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Old 09-27-2017   #61
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Default Re: I'm Boycotting NFL Games

Do you want to race?
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Old 09-27-2017   #62
USAF Retired
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Default Re: I'm Boycotting NFL Games

Originally Posted by BigJohn View Post
Do you want to race?
I don't understand, sorry. I asked Russ a question.
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Old 09-27-2017   #63
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Default Re: I'm Boycotting NFL Games

Originally Posted by USAF Retired View Post
A question for you Russ: Have you ever served in the Armed Forces of the United States or any other country around the world? Are you, or have you ever had an occupation in Law Enforcement? Fireman? First Responder? Have you ever sacrificed your life for the good of others? For the good of a country?
No. I never enlisted (it was peace time, I just got a regular job). I would not have been a good soldier. Nor a policeman, fireman or First Responder, so never seriously considered them as a career, but I respect them. I'm a computer programmer (nerd).

I was a lifeguard and saved two people from drowning. Partial credit?
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Old 09-27-2017   #64
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Default Re: I'm Boycotting NFL Games

Originally Posted by USAF Retired View Post
I don't understand, sorry. I asked Russ a question.
So I guess your answer is no!
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Old 09-27-2017   #65
George Maz
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Default Re: I'm Boycotting NFL Games

Originally Posted by BigJohn View Post
So I guess your answer is no!
Same answer last year when I challenged him for pink slips, guess he didn't want to lose that '95 purple metallic.
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Old 09-27-2017   #66
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Default Re: I'm Boycotting NFL Games

There has been mostly negative press - but much has been accomplished in just a short time:

>Prototype wall beginning construction this fall in San Diego
>The DHS has announced the contractors who will build the concrete border wall prototypes
>U.S. border agency awards contracts to four construction companies to build non-concrete prototypes for wall on Mexican border (in addition to the 4 contracts awarded for concrete prototypes)
>Temporary ban on refugees and immigrants from dangerous Muslim countries - starting extreme vetting
>Unshackling ICE - told that they can take action against ALL illegal immigrants - increasing presence in sanctuary cities
>Withholding federal funds from sanctuary cities - must allow ICE access to jails + notify them when illegal immigrants are about to be released
>Miami has removed its "sanctuary" status
>Sanctuary cities continue to get BTFO - federal judge rules that Richmond, California can’t challenge Trump’s order on sanctuary cities
>The House has passed a bill that prevents sanctuary cities from receiving funds from the Department of Transportation and Housing and Urban Development
>Blocking the Police Assistance Program from sanctuary cities
>DACA has been officially rescinded - 6 month grace period for Congress to act
>No new DACA will be issued effective immediate
>Currently issued DACA expires in their regular 2 years
>DACA that would expire in the next six months will expire in six months and one day instead
>White House memo: DACA recipients should prepare for ‘departure from the USA’
>Paul Ryan stated that a potential DACA bill must be paired with enhanced border security (wall, RAISE Act, etc.), or it will not be passed
>Rescinded DAPA
>Kate's Law - harsher penalties for previously deported criminals - passed the House and onto Senate
>No Sanctuary For Criminals Act - deny federal grants to sanctuary cities if they don't comply with federal immigration law - passed the House and onto Senate
>Massive overhaul of the immigration system proposed - move from family reunification to skill-based - cut legal immigration by half by 2027 - 1965 Immigration Act BTFO
>Ending "catch and release" immigration policy
>Deporting thousands of illegal immigrants and criminals all over the country
>Deportation orders up 31% nationwide under Trump
>Deportations in LA are up 60% alone
>Illegal border crossings down 78% since Trump took office (HISTORIC LOW according to ICE)
>Illegal immigration arrests up 38% nationwide - tens of thousands arrested
>YUGE ICE raids - 650 arrested between July 23 and 26
>Trump administration shut down Obama-era program that gave illegal Central American minors temporary legal status
>Trump’s DHS to stop issuing visas to countries that refuse to take back people that the US is trying to deport
>Number of refugees taken in is down 50%
>August had the fewest monthly refugee arrivals in 15 years
>Christian refugees admitted now outnumber Muslim refugees admitted
>Shortage of illegal labor has caused construction worker wages to increase by 30% in Texas
>Canceled Obama Era special immigration program for foreign entrepreneurs
>Creating an office for the victims of illegal immigrant crimes

