View Full Version : Lumbar pump question

12-05-2009, 06:12 PM
my lumbar pump starts to run but slowly dies out with in a few seconds and not filling the bladders, any ideas befor I pull it apart?


12-05-2009, 08:21 PM
my lumbar pump starts to run but slowly dies out with in a few seconds and not filling the bladders, any ideas befor I pull it apart?


Could be the switch, I had an issue like that with a switch

12-06-2009, 07:12 AM
besides not filling the bladders my passenger seat pump was doing something similar, started out strong but would slow way down as it ran, not stopping completely though.

Anyway, when I took it apart I found that the rubber torn in several places and it was winding up around the motor shaft(?), where the screw holds the rubber to the drive. It's like a crank type of set up and one of the fragments was winding around the drive & stopping the motor.

The rubber dish washing trick over at the Reg site did the trick!

12-06-2009, 08:56 AM
besides not filling the bladders my passenger seat pump was doing something similar, started out strong but would slow way down as it ran, not stopping completely though.

Anyway, when I took it apart I found that the rubber torn in several places and it was winding up around the motor shaft(?), where the screw holds the rubber to the drive. It's like a crank type of set up and one of the fragments was winding around the drive & stopping the motor.

The rubber dish washing trick over at the Reg site did the trick!

Or got to a Local bicycle shop and get an old inner tube, that is what I used

12-06-2009, 11:20 AM
As stated already could be the membrane jamming up things or it also could be a bad electric pump motor...after running a bit 'bearings' start to lock up or armature overheats.

In my case it was the membrane bunging things up (Membrane detached from Plunger) >>>

All the pieces from the membrane>>


Once you get apart here are your basic components>>>>

If it is a membrane issue then you can repair>>

If it is the motor unit... well then you will be getting a replacement pump which runs about $150 new (the OEM manufacturer no longer makes the lumbar pumps)

12-07-2009, 05:55 PM
I got my project for this weekend.
