View Full Version : Will C5 brake rotors fit

04-19-2010, 01:00 AM
Hi to all

trawled threads for a perfect answer to this Q and cant find so here goes

Ive noticed my rotors have become quite pitted and I have a line on a set of clean C5 rotors from a 2001 manual coupe in the UK ..but without callipers......

Q1...can the rotors directly replace front and rear 92 zed stock items, and can l continue to use the stock callipers......

Or is there other work to do ?


04-19-2010, 06:23 AM
Dave, I do believe that swap will not work. C4 rotors are a smaller diameter?

I confess that I'm not 100% sure on this, but I know to do a C5 front conversion to a C4 you need different caliper mounting brackets. A C5 caliper is larger than a C4 ZR-1 caliper, and I do believe a C5 rotor is larger in both diameter and thickness than a ZR-1 C4 rotor.


04-19-2010, 06:45 AM
Thanks for that tom......l was guessing it wasnt going to be a straight swap....may just as well get what fits first time....something that utilizes the stock hub/caliper but with added stopping

04-19-2010, 10:08 AM
It's really unlikely it would clear the caliper mounting bracket. That thing sits pretty close to the stock rotor on both sides, and the C5 rotors are .15" thicker.