View Full Version : Extra mouse power

03-07-2010, 06:29 PM
Pulled the plenum look what I found by the starter. Looks like the past resident dined on the purple wire to the starter.

I have been thinking that I can use some heavy shink tube then cover with liquid electrical tape. Any better suggestions on a repair?

Since I am at this point should I just go ahead and pull the injector housings to clean them up. The more I remove the easier it seems to get into the area for clean up. Thoughts?

03-07-2010, 08:09 PM
Thanks for the reality check.

BTW already pulled the starter and started the clean-up of the drain.

flyin ryan
03-08-2010, 12:35 AM
Is that purple wire 'Fuseable link' wire? On a lot of GM's it was...If so maybe it just got warm a time or two :dontknow:

03-08-2010, 07:52 AM
Don't think it is the fuseable wire. Way it is chewed looks like regular wire.

Anyone know the number or know where I can obtain the corrrect metal connector # for a replacement? I've got the plastic weather pack connector intact.

Thanks, John :cheers:

03-08-2010, 09:52 AM
Oh..ya....get some mouse bait in your garage :mrgreen:

03-08-2010, 12:48 PM
Oh..ya....get some mouse bait in your garage :mrgreen:

This nest was there for a long time. The scary part is that this was in there from the previous owner who stored the car in an unheated garage under his house. I drove the car twice to Carlisle, last year and the year before. I am glad I found it before the trip to BG, my luck the bare wire would have touched off the nest on this long of a trip.

Thanks for your advice!

John :cheers:

03-29-2010, 04:15 AM
a few poison pellets in the plenum void .....last line of defense

Paul Workman
03-29-2010, 05:08 AM
Right out of the bag, my Z had a missing issue, especially before it got good and warm. Turned out to be mice had nested on top of the coil pack and had chewed the plug wires. (My coil pack area and the valley under the starter looked zackly like your motor! BTDT!

I live out in the country; surrounded by countless field mice. Come the first frost, and oh boy! The battle is on! My first winter on the place, I thought I was going to be run out of the place - they were everywhere - caused some major damage to a couple cars (wiring and ruining carpet, etc.).

Forget about Decon...When I would find turquoise-colored poop on my console and on top of the plenum and that unmistakable odor, I knew I wasn't getting a handle on it- verified by the fact that trap activity was still on the increase.

I've told this before, but on recommendation from a feed store owner I bought this stuff called "One Bite"; :worship: saved the day and my sanity! (Or, what was left of it:rolleyes:) I break up a package of it and spread it around the garage in places where my pooches cannot get to it, and for safety I put a piece under the seats of the vehicles. Then I load up the interior with Bounce dryer sheets and stuff some between the runners of the plenum (leaving enough sticking out so I can pull them in case I'm going thru Z withdrawals:rolleyes:).

I leave the stuff in the garage all year, but before the first freeze, I'll reload. Far as I can tell, this past winter (and a doozy it was!) we had NO mouse issues at all that I have been able to detect.

Hope this helps someone!


03-29-2010, 11:56 AM
I've used a product from a local farm supply store called "Fresh Cab" in my vehicles. Doesn't smell bad at all but mice must not like it & cleanup is a cinch as it is in individual packets. Seems to work good so far no problems. Could even put a packet under hood as well as in all interior compartment.

03-29-2010, 02:19 PM
another fix is to buy a couple of bars of irish spring soap and break them up and pu them in the interior of the car mice hate that stuff . also while you have the plenum off ck the bolts on the pvc vent pkg . in the center they are typicly loose

03-29-2010, 05:56 PM
another fix is to buy a couple of bars of irish spring soap and break them up and pu them in the interior of the car mice hate that stuff . also while you have the plenum off ck the bolts on the pvc vent pkg . in the center they are typicly loose

6 of the 13 were finger tight only. Cleaned it up installed a new gasket from Jerry and torqued it down with red locktite. Biggest leak found was the oil filter adapter on the front of the engine. The 2 lowest of the 3 bolts were only finger tight. Replaced that gasket and torqued with red locktite.


03-29-2010, 07:03 PM
if i can ask how much of a pain was it to change the gasket on the oil filter adapter ? i havent done that yet but think i may have to

03-29-2010, 09:42 PM
if i can ask how much of a pain was it to change the gasket on the oil filter adapter ? i havent done that yet but think i may have to

First remove the 2 lines to the cooler and disconnect it from the oil cooler. This gives a bit more room. Mainly it is a PIA unhooking the 3 sensors and the wire loom clip from the right upper bolt. There are only 3-10mm hex head lower bolts and one upper bolt that is common with the alternator bracket. I think the lower left bolt is shorter than the rest.

The one lower bolt is a tight squeeze over the lower radiator hose.

Wasn't too difficult. :cheers:

I've probabily spent 3 times more time and effort cleaning up the nest and the past oil leak residual than taking things apart and putting back together.

03-29-2010, 11:18 PM
thank you so much for the info