>1,000,000+ jobs created so far under Trump
>US job openings have hit an ALL TIME high - 6 million+
>National unemployment rate at 4.3% (lowest it's been in 16 years)
>Even the black unemployment rate is at 7.1%, the lowest it’s been since 2009
>Some states are experiencing their lowest unemployment rates in their histories
>Jobless claims drop to 240,000 - hottest streak in 43 years
>More than 1.1 million fewer Americans on food stamps under Trump - people getting off welfare and back to work
>President Trump’s administration has decided to restore work requirements for welfare under the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program - welfare leeches BTFO
>Jobs being created at a much higher than expected rate (tens of thousands extra jobs every month)
>Huge amount of jobs being created in key industries (manufacturing, mining, construction, education, business services, etc.)
>13,000 jobs being created in WI - largest job announcement in WI history
>Foxconn announces that a SECOND plant is coming - Michigan
>Slashing job-killing regulations left and right
>Getting rid of regulations that restrict coal miners - create more mining jobs - opened new coal mine
>Pennsylvania coal company to open a SECOND coal mine
>Creating thousands of more jobs for immigration officers and border patrol
>1000s of jobs being created through pact with Saudi Arabia
>Prevented tens of thousands of jobs from going to Mexico and other countries (Toyota + Mazda opening new plants in USA)
>Executive Order Expanding Apprenticeships in America
>Executive Order on the Establishment of the American Technology Council
>Signed a resolution encouraging women in entrepreneurship

>Stocks are hitting all time highs (22,000) - trillions of dollars in gains
>Federal debt reduced by $100 billion
>US revised second-quarter GDP up 3.0% vs 2.7% - highest level in 2 years
>Pulled out of TPP
>Pulled out of the Paris Accord (save billions in taxpayer money and trillions in GDP, put American industries first by creating and maintaining millions of industrial jobs)
>Going through with building the Keystone and Dakota Pipelines - expanding energy infrastructure and creating 1000s of jobs
>Buy American, Hire American executive order - restrict guest worker visas and require more agencies to buy more goods and services from American companies and workers
>Trump has signed a $15 billion relief package for Texas in the wake of Hurricane Harvey - includes a short-term suspension of the debt ceiling and money to keep the government running for the next 3 months
>Signed an executive order that requires all federal agencies to create task forces to look at and determine which regulations that hurt the economy - cut red tape
>Signed an arms deal worth more than $350 billion and various other investment agreements with Saudi Arabia
>Reworking NAFTA with Canada and Mexico in order to make better trade deals - might pull out
>Pulling funds from to the UN - billions of dollars
>America has withdrawn almost $300 million in foreign aid to Egypt
>Beginning to renegotiate all bad trade deals that put America at a disadvantage
>New trade deals with various countries (South Korea, Japan, etc.)
>Increased tariffs on Canadian lumber by 20% (worth $1 billion)
>Resuming trading natural gas and beef with China
>Trading coal and rice to China
>Negotiated new sugar deal with Mexico
>US pork exports going back to Argentina for the first time since 1992
>First US shipment of oil has landed in India (SUPERPOWER BY 2020)
>Trading energy with new countries in Europe (Poland, Lithuania) - end their reliance on Russian energy
>New memorandum to protect American IPs from China - potentially save billions in dollars and millions in jobs - piracy and counterfeiting BTFO
>American manufacturing expanded in August at fastest pace in six years
>Trade deficit falling faster than expected
>Exports at a 2-year high
>Oil exports at all time high
>Coal exports up 60%
>Gas prices at a 12-year low
>In Trump era, American corporations are seeing their best earnings in 13 years
>Economic confidence is highest in 9 years
>Consumer confidence at a 16-year high
>CEO confidence highest since 2009
>US Manufacturing Index at a 33-year high
>Manufacturer confidence at a 20-year high
>Home builder confidence at 12-year high

>Appointed conservative Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court
>Trump has signed 37 bills into law and written nearly 40 Executive Orders
>The House has passed 158 bills
>Cutting regulations in government agencies (add 1, take out 2)
>So far, 16 regulations have been cut for every 1 added - 800 Obama regulations cut (saved $200+ billion)
>Presidential Executive Order on Identifying and Reducing Tax Regulatory Burdens
>Fixing lobbying laws
>Cut the White House budget - save taxpayers $22 million
>11,000 government jobs slashed under Trump - downsizing government
>Put a regulatory freeze on all federal agencies
>Signed an executive order to reduce operating costs of the federal government
>Investigating voter fraud in the 2016 election
>Senate confirmed 65 Trump nominees for various positions
>5th Trump judicial nominee confirmed - outpacing Bush and Obama - still 100+ judges to appoint
>Fired incompetent FBI Director James Comey
>Purging the State Department of Obama loyalists
>Fired all 46 attorney generals hired by Obama
>Ending many of Obama's corrupt Executive Orders
>Ben Carson Finds $500 Billion (Billion!) In Errors during Audit of Obama HUD (http://archive.is/N1jUD)
>Eliminated 1200 man hours of wasteful paperwork requirements including Y2K preparedness
>Leaks in the White House being plugged - traitors being fired

