View Full Version : Battery drain

03-08-2010, 10:34 AM
This past month I started having a battery problem. If the car sits over night the battery is drained. Ive check all the lights and other normal things.
Over thew winter I had the whole stereo replaired by Dr Don, pleniumn pull to replace injectors and coils . Never had this problem before I did the work. The battery was only 8 months old and got a replacement so I dont think its the battery. So where do i start any ideas?

Its a stock 1990.

03-08-2010, 10:40 AM
Charge up the battery and leave it sit disconnected over night and see if it maintains charge ;)

You have "Align Center" You want "Align Left" :thumbsup:

03-08-2010, 04:11 PM
Start by checking the courtesy lights. They can stay on if a door switch in not working. Check the center console lid closes all the way so the console light turns off. Check the map light located in the rear view mirror. It is operated by a switch on the lower edge of the mirror.

Get a volt meter that can measure current. (You can buy an inexpensive multi meter) Disconnect the battery negative terminal. Connect the current meter between the battery terminal and the negative cable. The reading on the current meter is the current drain from your battery. It will probably be just a few milliamps. Now, in the fuse panel inside the passenger door, pull the fuses one at a time and look at the current meter. When you pull the fuse for the problem circuit, the current drain will drop to zero. Now you know where to start looking for the problem.

Good luck


03-08-2010, 04:28 PM
Now, in the fuse panel inside the passenger door, pull the fuses one at a time and look at the current meter. When you pull the fuse for the problem circuit, the current drain will drop to zero. Now you know where to start looking for the problem.

Good luck




What about the secondary fuse holders under the hush panel on the passenger side?

03-08-2010, 04:36 PM

What about the secondary fuse panel under the hush panel on the passenger side?

I have never had to look at that fuse panel. What circuits are fused there?


Paul Workman
03-08-2010, 06:00 PM
Have tools...Will travel!

PM sent.


03-08-2010, 06:02 PM
Have tools...Will travel!

PM sent.


:thumbsup: That's what I'm talkin about!!!!!!!!!

Class Bro's!

03-08-2010, 09:47 PM
Thanks guys , I wont be able to touch the car till the weekend. Ill do a little research till then.