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Old 04-12-2012   #41
John Boothby
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Default Re: Close to an end? Obama an illegal.

Originally Posted by FU2 View Post
Funny that you mention having a Big Mac every couple of month's. I do the same ! Don't like the thought of the "Pink Slime" thingy.
It's funny isn't it? I mean the craving thing. Probably some secret ingrediant they put in to increase sales!! Ha Ha!
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Old 04-12-2012   #42
John Boothby
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Default Re: Close to an end? Obama an illegal.

I admire Ford for not taking the bailout. However, Ford is a much smaller company than GM. Also, Alan Mulally, was called out of retirement to head up a struggling Ford just a couple of years prior. He was the Project Manager for Boeing on the 777. He did an amazing job on that project! So, they did themselves well by hiring him!!
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Old 04-12-2012   #43
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Default Re: Close to an end? Obama an illegal.

Originally Posted by Dynomite View Post
The BIG QUESTION is.....Do you take your ZR1 through the McDonalds Drive Through (Drive Thru)?
I have only driven my ZR-1 through the Inn-n-Out burger drive-thru.
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Old 04-12-2012   #44
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Default Re: Close to an end? Obama an illegal.

Originally Posted by Dynomite View Post
Maybe this will help explain

Are Ford Workers Really Paid $73 per Hour?
Thanks Cliff, that was a good article, but unless I read it wrong, compensation package was $75.00 p/h.
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Old 04-12-2012   #45
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Default Re: Close to an end? Obama an illegal.

Originally Posted by XfireZ51 View Post
No UAW worker made or makes $82/hr. That's more Faux Noise bs.
Here's a good article outlining actual hourly wages, then including benefits.
THEN there is a cost associated w funding retiree pensions which the auto companies signed on to. http://www.leanblog.org/2009/02/problem-isnt-union/

Seriously, do you know of ANY auto assembly worker making $170K/yr?
Because that's what $82/hr calcs to. They actually make about $28/hr. + benefits. Sometimes it helps to think about what these numbers mean before just regurgitating them and damaging your credibility.
I hear that same bloated faux noise BS from time to time. I think these people get fuzzy brain from too much "pink slime". It good to see real facts being posted.

Remember that game in grade school where something is whispered in someones ear the passed on around the room and comes out different from the last one in line? That's I think how $82/hr stuff starts and propagates. Next you'll hear the unions are communist conspiracies or extra terrestrials. . The sad fact is facebook and media like the forum make it easier to spread false info.

Challenge what you hear. Hear both sides. Use common sense. Don't jump on a band wagon out of hate.

Vett owner since 1979._It's about the car and the people
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Old 04-12-2012   #46
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Default Re: Close to an end? Obama an illegal.

Originally Posted by scottfab View Post

Challenge what you hear. Hear both sides. Use common sense. Don't jump on a band wagon out of hate.
Common sense has become a rare trait these days!
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Old 04-12-2012   #47
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Default Re: Close to an end? Obama an illegal.

Guy's, I'm bailing on this. Exactly who's facts do we believe? Facts are indisputable. Every time I hear a "fact", tomorrow it turns out it really isn't. 'Nough said.
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Old 04-12-2012   #48
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Default Re: Close to an end? Obama an illegal.

Originally Posted by MikeGolf View Post


What's your problem w the repeal of DADT? And that "community organizer",
has more capability and balls to defend this country from terrorism than "chickenhawks" Bush, 5 time draft dodger Cheney, and other cowards like Richard Pearl, Scooter Libby, Doug Feith et al. The lord has helped us.
If the Lord has helped us, Obama has not slowed down that $4 gas. Can I hear a $5
DADT no problem, They got caught they got kicked out, simple. But now that soldiers can be openly gay we have a problem. Let us look at this legally and logically. Basic Training. We seperate the males and the females into different barracks for a reason. Correct? Fraternzation goes on every cycle and we can't stop it. We have young men and women with raging harmones away from home for the first time for most in close quarters. Now do we seperate the straight males from the gay males and the the gay male by orientation(?) and the do female the same? Just to stop fraternzation. This a legal concern. Let's not forget your transgender. How many check SEX boxes do we need to be PC. Now let us move this into the military main stream. I can only talk about the Infantry. I was an Infantryman for 26 yrs and we had no sexual harassment problems. But today an Infantry leader will have to deal with male/male harassment and fraternzation. On the harassment side a leader cannot watch all his soldiers 24 hrs a day a day can not read their minds, but accidents happen in combat and in training, FACT. This will bring down the morale of the fight soldier. So yes I do have a problem with it, Not becuase of a soldiers sexual orientation but that of two soldiers orientation together. Male/female or male/male or female/female. But I claiming to be a lesbian.
George W signed a blank check saying that he would give his life if need be in the defense of his country as did his father. Did Obama ever sign anything saying he would give his life defending this country and it's people? NOPE. Watching it on TV and playing the video game isn't the same. Going into a war zone with more protection than the Pope doesn't give you combat experience. The last President with Combat experience was George H..
"Nuff Said"- Stan Lee

Last edited by MikeGolf; 04-12-2012 at 07:28 PM.
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Old 04-12-2012   #49
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Default Re: Close to an end? Obama an illegal.

