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Old 04-11-2012   #21
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Default Re: Close to an end? Obama an illegal.

Originally Posted by USAFPILOT View Post
Well since Obama is half white he must be in the KKK, right?
dunno but he doesn't wear a US flag pin on his lapel so he must be communist right? And he has a dog so he must hate cats, right? And there are two birth notices in two different Hawaiian newspapers from the early 60s so there must have been a conspiracy to fake his birth dating from five decades ago, right. Seems to me he got the Bin Ladin, got GM in record profits and doing what he can on the economy from what was handed to him by the "where are those darn WMDs" Bush.

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Old 04-11-2012   #22
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Default Re: Close to an end? Obama an illegal.

So, nobody sends me anything pro Obama. This is the first I've heard of birth notices. Where can I find them?
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Old 04-11-2012   #23
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Default Re: Close to an end? Obama an illegal.

Originally Posted by efnfast View Post
So, nobody sends me anything pro Obama. This is the first I've heard of birth notices. Where can I find them?
I think most middle American's don't believe the BS that is circulated about Obama. I mean you have the blind sheep that just pass it along to go along but thinking people can see through it. (mostly Obama bashing in emails or cheap shots in forums like this) I mean it is SOOO over the top biased that most of us are just waiting for the election. Why waist time with the haters.

The birth notices were reported by a similar news feed as the one that got this thread started. You'd have to see it or ask that reporter. Not too many papers on the big island though. I think those that brought it up are way backed off now. It'd be such a waste of political ammo in the coming election that it would be stupid. And you can bet the big companies backing the team of Romney lovers and their think tank will not be so stupid.

Not much gets said about the wars that were started before Obama took office and that we're turning it over to the locals now. That's really too bad. He's way far from perfect and is quite hideous looking but as Pres he's done an honest and credible job. It's just too bad he wasted the first two years trying to get along with the like of "the Boner".

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Last edited by scottfab; 04-12-2012 at 02:51 AM.
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Old 04-12-2012   #24
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Default Re: Close to an end? Obama an illegal.

[QUOTE=scottfab;138031]Not much gets said about the wars that were started before Obama took office and that we're turning it over to the locals now. That's really too bad.

Like Korea-Truman (D)NOT, Kosovo- Clinton(D)NOT, Somolia- Clinton(D) what locals, and believe me he has us in Pakistan fighting. I know I have the T-shirts. We just moved all of our stuff to Kuwait and moth balled it because we're going back. And he scares me playing chicken with Iran. All the while tearing down and weaking the military. Don't ask Don't tell was bad enough.... A community organizer defending our country Lord help us!
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Old 04-12-2012   #25
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Default Re: Close to an end? Obama an illegal.

Originally Posted by scottfab View Post
Not much gets said about the wars that were started before Obama took office and that we're turning it over to the locals now. That's really too bad.

Like Korea-Truman (D)NOT, Kosovo- Clinton(D)NOT, Somolia- Clinton(D) what locals, and believe me he has us in Pakistan fighting. I know I have the T-shirts. We just moved all of our stuff to Kuwait and moth balled it because we're going back. And he scares me playing chicken with Iran. All the while tearing down and weaking the military. Don't ask Don't tell was bad enough.... A community organizer defending our country Lord help us!

What's your problem w the repeal of DADT? And that "community organizer",
has more capability and balls to defend this country from terrorism than "chickenhawks" Bush, 5 time draft dodger Cheney, and other cowards like Richard Pearl, Scooter Libby, Doug Feith et al. The lord has helped us.
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Old 04-12-2012   #26
John Boothby
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Default Re: Close to an end? Obama an illegal.

Well, I guess I will get my two-cents in.

Korea was a UN thing after North Korea invaded South Korea. I also believe that Somalia was a UN thing. We still recognize our responsibility to our allies.

I do beleive we were right in going after the Taliban in Afganistan, however there appears to have been no plan. As far as Iraq, my heartfelt thanks goes out to all the troops that were involved in that political Bush grudge war. I blame Bush and his cronies Chaney and Rove, among others, for the loss of over 4K of our finest! I am a Vietnam vet, and I know what it is like to serve our country in a worthless war. In my case over 58K of us died for what! Not a F...ing thing! And I have good friends that were lost in that war. My war started with Eisenhower then Kennedy then Johnson and finally Nixon, who did finally get us out of it. As much of a scoundral that he was, I do respect him for getting us out of that war.

War sucks and shouldn't be taken lightly. I respect our president for recognizing this fact!

Well, I know that my two cents probably is not worth much to some of you, but I had to spend it anyway.

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Old 04-12-2012   #27
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Default Re: Close to an end? Obama an illegal.

Originally Posted by John Boothby View Post

War sucks and shouldn't be taken lightly. I respect our president for recognizing this fact!

Well, I know that my two cents probably is not worth much to some of you, but I had to spend it anyway.

We are all brother's in the ZR-1 and we are also all AMERICANS!!
Probably the best two cents in this entire thread. Thanks for adding it. As one who was drafted but told to stand down just 2 wks before having to report for duty in 73 I do agree with the Nixon assessment.

What a worthless title for a thread to begin with. Don't know how I got pulled into the negative hate crap anyway. I normally just laugh off such stuff the same way I do when I see a cigarette but on the sidewalk.

One thing I will say, the one guy with the best chance at winning from the opposition party is Mitt. At least it's not that Newt Grinch guy. What a piece of work that one is.

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Old 04-12-2012   #28
John Boothby
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Default Re: Close to an end? Obama an illegal.

You are lucky to have missed that war!

I had a good friend, Maj Bob Brown, who was lost, along with his weapons officer, flying an F-111 out of Thailand on a solo flight to Hanoi Nov 7, 1972, just weeks before the cease-fire. What a waste!! They still do not know what happened to him and have not retrieved his remains. The strange thing is, from what I had heared from his wife (now deceased), they found his escape capsule and personal belongings in a museum in Russia some years after. I still have his MIA/POW bracelet that I wear occasionally.
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Old 04-12-2012   #29
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Default Re: Close to an end? Obama an illegal.

So here we have Mitt. He's from Mass. I moved out of Mass. Political coruptness is business as usual there. Great. Seems all our politicians do what is good for them. Period. Remember when the "pink slime" thing hit the news. Did this woman work for the FDA, I forget, and she's not in the news anymore. She is the news in this story. Know where she is now? She works for the Pink Slime Co. making $750 thouwy a year. That's the news.
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Old 04-12-2012   #30
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Default Re: Close to an end? Obama an illegal.

Maybe I'm getting old and cynical. Maybe I'm getting old and actually paying attention to what's going on. Maybe things really are getting bad. Where's George Washington when you need him?
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