>Barring transgenders from the military - officially implemented
>Reports that more than 1/3 of the territory ISIS has lost over the past 2.5 years occurred during Trump's time in office
>ISIS leader presumedly al-Baghdadi killed + Mosul liberated
>US-backed forces have taken back more than 50% of Raqqa
>Phased out Timber Sycamore – CIA’s secret program to arm Anti-Assad rebels (and therefore ISIS)
>Announcement of a new and improved military strategy in Afghanistan - fixing the mess left by Bush and Obama
>Encouraging Middle Eastern countries to team up and to exterminate ISIS and terrorism as a whole (Qatar) - teaming up with Saudi Arabia
>Teaming up with Russia to create a ceasefire in southwest Syria - step in the right direction to end civil war
>Stopped taking **** from North Korea and upped the rhetoric
>Reworking NATO so other countries pay their fair share (Germany) - Many countries have already increased their funding (Canada, Romania, etc.)
>Rebuilding the military (planned 10% budget increase)
>Increasing funds to and modernizing the VA - better service + more accountability (VA Accountability Act) - 500 employees fired
>Signed the Forever GI Bill - improved college aid for veterans - removal of the 15 year use or lose limit
>Law to protect whistleblowers
>Afghanistan MOAB took out ISIS tunnels and killed 90+ terrorists
>Sanctioned Iran and North Korea for their missile use and Syria for their chemical attack
>Sanctioned Russia for their activity in Ukraine
>New Russia sanctions signed
>Trading missiles to Poland to protect them from Russian aggression

>President Trump has fully pardoned former sheriff Joe Arpaio
>It has been revealed that the Department of Homeland Security considers Antifa a domestic terror group
>Justice Department to take on affirmative action in colleges - anti-white discrimination BTFO
>Republicans in Congress are working on getting a SECOND Special Prosecutor to look into Comey-Clinton-Lynch connections
>DoJ investigation into intel leaks underway
>Justice Department has demanded 1.3 million IP dresses related to a major “Trump Resistance site”
>Wasserman Schultz' ex-IT aide indicted on 4 counts, including bank fraud and conspiracy against the USA
>FBI re-opens case relating to the Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting
>Large crime sweeps all over the country (MS-13)
>Seeking the harshest possible punishments for criminals
>Sending the Feds into Chicago to fix their crime epidemic
>Busting pedophile rings all over the country (hundreds arrested) + passing legislation to combat human trafficking
>Cocaine seizures at the border have more than doubled under Trump
>Trump DOJ ends Obama-era "Operation Chokepoint" - program that unfairly targeted gun dealers
>Trump has lifted restrictions imposed by Obama on the transfer of surplus military-style equipment to the police
>S. 583 - American Law Enforcement Heroes Act of 2017 - PRIORITIZES HIRING AND TRAINING OF VETERANS
>S. 419 - Public Safety Officers’ Benefits Improvement Act of 2017
>Creating a Department of Justice task force to fight against violent crimes + cartels

>In the process of repealing Obamacare
>Giving states the option to withdraw taxpayer funding from Planned Parenthood
>Defunding international groups that promote/perform abortion
>Taking action on healthcare fraud (412 arrested)
>Largest ever crackdown on opioid-related fraud (120 arrested, including doctors)
>Signed an executive order to combat drug addiction and the opioid epidemic
>Department of Transportation gives $100 million in aid for Texas infrastructure after Hurricane Harvey
>The president has signed a disaster proclamation in response to Hurricane Harvey - unleashes the full force of the federal government to help Texas
>Trump's EPA gave $100 million to Flint to help with their water crisis

>Overhauling the Department of Education - give more power to the States
>Pulling the feds from K-12 education
>DeVos looking into campus rape problem - meeting with men’s rights groups
>Huge overhaul of the federal student loan system announced
>Signed an executive order to help out historically black colleges and universities
>Getting rid of transgender bathrooms in schools - up to the states

