View Full Version : Differential Lube addative?

03-04-2010, 05:13 PM
I'm about to swap in the new 4.10 pumpkin next week and getting all my misc. supplies ready.

I've read that the new synthetic differential lubes like Mobile 1 and Amsoil do not require the clutch addative from GM? Can anyone confirm this? Any experience out there of running these lubes without the addative? Or should I just play it safe and get the stuff from GM.

Any special gasket cement for the cover or will RTV work?

Any other tips?

03-04-2010, 06:20 PM
On the Mobil 1 web site, it says that their LS 75W90 gear oil contains friction modifiers for use in limited slip differentials... I used the lube, I added a bottle of the GM stuff when I did the service last spring. No issues, 12,000 miles normal & spirited driving, including drag racing and autocross.
The other one I can't speak about, as I don't know.

03-04-2010, 07:14 PM
Hans,add the additive (1 bottle)
Last year i went with Amsoil and they also mention no additive needed but it did,the rear end was crowling for it :) i put in one bottle and all is quiet again.

Now i always have it on hand,come by and pick one up.:-D

Oh i forgot you moved away far far away.:hello:


03-04-2010, 07:57 PM
I also use the Mobil 1 synthetic rear end oil and the GM additive.
Not sure if its really needed but felt it wasn't worth the gamble nor did I want deal with hassle of putting it in later.

flyin ryan
03-04-2010, 08:00 PM
I used GM's Dexron, no additive.

03-04-2010, 08:03 PM
I also use the Mobil 1 synthetic rear end oil and the GM additive.
Not sure if its really needed but felt it wasn't worth the gamble nor did I want deal with hassle of putting it in later.

I have Mobil 1 as my rear end oil.

Gordon K. suggests 2 bottles of GM additive.

Per Mobil it should be fine with no additive however, I added 1 bottle in my car.