHux3%2Fh8RFPkMDfqXMRl2z8%2BVpTyO UnXkW3Jg%3D%3D&ptitle=511844728

This is the one I used http://www.sportsmansguide.com/net/cb/oem-inner-tie-rod-tool.aspx?a=599073

06-18-2010, 01:19 AM
OK good info we are half way there now.

Next time you have the Z in the air (or if the rods are still off just do a bench photo) take a pic of the inner tie rod ends and maybe hold your special tool up to show how it fit nice and made the job easy.

Post the pics here.....

Then we will PM Dyno and have him add this post to his list.

06-18-2010, 03:19 PM
I know but as much as it might help somebody sometimes I like to just get it done without making a documentery of it. But in a nutshell here it goes.
1. Jack front of car up.
2. Remove tires.
3. Remove brake calipers and disks for access to tie rod ends.
4. Remove swaybar.
5. Stick tie rod seperator/fork between wheel spindle and rod end and with a 3lb sledge hammer give it 2 or 3 good whacks and "Boing" We be seperated.
6. Remove boot clips from inner tie rod ends. Then pull boot out and push back white plastic protector to expose wrench flats.
7. Then use inner tie rod end wrench with a 1/2 drive flex bar and in a CCW direction unscrew.
8. The rest is just the reverse. 70 ft lbs is the recomended torque for inner tie rods.
I'll add pictures of the inner rods tonight or tommarrow

06-18-2010, 03:45 PM
OK good info we are half way there now.

Next time you have the Z in the air (or if the rods are still off just do a bench photo) take a pic of the inner tie rod ends and maybe hold your special tool up to show how it fit nice and made the job easy. Exactly :mrgreen:

Post the pics here.....

Then we will PM Dyno and have him add this post to his list.

I added this thread to http://www.zr1.net/forum/showpost.php?p=88872&postcount=2 a day ago (STEERING) when I seen "Replacing both inner and outer tie rod ends instantly cut down on the vibration by at least 60%".

What vibration I am not sure but I am assuming wheels are a bit out of balance ;)

rhipsher.......thanks for the information :thumbsup:

If you are adding some pictures just insert them in your first post so all your information is right up front :cheers:

06-18-2010, 05:04 PM
I added this thread to http://www.zr1.net/forum/showpost.php?p=88872&postcount=2 a day ago (STEERING) when I seen "Replacing both inner and outer tie rod ends instantly cut down on the vibration by at least 60%".

What vibration I am not sure but I am assuming wheels are a bit out of balance ;)

rhipsher.......thanks for the information :thumbsup:

If you are adding some pictures just insert them in your first post so all your information is right up front :cheers:I'n the past I had a four point alignment done with balancing the tires. Even swapped tires and rims with no luck. So the only other thing it could be is simply worn out suspension components. So if replacing all the tie rods made that much difference then replacing all the bushings/upper/lower control arms will probably make it handle like a laser beam.