>NCHS is reporting that whites once again make up a majority of births in the US - reversing a decade long decline
>4 out of 4 special election wins
>RNC breaking fundraising records ($13.4 million in June) while the DNC is $3.3 million in debt
>RNC pulls in $75 million in Trump’s first 6 months - DOUBLE Obama’s first 6 months
>The amount of newly registered Republicans is DECIMATING the amount of newly registered Democratic voters, especially in key states (IA, PA, NC, NV, ME)
>Unironically got a Democratic Governor to switch parties - first time in 25 years
>Proposing new policies on creating and repairing infrastructure - speed up, larger budget - will be introduced to Congress soon
>Increasing the power of the US Cyber Command - more resources to fight cyberspace threats
>Increasing funds to NASA - Mars mission by 2033
>Brought back the National Space Council
>Promoting Free Speech and Religious Liberty executive order
>New and improved policies towards Cuba (fix American tourism and the human rights of Cubans)
>Getting rid of Obama's wasteful environmental policies
>Brought home Otto Warmbier and Aya Hijazi, captives from North Korea and Egypt respectively, that Obama ignored
>Privatizing air traffic control
>The Department of Transportation has gotten rid of many Obama-era regulations regarding truck drivers
>H.R. 1238 - Securing our Agriculture and Food Act
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Old 09-27-2017   #67
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Default Re: I'm Boycotting NFL Games

still waiting for an explanation of how kicking out people who were brought here against their will and now hold down good jobs in the only country they've ever known is a good thing.

And "Sheriff Joe" is a piece of ****, pardoning him is sickening, disgusting, and a ******* slap in the face to justice and common decency. If we're going to kick out someone it should be that lying sack of power abusing ****

>Huge overhaul of the federal student loan system announced
You mean gutting protections for those who owe? Going to have to explain this one.
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Old 09-27-2017   #68
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Default Re: I'm Boycotting NFL Games

Originally Posted by Kevin View Post
still waiting for an explanation of how kicking out people who were brought here against their will and now hold down good jobs in the only country they've ever known is a good thing.

And "Sheriff Joe" is a piece of ****, pardoning him is sickening, disgusting, and a ******* slap in the face to justice and common decency. If we're going to kick out someone it should be that lying sack of power abusing ****

>Huge overhaul of the federal student loan system announced

You mean gutting protections for those who owe? Going to have to explain this one.

1. DACA- It will end in 6 months, unless Congress Acts. Many believe Obama's decision here was unconstitutional. At some point in time either we have immigration laws that we enforce or we do not. If I had to guess, the so called, "Dreamers" will stay. Trump isn't a demon for ending DACA....Obama deported more illegals than his predecessor, and I don't recall ANY outrage over that.

2. Sheriff Joe. Every President seems to pardon people that are controversial. I'm much happier to have Sheriff Joe go free than that pathetic excuse of a man Bradley Manning that Obama let out early. In fact, in a perfect world he'd be in a jail like one of Sheriff Joe's....eating old bologna sandwiches and wearing pink stripes.

3. Don't know much about student loans other than we give way too much money to people getting fairly worthless degrees. My guess is the leftists will tap hardworking taxpayers like me to cover the costs of forgiving the student loan debt. The democrat party's main trick is keeping people dependent on them by giving them other people's money.

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Old 09-27-2017   #69
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Default Re: I'm Boycotting NFL Games

In a perfect world joe would be locked under the jail for the ******** he pulled to keep himself in power. Oh you want to run against him? Suddenly you’d be under investigation or arrest for child porn. He’s a pathetic excuse for a human and an even worse man.

Also student loan debt is the only debt that you can’t get rid of. It follows you to the grave, all that was done was remove fair lending protections for those who owe.
It's not the car, it's the people - Doug Johnson
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Old 09-27-2017   #70
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Default Re: I'm Boycotting NFL Games

Originally Posted by Kevin View Post
In a perfect world joe would be locked under the jail for the ******** he pulled to keep himself in power. Oh you want to run against him? Suddenly you’d be under investigation or arrest for child porn. He’s a pathetic excuse for a human and an even worse man.

Also student loan debt is the only debt that you can’t get rid of. It follows you to the grave, all that was done was remove fair lending protections for those who owe.

1. And Bradley Manning should have been shot for treason.

2. I think it is likely that the democrat party will push for student loan forgiveness. If I recall correctly Bernie Sanders advanced the idea when he was running against Hillary. The Democrat party uses giveaways to keep people dependent on them and secure votes.

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