Originally Posted by XfireZ51 View Post

If the Lord has helped us, Obama has not slowed down that $4 gas. Can I hear a $5
DADT no problem, They got caught they got kicked out, simple. But now that soldiers can be openly gay we have a problem. Let us look at this legally and logically. Basic Training. We seperate the males and the females into different barracks for a reason. Correct? Fraternzation goes on every cycle and we can't stop it. We have young men and women with raging harmones away from home for the first time for most in close quarters. Now do we seperate the straight males from the gay males and the the gay male by orientation(?) and the do female the same? Just to stop fraternzation. This a legal concern. Let's not forget your transgender. How many check SEX boxes do we need to be PC. Now let us move this into the military main stream. I can only talk about the Infantry. I was an Infantryman for 26 yrs and we had no sexual harassment problems. But today an Infantry leader will have to deal with male/male harassment and fraternzation. On the harassment side a leader cannot watch all his soldiers 24 hrs a day a day can not read their minds, but accidents happen in combat and in training, FACT. This will bring down the morale of the fight soldier. So yes I do have a problem with it, Not becuase of a soldiers sexual orientation but that of two soldiers orientation together. Male/female or male/male or female/female. But I claiming to be a lesbian.
George W signed a blank check saying that he would give his life if need be in the defense of his country as did his father. Did Obama ever sign anything saying he would give his life defending this country and it's people? NOPE. Watching it on TV and playing the video game isn't the same. Going into a war zone with more protection than the Pope doesn't give you combat experience. The last President with Combat experience was George H..
"Nuff Said"- Stan Lee
I don't have combat experience. What does that make me?
A president can't be a good president without signing something that say's he'd give his life? hmmm
George H was an exceptional individual. A war hero.
FYI here is the Presidential Oath. Seems pretty straight forward.
nuff said. Oh I mean typed.
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

Europe has shown the unisex bathrooms work.
I got use to it while there.
I don't think we can underestimate the ability of today's soldier to adapt.
I'd prefer this to all go away but if it's here it's here.
Putting our head in the sand does not make it go away.
I respect the opinion of those who have served and served many years.
And yet that was then. This is now. Times change.
In the last 4yrs I've adapted to the idea that gays are in fact people
and deserve to be treated as such. It's time the nation think it through.

Now on to health care
Oh boy.......
Nah, time to let this thread die of natural causes.

Vett owner since 1979._It's about the car and the people
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Old 04-12-2012   #50
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Default Re: Close to an end? Obama an illegal.

Originally Posted by XfireZ51 View Post

If the Lord has helped us, Obama has not slowed down that $4 gas. Can I hear a $5
DADT no problem, They got caught they got kicked out, simple. But now that soldiers can be openly gay we have a problem. Let us look at this legally and logically. Basic Training. We seperate the males and the females into different barracks for a reason. Correct? Fraternzation goes on every cycle and we can't stop it. We have young men and women with raging harmones away from home for the first time for most in close quarters. Now do we seperate the straight males from the gay males and the the gay male by orientation(?) and the do female the same? Just to stop fraternzation. This a legal concern. Let's not forget your transgender. How many check SEX boxes do we need to be FPC. Now let us move this into the military main stream. I can only talk about the Infantry. I was an Infantryman for 26 yrs and we had no sexual harassment problems. But today an Infantry leader will have to deal with male/male harassment and fraternzation. On the harassment side a leader cannot watch all his soldiers 24 hrs a day a day can not read their minds, but accidents happen in combat and in training, FACT. This will bring down the morale of the fight soldier. So yes I do have a problem with it, Not becuase of a soldiers sexual orientation but that of two soldiers orientation together. Male/female or male/male or female/female. But I claiming to be a lesbian.
George W signed a blank check saying that he would give his life if need be in the defense of his country as did his father. Did Obama ever sign anything saying he would give his life defending this country and it's people? NOPE. Watching it on TV and playing the video game isn't the same. Going into a war zone with more protection than the Pope doesn't give you combat experience. The last President with Combat experience was George H..
"Nuff Said"- Stan Lee

Let me make it simpler for you. They get shot or blown up, they bleed red.
That's enough said.

And it's easy to sign a blank check about serving your country when it's your daddy that make sure it never gets cashed. BTW, where was W for a year? Nobody's saying. Rehab??-

I'm assuming you won't be voting for Romney if service in the military is a criteria. Do missions in France count?
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